drives new liberal catch phrase: ‘Tea party downgrade’

How can anyone be so stupid r so blind as to really think its the tea party' fault we got a downgrade

How do you liberals explain Obama having the house and senate for 2 years and didnt do shit now the tea partys been in the house a few months so you blame them. Thats all I ever hear from the left is name calling and finger pointing.

by the same "fuck you, I'll take my ball and go home if I don't get my way" standard of policy that we saw in Michigan being used in the House.

Pretty easy concept, really. Your kind refuse to compromise and insist on a slash and burn strategy until you get your foot stomping way. Well, child, I guess it's time to deal with the aftermath of your agenda.
The Democrats didn't even present a budget in 800 days! 2 whole years without a budget and $1.4 trillion deficits, and they blame the Tea Party? LOL

This is the same way they call FDR "Great", Joe McCarthy a traitor and LBJ "When I appoint a ****** (Thurgood Marshall) to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******" a Civil Rights "Hero"

Too fucking bad they lost their media monopoly.
Americans overwhelmingly blame the Tea Party for the downgrade.

That a few weirdos here disagree does not change reality.

based on polling only. lets see what happens in November of 2012, or we can see in the gubenetorial and state races in 2011, during the only poll that counts.

That will be the ultimate polling, yes, on election day.

For today, we have what we have, and that shows the Tea Party is responsible to the great number of Americans for the downgrade.


Blame the Tea Party

Blame the Tea Party

Blame the Tea Party

Blame the Tea Party
How can anyone be so stupid r so blind as to really think its the tea party' fault we got a downgrade

How do you liberals explain Obama having the house and senate for 2 years and didnt do shit now the tea partys been in the house a few months so you blame them. Thats all I ever hear from the left is name calling and finger pointing.

by the same "fuck you, I'll take my ball and go home if I don't get my way" standard of policy that we saw in Michigan being used in the House.

Pretty easy concept, really. Your kind refuse to compromise and insist on a slash and burn strategy until you get your foot stomping way. Well, child, I guess it's time to deal with the aftermath of your agenda.

What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.
i consider myself a total liberal but was too much for me....they just got more and more out there......i joined at first but too many odd ideas rolled by in my email....i finally resigned
How can anyone be so stupid r so blind as to really think its the tea party' fault we got a downgrade

How do you liberals explain Obama having the house and senate for 2 years and didnt do shit now the tea partys been in the house a few months so you blame them. Thats all I ever hear from the left is name calling and finger pointing.

by the same "fuck you, I'll take my ball and go home if I don't get my way" standard of policy that we saw in Michigan being used in the House.

Pretty easy concept, really. Your kind refuse to compromise and insist on a slash and burn strategy until you get your foot stomping way. Well, child, I guess it's time to deal with the aftermath of your agenda.

What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.

no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!
Americans overwhelmingly blame the Tea Party for the downgrade.

That a few weirdos here disagree does not change reality.

Yea, ok, Jokey. Clearly, you know everything and the rest of us should stand in awe at your incredible insight into the minds of Americans.

Which we absolutely would - if you weren't such a total fucking idiot. :lol:
The TEA Party didn't have the votes to pass anything. It's the Democrat/Republican Downgrade and you know it.

Don't go along with the establishment lies.

And it's a good thing, because if they had gotten their way and the debt ceiling wasn't raised, it would have been a frigging disaster. Read the report.

As it stands, we took a small hit, but the compromise saved us from a larger downgrade.

The report also clearly indicated that they wanted more cuts (to include social security, which is a non-starter) and an increase in revenue.

So neither party can claim that the other party dorked this up. Hell, both sides voted for it.
by the same "fuck you, I'll take my ball and go home if I don't get my way" standard of policy that we saw in Michigan being used in the House.

Pretty easy concept, really. Your kind refuse to compromise and insist on a slash and burn strategy until you get your foot stomping way. Well, child, I guess it's time to deal with the aftermath of your agenda.

What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.

no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

There was no default and Obama got unlimited refills of his crack spending pipe until his one term ends.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about?
by the same "fuck you, I'll take my ball and go home if I don't get my way" standard of policy that we saw in Michigan being used in the House.

Pretty easy concept, really. Your kind refuse to compromise and insist on a slash and burn strategy until you get your foot stomping way. Well, child, I guess it's time to deal with the aftermath of your agenda.

What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.

no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

What happened to the Tsunami and the Arab Spring and bank ATM and airport kiosks?

You Liberals make schizophrenics look mentally stable
What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.

no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

There was no default and Obama got unlimited refills of his crack spending pipe until his one term ends.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

no default because some republicans had to break away from T(errorist) party control of their policies since 2010. Are you seriously acting like I can't quote a plethora of T(errorist) partiers insisting that we default into chaos rather than *gasp* raise the debt ceiling, you crazy fuck?


What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.

no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

What happened to the Tsunami and the Arab Spring and bank ATM and airport kiosks?

You Liberals make schizophrenics look mentally stable

NOW wtf are you trying to cloud the water with, octopussy?
What the fuck are you talking about? Obama got the debt ceiling raised and kicked the can until the end of his one term.

no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

What happened to the Tsunami and the Arab Spring and bank ATM and airport kiosks?

You Liberals make schizophrenics look mentally stable

They're becoming so confused with their spin and lies that they can't keep the bullshit straight anymore.

Fear will do that.
no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

There was no default and Obama got unlimited refills of his crack spending pipe until his one term ends.

Again, what the fuck are you talking about?

no default because some republicans had to break away from T(errorist) party control of their policies since 2010. Are you seriously acting like I can't quote a plethora of T(errorist) partiers insisting that we default into chaos rather than *gasp* raise the debt ceiling, you crazy fuck?



But we didn't default. Obama rejected the Cut, Cap and Balance that would have saved the AAA rating because it would not allow him unlimited refills on his spending crack pipe until after the end of his one miserable term

Are you saying we defaulted?
no thanks to the T(errorists) party politicians that chose deadlock over compromise until the very last second.

Enjoy that bed you just made, buddy!

What happened to the Tsunami and the Arab Spring and bank ATM and airport kiosks?

You Liberals make schizophrenics look mentally stable

NOW wtf are you trying to cloud the water with, octopussy?

I'm trying to keep track of all the Obama excuses for the bad economy, Buckwheat
One more reason to dislike the tea party.

They take NO responsibility for the messes they causse.
Frank, we are talking about the mess the Tea Party has made, not Obama.

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