Movies That Surprised You


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Hard coming up with original ideas anymore, so very few movies take me by surprise. One that recently did though was "Seven Psychopaths" Went in thinking it was a remake of "Seven Samurai" - it isn't. :) First scene took me completely by surprise ;)

Another was "Seven Pounds" End I was balling like a little boy who just saw his pet dog die. I tear up pretty easily, but I was literally balling on this one. :)
Dirty Pretty Things. I don't even remember why I put that movie in my Netflix queue. Since I did not remember why, I went into it with really low expectations and proceeded to be seriously entertained.

Every single actor in that movie does a stellar job.
Spanglish was a surprise for me, but sadly it was not a good one, that film was so boring and I thought that it was going to be funny with Adam Sandler being the star.

God bless you and him always!!! :) :) :)


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