Mr. Trump, please clarify that the deportations will be prioritized based on threat to America

You are a Zionist Fascist Left Wing LIAR...

Nah. I'm an independent who sometimes lies and I worship the one true God.

I will pray you seek his truth.

There were 58,038 encounters at the southwest border last month,
From your links. Did you pull your propaganda from the wrong folder?

The man, a UK citizen, arrived on a flight from France and claimed the luggage was given to him by a family member.
Nah. I'm an independent who sometimes lies and I worship the one true God.

I will pray you seek his truth.

From your links. Did you pull your propaganda from the wrong folder?

The man, a UK citizen, arrived on a flight from France and claimed the luggage was given to him by a family member.

You just said the US border was not open.

There were 58k crossings last month.
I disagree with usatoday's notion that Haitians are here "legally." That's only because they get a special status upon entering this country, even if they enter illegally. You can thank Bill Clinton for that:

"Cuban-Haitian Entrants are “qualified aliens” under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 and may be eligible for certain federal public benefits, including Medicaid, Refugee Cash and Medical Assistance, Refugee Social Services, Social Security, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and Federal Student Aid."

"Section 501(e) of the Refugee Education Assistance Act of 1980 (REAA) states that an individual is a CHE (Cuban-Haitian Entrant) if they are:
  • An individual granted parole as a Cuban-Haitian Entrant (Status Pending) or any other special status[1] subsequently established under the immigration laws for nationals of Cuba or Haiti, regardless of the status of the individual at the time assistance or services are provided;[2] or
  • A national of Cuba or Haiti who is not subject to a final, non-appealable and legally enforceable removal order, and:[3]
    • Was paroled into the United States and has not acquired any other status under the Immigration and Nationality Act; or
    • Is in removal proceedings under the Immigration and Nationality Act; or
    • Has an application for asylum pending with USCIS."
Information for SAVE Users: Cuban-Haitian Entrants | USCIS
Spot on JG

Trump has zero authority to deport law-abiding immigrants.

Nobody is talking about deporting immigrants who are here legally. It's illegal aliens Trump will deport, and you'd better believe he can deport every one of them if he wants to.

"The National Immigration Act of 1924 regulated immigration in the U.S. and established a quota for granting visas. Under this law, only 2% of immigrants from a certain nationality were given visas while it did not apply to immigrants from Asia.[9]

In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, between 355,000 and 1.8 million Mexicans and Mexican Americans were deported or repatriated to Mexico, an estimated 40–60% of whom were U.S. citizens – overwhelmingly children. This became known as the Mexican Repatriation. Some of the repatriations by local governments took place in the form of raids. At least 82,000 people were formally deported between 1929 and 1935 by the government. Voluntary repatriations were more common than deportations.[10][11]

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 created preferences for immigration to the U.S. based on desired skilled-workers and family reunification. Aside from that, it also made the process of deportation easier, as it permitted people to be fined as well as arrested if they were living with an undocumented alien or rented a home to one.[12] The rise of Mexican deportation continued during World War II, through a program established by the collaboration of the U.S. government and the Mexican government, known as the Bracero Program.[5] This program allowed for the short-term legal immigration of Mexican immigrants to the U.S. for the purposes of filling the gap of agricultural workers due to the war. Along with that, a wave of undocumented Mexican immigrants migrated to the U.S. in search of these job opportunities as well.[5] As a result, Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr. created Operation Wetback, which was responsible for the deportation of around 300,000 undocumented Mexican immigrants.[13]"

Deportation and removal from the United States - Wikipedia
Some people right here talk about it all the time.

I'm not responsible for what some people say. If an immigrant is here legally, fine. If they illegally-crossed the border, then they need to be sent back where they came from.
How do you know?

The Border Patrol made 58,038 arrests on the Mexican border during the month,

The Border Patrol made 58,038 arrests on the Mexican border during the month,
If the border patrol made 58,038 arrests, how are the borders open?

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