Mr. Trump, Why Is Your Administration Helping Kill Women?


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) is a cancer vaccine. Unlike traditional vaccines, which boost the body’s immune system to help prevent infections, this vaccine boosts the immune system to help it attack prostate cancer cells....This vaccine is made specifically for each man. To make it, white blood cells (cells of the immune system) are removed from your blood over a few hours while you are hooked up to a special machine. The cells are then sent to a lab, where they are exposed to a protein from prostate cancer cells called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). The cells are then sent back to the doctor’s office or hospital, where they are given back to you by infusion into a vein (IV). This process is repeated 2 more times, 2 weeks apart, so that you get 3 doses of cells. The cells help your other immune system cells attack the prostate cancer.
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer

This process is right now, as we sit, approved for use in men by the FDA. The IDENTICAL embryological tissue type corollary in women (uterine cells), the most common type of killer for women's gynecological cancers, remains without the same exact process known to work.

Taking the protein signatures from cancer cells is not limited to prostate cancer. It can be done with any cancer. What works even better is if they get a biopsied tumor sample and use it's varied genetic signatures to produce an even more comprehensive immune response to that particular type of cell protein.

One is approved and helping lives. The other is simply not available. Not even for compassionate uses. More here: BigCancer Industry Throws Women Under The Bus

Simply put, Trump's FDA has decided men can live and women can die. Not long ago (2016, a DEMOCRAT administration compassionate fast-track), the FDA ramrodded through, as a favor to BigPharma, the use of Keytruda for cancers that hadn't even passed clinical testing for it's use. The reason why it was shoved through (thankfully) is because of other cancer it did have an effect on and the surmised prediction that how it worked with that cancer (solid tumor by general attack from the body's immune system hyped up), it would work with others.

So given that prostate and uterine cells are basically the same cell type, why isn't there a vaccine for women while one for men is FDA approved? Using the same logic as the Keytruda push-through, we should see the same policy. But we don't. And as I said before I suspect that because uterine cancer is the most common type, in order for Trump's BigCancer to continue to get your sympathy donations and maintain it's cruel and archaic methods of treatment (chemo/radiation) and all the college degrees reliant upon those industries, they hand-selected a very large group of cancer patients (the largest, women uterine) to throw under the bus. (to knowingly deny treatment to. Put simply, to slaughter for money).

Mr. Trump? Your Administration's thoughts? Is it time for a Keytruda-type fast track for a surmised (but not proven) fast-track for a women's uterine cancer vaccine? Same cell type. Same basic proven process. Not even in "compassionate use"? Really?

If you're a woman, would you vote for an administration that is complicit in the slaughter of women for money? I think I'm going to change my affiliation, particularly in Congressional races unless this injustice is righted. It's absolutely disgusting. Death for money. Do NOT give any more money to "cancer research" because I guarantee you the research is heavily rigged to preserve a cash cow at the suffering of women.
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Go ahead and give to cancer research. But when you do, remember that the conservative view on cancer research says that the largest group of cancer sufferers and deaths don't get that money:

In 2010: (alternate pdf study link: Uterine Cancer Understudied 2010.pdf )

Endometrial cancer is the most commonly diagnosed gynecologic malignancy in the United States. In 2008, approximately 40,000 cases were newly diagnosed. Although the majority of these cancers are curable by means of hysterectomy and radiotherapy, a subset of endometrial tumors exhibits an aggressive phenotype characterized by lymphovascular invasion, high histological grade, and myometrial invasion, leading to poor prognosis. The mechanisms involved in this aggressive transformation are largely unknown, however, interactions between the primary tumor mass and the surrounding stroma likely play a role in this transformation. Despite the fact that research in other common malignancies has elucidated important associations between stromal protein expression and invasion, these mechanisms have been poorly explored in the area of endometrial cancer. In fact, few investigations have been conducted in the area of tumor microenvironment for endometrial tumors. Future directions in the field of endometrial cancer research: the need to investigate the tumor microenvironment. - PubMed - NCBI


And 2016: Working together to shape the endometrial cancer research agenda: The top ten unanswered research questions - ScienceDirect
alternate pdf link ( Uterine Cancer Underfunded 2016.pdf )

Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynaecological cancer in developed nations and its incidence is rising. As a direct consequence, more women are dying from EC despite advances in care and improved survivorship. There is a lack of research activity and funding, as well as public awareness about EC. We sought to engage patients, carers and healthcare professionals to identify the most important unanswered research questions in EC.

So, in case you missed it: In 2010 we have uterine cancer, the most common killer of women in the US, being under-researched and concern being published about that. And, in 2016 we have uterine cancer, the most common killer of women in the US, being under-researched and concern being published about that.

Stay tuned for a report in 2022 where six years hence we'll have a report that uterine cancer, the most common killer of women in the US, is still under-researched.

Go ahead and break out your pocketbooks to give to "cancer research". And don't forget, vote republican! And if you're a man, be sure to go out and get your prostate cancer vaccine already approved by the FDA and in use. Got the same embryonic cancer cell type but also a vagina? Go shopping for a grave site. You know how you ladies like shopping!
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Better the outright abolition of the FDA.
Or how about Trump's FDA not arbitrarily selecting one gender for slaughter in order to preserve the archaic cancer-treatment industries? Looks kind of sexist, doesn't it?
You blames Trump's FDA yet cite references from well before his term in office. That makes you a moron!
Note the edit in the OP. The references from before say that a DEMOCRAT policy in 2016 was what fast-tracked Keytruda on surmised applicability only, not proven clinical trials. It was done as an act of compassion. I'll wait to see if this administration can do the same when men are being saved and women not with the same type of potential in surmised-returns for success in a wider application.
I'd have to guess that Trump's administration is helping to kill women because we've deported so many illegals, we've had to sub out their work to citizens now.
Go ahead and give to cancer research. But when you do, remember that the conservative view on cancer research says that the largest group of cancer sufferers and deaths don't get that money:

In 2010:

Endometrial cancer is the most commonly diagnosed gynecologic malignancy in the United States. In 2008, approximately 40,000 cases were newly diagnosed. Although the majority of these cancers are curable by means of hysterectomy and radiotherapy, a subset of endometrial tumors exhibits an aggressive phenotype characterized by lymphovascular invasion, high histological grade, and myometrial invasion, leading to poor prognosis. The mechanisms involved in this aggressive transformation are largely unknown, however, interactions between the primary tumor mass and the surrounding stroma likely play a role in this transformation. Despite the fact that research in other common malignancies has elucidated important associations between stromal protein expression and invasion, these mechanisms have been poorly explored in the area of endometrial cancer. In fact, few investigations have been conducted in the area of tumor microenvironment for endometrial tumors. Future directions in the field of endometrial cancer research: the need to investigate the tumor microenvironment. - PubMed - NCBI


And 2016: Working together to shape the endometrial cancer research agenda: The top ten unanswered research questions - ScienceDirect

Endometrial cancer (EC) is the most common gynaecological cancer in developed nations and its incidence is rising. As a direct consequence, more women are dying from EC despite advances in care and improved survivorship. There is a lack of research activity and funding, as well as public awareness about EC. We sought to engage patients, carers and healthcare professionals to identify the most important unanswered research questions in EC.

So, in case you missed it: In 2010 we have uterine cancer, the most common killer of women in the US, being under-researched and concern being published about that. And, in 2016 we have uterine cancer, the most common killer of women in the US, being under-researched and concern being published about that.

Stay tuned for a report in 2022 where six years hence we'll have a report that uterine cancer, the most common killer of women in the US, is still under-researched.

Go ahead and break out your pocketbooks to give to "cancer research". And don't forget, vote republican! And if you're a man, be sure to go out and get your prostate cancer vaccine already approved by the FDA and in use. Got the same embryonic cancer cell type but also a vagina? Go shopping for a grave site. You know how you ladies like shopping!
2010 and 2016. Seems to me that there was someone else around. How is this Trumps doing?
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) is a cancer vaccine. Unlike traditional vaccines, which boost the body’s immune system to help prevent infections, this vaccine boosts the immune system to help it attack prostate cancer cells....This vaccine is made specifically for each man. To make it, white blood cells (cells of the immune system) are removed from your blood over a few hours while you are hooked up to a special machine. The cells are then sent to a lab, where they are exposed to a protein from prostate cancer cells called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). The cells are then sent back to the doctor’s office or hospital, where they are given back to you by infusion into a vein (IV). This process is repeated 2 more times, 2 weeks apart, so that you get 3 doses of cells. The cells help your other immune system cells attack the prostate cancer.
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer

This process is right now, as we sit, approved for use in men by the FDA. The IDENTICAL embryological tissue type corollary in women (uterine cells), the most common type of killer for women's gynecological cancers, remains without the same exact process known to work.

Taking the protein signatures from cancer cells is not limited to prostate cancer. It can be done with any cancer. What works even better is if they get a biopsied tumor sample and use it's varied genetic signatures to produce an even more comprehensive immune response to that particular type of cell protein.

One is approved and helping lives. The other is simply not available. Not even for compassionate uses. More here: BigCancer Industry Throws Women Under The Bus

Simply put, Trump's FDA has decided men can live and women can die. Not long ago (2016, a DEMOCRAT administration compassionate fast-track), the FDA ramrodded through, as a favor to BigPharma, the use of Keytruda for cancers that hadn't even passed clinical testing for it's use. The reason why it was shoved through (thankfully) is because of other cancer it did have an effect on and the surmised prediction that how it worked with that cancer (solid tumor by general attack from the body's immune system hyped up), it would work with others.

So given that prostate and uterine cells are basically the same cell type, why isn't there a vaccine for women while one for men is FDA approved? Using the same logic as the Keytruda push-through, we should see the same policy. But we don't. And as I said before I suspect that because uterine cancer is the most common type, in order for Trump's BigCancer to continue to get your sympathy donations and maintain it's cruel and archaic methods of treatment (chemo/radiation) and all the college degrees reliant upon those industries, they hand-selected a very large group of cancer patients (the largest, women uterine) to throw under the bus. (to knowingly deny treatment to. Put simply, to slaughter for money).

Mr. Trump? Your Administration's thoughts? Is it time for a Keytruda-type fast track for a surmised (but not proven) fast-track for a women's uterine cancer vaccine? Same cell type. Same basic proven process. Not even in "compassionate use"? Really?

If you're a woman, would you vote for an administration that is complicit in the slaughter of women for money? I think I'm going to change my affiliation, particularly in Congressional races unless this injustice is righted. It's absolutely disgusting. Death for money. Do NOT give any more money to "cancer research" because I guarantee you the research is heavily rigged to preserve a cash cow at the suffering of women.
According to this wikipedia article...this drug does NOT save lives.

'The treatment cost $93,000 at FDA approval, rising to over $100,000 in 2014.'


Sipuleucel-T showed overall survival (OS) benefit to patients in three double-blind randomized phase III clinical trials, D9901,[5] D9902a,[8][9] and IMPACT.[4]

The IMPACT trial[4] served as the basis for FDA licensing. This trial enrolled 512 patients with asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic metastatic HRPC randomized in a 2:1 ratio. The median survival time for sipuleucel-T patients was 25.8 months comparing to 21.7 months for placebo-treated patients, an increase of 4.1 months.[10] 31.7% of treated patients survived for 36 months vs. 23.0% in the control arm.[11] Overall survival was statistically significant(P=0.032). The longer survival without tumor shrinkage or change in progression is surprising. This may suggest the effect of an unmeasured variable.[7] The trial was conducted pursuant to a FDA Special Protocol Assessment (SPA), a set of guidelines binding trial investigators to specific agreed-upon parameters with respect to trial design, procedures and endpoints; compliance ensured overall scientific integrity and accelerated FDA approval.[citation needed]

The D9901 trial[5] enrolled 127 patients with asymptomatic metastatic HRPC randomized in a 2:1 ratio. The median survival time for patients treated with sipuleucel-T was 25.9 months comparing to 21.4 months for placebo-treated patients. Overall survival was statistically significant (P=0.01).

The D9902a trial[8] was designed like the D9901 trial but enrolled 98 patients. The median survival time for patients treated with sipuleucel-T was 19.0 months comparing to 15.3 months for placebo-treated patients, but did not reach statistical significance.'

Sipuleucel-T - Wikipedia

All this drug appears to do is give patients a few extra months before they die...all for the cost of about $100,000.

It's NOT a life's just a VERY EXPENSIVE, (slight) life extender.
2010 and 2016. Seems to me that there was someone else around. How is this Trumps doing?

In 2010 the problem was noted. In 2016 during the Obama Administration, the Keytruda fast-track was implemented without clinical trial "proof" for applications surmised to work with other cancers.

But you may have a point. However the Trump Administration is at the helm now and the disgusting policy is his to prove up on or fail:

Remember that in 2010 the research community was crying the woes of understudied/underfunded uterine cancer. And that uterine cells are the same type of embryologic tissue cells that prostate complexes arise from in males. Here's what was being said then however about the research advancements (for just men) in 2010. You wonder if the Obama Administration was aware of this and just gave it a pass?

Prostate cancer vaccine approved by the FDA - Harvard Prostate Knowledge

There’s good news for patients with metastatic prostate cancer who have been eagerly awaiting a new treatment option. In April 2010, the FDA approved sipuleucel-T (Provenge), a vaccine that uses the immune system to fight advanced stage disease.

Unlike a preventive vaccine, which boosts the immune system to protect people from illness, sipuleucel-T is a therapeutic vaccine. It shows the immune system what the tumor cells look like and primes immune cells to attack when they encounter lingering tumor cells.

Almost a decade later and now under the GOP watch, we have women not able to access the same identical process for the same type of cells. It's very twisted and if the Trump Administration knows about it, it's like assisted manslaughter. Feel free to research Obama's part in the plot.

All this drug appears to do is give patients a few extra months before they die...all for the cost of about $100,000.

It's NOT a life's just a VERY EXPENSIVE, (slight) life extender.

The process is made artificially-expensive and available only to those who possess a penis and testicles, while it theoretically must also work for those with a vagina.

The process is they draw blood, teach T-cells to attack certain types of proteins from a man's prostate cancer signature and put it into about five or six vials for subcutaneous injection over a period of a few weeks. All can be done in a typical laboratory in less than a week.

Meanwhile radiation therapy uses insanely expensive equipment. Chemo also artificially escalate$ their chemical soup, including Keytruda, all in the interest of profit via making people suffer from a treatment which for solid tumors like most have, is woefully unsuccessful. Yet you don't hear people complaining about the zillions of cancer patients being recklessly referred to and treated with this torture that is just as expensive or moreso than the vaccine (which is relatively easy to produce compared to radiation or chemo alternatives).

Also, I don't hear you complaining about the ineffectiveness of chemo for uterine or prostate cancer. Yet for decades that's what's been prescribed at a kick in the nut$ to medical insurance companies.

Torture for cash. Kewl. And as I mentioned before in the OP, the most effective type of vaccine (which the current prostate vaccine doesn't include also, mysteriously) is to use the tumor sample signature itself instead of a random narrow "prostate cancer typical signature". Why not use the better of the two? Because if people found out that in the studies with rats that the tumor-sample vaccine killed cancer and caused complete remission in 96% of the rats injected, then BigCancer wouldn't be getting your donations with the end of the road reached in research and a LOT of very expensive college careers, equipment and industries around chemo drugs would be flushed down the toilet.

...the more you know....
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In other words, you are just looking for someone to blame. Got it!

Yes. I'm looking for someone to blame. Correct. Why wouldn't I be considering the gravity of the situation? The Trump Administration sits at the helm of the FDA . And the FDA has fast-tracked before to save lives during a democrat administration (the 2016 Keytruda-push). Why aren't Trump's people doing due-diligence on this travesty costing millions of American women's lives?

We're talking a piece of tumor. A day or two in the lab (vs weeks and weeks of radiation or chemo with unbelievably unacceptable side effects for such little return on results), the patient's 180cc or so of blood sample and a couple syringes out the door, with almost no side effects at all outside typical vaccine side effects of a mild fever and some tenderness at the injection site (vs, you know, the loss of your immune system or permanent burn damage from radiation to sensitive organs).
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Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer
Sipuleucel-T (Provenge) is a cancer vaccine. Unlike traditional vaccines, which boost the body’s immune system to help prevent infections, this vaccine boosts the immune system to help it attack prostate cancer cells....This vaccine is made specifically for each man. To make it, white blood cells (cells of the immune system) are removed from your blood over a few hours while you are hooked up to a special machine. The cells are then sent to a lab, where they are exposed to a protein from prostate cancer cells called prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP). The cells are then sent back to the doctor’s office or hospital, where they are given back to you by infusion into a vein (IV). This process is repeated 2 more times, 2 weeks apart, so that you get 3 doses of cells. The cells help your other immune system cells attack the prostate cancer.
Vaccine Treatment for Prostate Cancer

This process is right now, as we sit, approved for use in men by the FDA. The IDENTICAL embryological tissue type corollary in women (uterine cells), the most common type of killer for women's gynecological cancers, remains without the same exact process known to work.

Taking the protein signatures from cancer cells is not limited to prostate cancer. It can be done with any cancer. What works even better is if they get a biopsied tumor sample and use it's varied genetic signatures to produce an even more comprehensive immune response to that particular type of cell protein.

One is approved and helping lives. The other is simply not available. Not even for compassionate uses. More here: BigCancer Industry Throws Women Under The Bus

Simply put, Trump's FDA has decided men can live and women can die. Not long ago (2016, a DEMOCRAT administration compassionate fast-track), the FDA ramrodded through, as a favor to BigPharma, the use of Keytruda for cancers that hadn't even passed clinical testing for it's use. The reason why it was shoved through (thankfully) is because of other cancer it did have an effect on and the surmised prediction that how it worked with that cancer (solid tumor by general attack from the body's immune system hyped up), it would work with others.

So given that prostate and uterine cells are basically the same cell type, why isn't there a vaccine for women while one for men is FDA approved? Using the same logic as the Keytruda push-through, we should see the same policy. But we don't. And as I said before I suspect that because uterine cancer is the most common type, in order for Trump's BigCancer to continue to get your sympathy donations and maintain it's cruel and archaic methods of treatment (chemo/radiation) and all the college degrees reliant upon those industries, they hand-selected a very large group of cancer patients (the largest, women uterine) to throw under the bus. (to knowingly deny treatment to. Put simply, to slaughter for money).

Mr. Trump? Your Administration's thoughts? Is it time for a Keytruda-type fast track for a surmised (but not proven) fast-track for a women's uterine cancer vaccine? Same cell type. Same basic proven process. Not even in "compassionate use"? Really?

If you're a woman, would you vote for an administration that is complicit in the slaughter of women for money? I think I'm going to change my affiliation, particularly in Congressional races unless this injustice is righted. It's absolutely disgusting. Death for money. Do NOT give any more money to "cancer research" because I guarantee you the research is heavily rigged to preserve a cash cow at the suffering of women.

Your fundamental assumption is that the Skene's glad is the source of most uterine cancers. Thus, by giving women the prostate cancer 'vaccine', these Skene's gland originated cancers could be prevented.

But you've done nothing to factually establish that the majority of Uterine cancers are caused by the Skene gland. Nor is the Skene's gland particularly near the uterus. Its near the opening of the urethra. Its almost on the outside of the body and far closer to the vagina, labia and bladder than it is the uteris. Thus, by your own logic, there should be a much higher instance of urethral, vaginal, labial and bladder cancers among women due to its proximity to the Skene's Gland.

But that's simply not the case. Strongly suggesting that the Skene's gland is not the source of cancer that you believe it is. As if it were, it would cause cancer first in those parts of the body closest to it. And it doesn't.

Thus, your foundational premise is not only factually baseless, its actively contradicted by the evidence.

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