Mrs. Clinton Blames Donald Trump and Talk Radio for Charleston Murders


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
There's another thread on here where some leftwing moron tries to blame the right for "spinning" the massacre in South Carolina. The fact is that the left didn't hesitate to dance in the blood of the victims. Obama immediately tried to blame anyone who opposes gun control, and Frau Clinton tries to blame Donald Trump and talk radio. The nerve of these people is unbelievable.

Mrs. Clinton Blames Donald Trump and Talk Radio for Charleston Murders - The Rush Limbaugh Show

Mrs. Clinton Blames Donald Trump and Talk Radio for Charleston Murders

>RUSH: Hillary Clinton was on a PBS show in Nevada yesterday. I want you to listen to who she blames for what happened in Charleston, South Carolina. The PBS host's question is: "You said in your speech today what happened in Charleston -- the absolute horror that happened there, you addressed it. The line that you used was, 'How many people do we have to see cut down before we act?' If you're president, how would you act? What can you do about it?"

HILLARY: Unfortunately, the public discourse is sometimes hotter and more negative than it should be, which can, in my opinion, trigger people who are less than stable to do something like what we saw.

MAN: You can't stop that, though, can you?

HILLARY: A recent entry into the Republican presidential campaign said some very inflammatory things about Mexicans. You know, everybody should stand up and say, "That's not acceptable." You know, you don't talk like that on talk radio.

WOMAN: You could name him. You could name him.

HILLARY: You don't... You don't talk like that on, uhh, y'know, uhh, the kind of, uhh, political campaigns. Y'know, but I think he is emblematic, y'know? So I want people to understand, it's not about him. It's about everybody.

RUSH: Really? Donald Trump's responsible now for what happened in Charleston? Of course here's Hillary and the obligatory "talk radio," and she says here that "the public discourse..." Folks, if you're new to this program, we went back and played you audio sound bites of the Clintons from 1994 utterly obsessed with me and this program. If you have not heard them... You know, to me it happened yesterday, so I think everybody listening knows it.

Obviously people listening here yesterday, many of them maybe have not been listening since 1994, probably heard it for the first time. The Clintons are utterly paranoid. Donna Shalala even admitted, paranoid. But my point is, going back to 1992, '93, '94, the Clintons and the Democrat Party have been trying to blame the so-called rhetoric on talk radio for these things. Every damn time one of these happens!
One must have an excuse and someone to blame in order to justify their credibility and existence. The Clinton's as do most on the left are intolerant toward opinions counter to their own. It is simply their way or nothing at all. Need examples, view the rhetoric and conduct when they are the minority in one or more houses.

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