MSM fueling nazi style censorship to trigger violence don't take the bait

Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
through eo's a president has power
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic

Surely you have the awareness to realize this is a two year old thread, right?

I know you’re a lefty and kinda slow but come on.
I’m aware and was talking to Mindwars
an old thread talking about leftists censorship and here we are with leftists Facebook and Twitter censoring anything about the bidens no matter what government official posted the information
Yeah bunch of retards claiming Joes son raped 10 year olds a week before an election. It’s disgusting and I have no problem with private business keeping that crap off their sites. The people pushing this shit are despicable
that's not what was censored
Of course that was censored as it should be. Do you agree?
the laptop story has more to do with the emails between biden and the eyewitness
The laptop story has also evolved into the seriously disturbed realm where people are accusing Hunter of raping 10 year olds as they bleed all over him. They say there are videos on that laptop of him doing these things. You are using this same source of intel to attack Hunter through another route. And its all happening weeks before an election. Its a bad script and completely obvious. Its disgusting
and yet we still have those emails about the big guy according to the witness
Yes we do. So what? Is that email supposed to be evidence of a crime?
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
So, you only want to censor some bullshit and not other bullshit, right? Selective bullshit censorship? You want to be the aribitor of truth?

Holy Totalitarian, Batman.

Either you are FOR free speech or you are not. Which is it?
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic

Surely you have the awareness to realize this is a two year old thread, right?

I know you’re a lefty and kinda slow but come on.
I’m aware and was talking to Mindwars
an old thread talking about leftists censorship and here we are with leftists Facebook and Twitter censoring anything about the bidens no matter what government official posted the information
Yeah bunch of retards claiming Joes son raped 10 year olds a week before an election. It’s disgusting and I have no problem with private business keeping that crap off their sites. The people pushing this shit are despicable
that's not what was censored
Of course that was censored as it should be. Do you agree?
the laptop story has more to do with the emails between biden and the eyewitness
The laptop story has also evolved into the seriously disturbed realm where people are accusing Hunter of raping 10 year olds as they bleed all over him. They say there are videos on that laptop of him doing these things. You are using this same source of intel to attack Hunter through another route. And its all happening weeks before an election. Its a bad script and completely obvious. Its disgusting
and yet we still have those emails about the big guy according to the witness
Yes we do. So what? Is that email supposed to be evidence of a crime?
Why not let the readers decide?

See, you want to be the arbitor of truth. You want to take that judgment away from the reader.

You cannot be pro-free speech and silence anyone who you think is telling lies.
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
So, you only want to censor some bullshit and not other bullshit, right? Selective bullshit censorship? You want to be the aribitor of truth?

Holy Totalitarian, Batman.

Either you are FOR free speech or you are not. Which is it?
I'm for free speech when it is sharing of ideas and opinions. I'm not for sharing propaganda and fake news designed to take people down. There are laws against that called libel and slander.
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
So, you only want to censor some bullshit and not other bullshit, right? Selective bullshit censorship? You want to be the aribitor of truth?

Holy Totalitarian, Batman.

Either you are FOR free speech or you are not. Which is it?
I'm for free speech when it is sharing of ideas and opinions. I'm not for sharing propaganda and fake news designed to take people down. There are laws against that called libel and slander.
So, you like prior restraint? The Supreme Court got that wrong?
Oh MindWars - I had been so missing your false flags and assorted assclownery.
Thanks to whomever bumped this baby from over 2 years ago!! :cool:
You okay dude?
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic

Surely you have the awareness to realize this is a two year old thread, right?

I know you’re a lefty and kinda slow but come on.
I’m aware and was talking to Mindwars
an old thread talking about leftists censorship and here we are with leftists Facebook and Twitter censoring anything about the bidens no matter what government official posted the information
Yeah bunch of retards claiming Joes son raped 10 year olds a week before an election. It’s disgusting and I have no problem with private business keeping that crap off their sites. The people pushing this shit are despicable
that's not what was censored
Of course that was censored as it should be. Do you agree?
the laptop story has more to do with the emails between biden and the eyewitness

We have seen your (and Rudy's) "eyewitnesses" in the past - - - > They SUCK ;)
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
So, you only want to censor some bullshit and not other bullshit, right? Selective bullshit censorship? You want to be the aribitor of truth?

Holy Totalitarian, Batman.

Either you are FOR free speech or you are not. Which is it?
I'm for free speech when it is sharing of ideas and opinions. I'm not for sharing propaganda and fake news designed to take people down. There are laws against that called libel and slander.

Nothing left to say?

That's what I thought. You are only for free speech you like.
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
So, you only want to censor some bullshit and not other bullshit, right? Selective bullshit censorship? You want to be the aribitor of truth?

Holy Totalitarian, Batman.

Either you are FOR free speech or you are not. Which is it?
I'm for free speech when it is sharing of ideas and opinions. I'm not for sharing propaganda and fake news designed to take people down. There are laws against that called libel and slander.
i agree ! the dnc sand the msm should be held liable for promoting the fake russian dossier !
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.

if biden wins you and your communist pals will be pleasantly surprised at how far left [socialist] he will be pulled by the radical faction of the dem party .
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.

if biden wins you and your communist pals will be pleasantly surprised at how far left [socialist] he will be pulled by the radical faction of the dem party .

I’m not a communist. You shouldn’t be so presumptive
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.

if biden wins you and your communist pals will be pleasantly surprised at how far left [socialist] he will be pulled by the radical faction of the dem party .

I’m not a communist. You shouldn’t be so presumptive

did you support sanders ?
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.

if biden wins you and your communist pals will be pleasantly surprised at how far left [socialist] he will be pulled by the radical faction of the dem party .

I’m not a communist. You shouldn’t be so presumptive

did you support sanders ?

Haha. No
then you have no horssss
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.

if biden wins you and your communist pals will be pleasantly surprised at how far left [socialist] he will be pulled by the radical faction of the dem party .

I’m not a communist. You shouldn’t be so presumptive

did you support sanders ?

Haha. No

do you think Kamala would make a good president if joe cant serve a full term ?
then you have no horssss
Do NOT publicly harass Big Tech giants, the mainstream media or anyone else pushing mass censorship. Don’t do it. Just say no to violence.

The mainstream media is chomping at the bit to escalate this censorship purge of conservatives into a full-blown civil war. Don’t fall for the trap.

We’re already winning by standing back and allowing the world to see Big Tech giants for what they are: Unaccountable, multi-national corporations which do NOT value free speech – or any of the freedoms our nation was founded upon for that matter.
MSM Fueling Nazi-Style Censorship to Trigger Violence. Don’t Take The Bait.


And nost of these people are right because if you don't take the bait it makes them look even worse it puts the true WOLVES out in the open. They prove who they are when they VOTE FOR HATE and by voting Democrat you vote to HATE THIS NATION and you are the very ones who NEED TO GTF out of the US.

MOVE IF U DONT like it.

Millie Weaver on Twitter

View attachment 209031

View attachment 209028
I don’t think spreading disgusting story’s about Hinter Biden raping 10 year olds is going to help your cause. Get that crap out of my face and toss those troll back in their caves. It’s pathetic
So, why not let the people decide for themselves? Why not let the people spreading "lies" discredit themselves? That's how free speech works.
I totally agree for the most part... but apparently some people can't tell the difference between fake and real and they take action on the fake news. Pizzagate is a perfect example. These trolls spreading disgusting stuff like Hunter raping 10 year olds should not be enabled to spread that garbage to millions of people
biden said he would end fossil fuel ! biden is down in the polls Trump is surging ! you are going to be one triggered emotional communist homosexual traitor nov 4th !
Biden can't end fossil fuel, it isn't possible for one man or president to do that. Your fear tactics aren't real and they aren't effective.
biden aid it not me not Trump or the fox news ! blame biden for saying it !

Do you really not understand how this works? There is no magic wand that lets him eliminate fossil fuel should he become president. He is laying out goals and a vision. One that rolls out to 2050 and which will certainly not go according to plan as nothing ever does. The policy would need to be written and approved by congress. I'm shocked that you don't understand this... Well not really shocked I guess. Trump is bringing out many low IQs who don't understand basic shit.

did i say anything about his timeline you little bitch ? the point is he made the statement and now the polls are showing the impact of his statement ! you and your emotional cowardly treasonous resentful baby killing gender confused spoiled communist weakling idiot comrades were warned not to think you have the election won ! what are you going to do if biden loses ? if Trump losses conservatives wont like it but we wont lose our minds .....nope we'll just vote in 2022 and try to take congress and vote again in 2024 ! if biden loses it will drive weak minded idiots like you insane ! the presidency is not the only thing at stake in this election ...what little sanity the left has left is as well !

If Trump is re-elected I will be even more disappointed and discouraged in our American people. I believe we already saw the Reps lose their minds and do their partisan obstruction against Obama. I have little faith things will be better under president Biden.

if biden wins you and your communist pals will be pleasantly surprised at how far left [socialist] he will be pulled by the radical faction of the dem party .

I’m not a communist. You shouldn’t be so presumptive

did you support sanders ?

Haha. No

do you think Kamala would make a good president if joe cant serve a full term ?

I’m not a Kamala fan. I give her a 3 out of 10. I give Pence a 2 and Trump a -10

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