MSM: Hillary's State Dept steered contracts to "Clinton friends"

Another pile of crap, spinning STOLEN BY RUSSIA e-mails out of any resemblance to reality, for hater dupes only. Nobody made any money in Haiti lol. Ever heard of Halliburton? Or 22 MILLION "lost" GOP e-mails? Or the real estate bubble? WORLD DEPRESSION? 9/11? Iraq War? You and your party are a bad joke and a CATASTROPHE.
Oh my all that is child's play compared to what Bill and Hillary has done, and she wants to start a nuclear war with Russia you dumb twit.
Ripping off Haitians is as low as you can get. According to the Haitian government no contracts were awarded to any Haitian company.
What Haitian companies? lol.

I guess they should have gone to Haliburton and Countrywide and REALLY screwed everybody LOL

They steered the funds and the contracts to all their donors.
Good people give to the word's best charity. Good people want to help Haiti. Selfish a-holes run the GOP. End of story.
And fronco this has been out there. Nothing to do with stolen emails or anything. No pubcrap shit. And we aren't talking chump change. I guess black lives don't matter when they can't vote for you.

Check the date.

BY: Washington Free Beacon Staff
March 20, 2015 8:27 am
Haitian activists protested outside of the Clinton Foundation in New York over the loss of “billions of dollars” that was meant to help rebuild after the devastating 2010 earthquake.

The activists are claiming the money was stolen through the Haiti Reconstruction Commission that was headed by Bill Clinton. In January 2015, the Clinton Foundation was the target of protests for wasting more than $10 billion and awarding contracts to non-Haitian companies.

The activists also said Haiti as a cover for foreign governments to funnel kickbacks of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation. They believe that this was done for favors that Hillary was doing for the foreign governments while she was Secretary of State.

“We are telling the world of the crimes that Bill and Hillary Clinton are responsible for in Haiti,” said Dhoud Andre of the Committee Against Dictatorship in Haiti. “And we are telling the American people that the over 32,000 emails that Hillary Clinton said she deleted have evidence of the crimes they have committed.”

Five years, later a majority of Haiti is still in disrepair. The capital’s main hospital has yet to be finished, and there is a major rise of cholera.

Haitians Protest Outside Hillary Clinton’s Office Over ‘Billions Stolen’ by Clinton Foundation
Ripping off Haitians is as low as you can get. According to the Haitian government no contracts were awarded to any Haitian company.
What Haitian companies? lol.

I guess they should have gone to Haliburton and Countrywide and REALLY screwed everybody LOL

They steered the funds and the contracts to all their donors.
Good people give to the word's best charity. Good people want to help Haiti. Selfish a-holes run the GOP. End of story.

I really don't know who is the bigger scumbucket here. The Clintons who stole billions from the Haitians or any one who can defend them.
And he got caught and went to prison. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Meanwhile, no way to tell what happened to 6 billion in cash to Iraq or anything to do with GOP war profits or GOP dealing with their real estate pals that gave us a word depression. 22 MILLION e-mails illegally on RNC servers and "lost". Stupidest war EVER still going on and a corrupt world depression the word is still in...Great job. GOP "transparency"...and the dupes don't care...
And he got caught and went to prison. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Meanwhile, no way to tell what happened to 6 billion in cash to Iraq or anything to do with GOP war profits or GOP dealing with their real estate pals that gave us a word depression. 22 MILLION e-mails illegally on RNC servers and "lost". Stupidest war EVER still going on and a corrupt world depression the word is still in...Great job. GOP "transparency"...and the dupes don't care...
you draw the short straw tonight so you have to defend the indefensible (the Clintons)
And he got caught and went to prison. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Meanwhile, no way to tell what happened to 6 billion in cash to Iraq or anything to do with GOP war profits or GOP dealing with their real estate pals that gave us a word depression. 22 MILLION e-mails illegally on RNC servers and "lost". Stupidest war EVER still going on and a corrupt world depression the word is still in...Great job. GOP "transparency"...and the dupes don't care...
you draw the short straw tonight so you have to defend the indefensible (the Clintons)
Actually, this is bs just like all the other ''charges" against her. Bill lied about a BJ with Monica, who seduced HIM. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
And he got caught and went to prison. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Meanwhile, no way to tell what happened to 6 billion in cash to Iraq or anything to do with GOP war profits or GOP dealing with their real estate pals that gave us a word depression. 22 MILLION e-mails illegally on RNC servers and "lost". Stupidest war EVER still going on and a corrupt world depression the word is still in...Great job. GOP "transparency"...and the dupes don't care...
you draw the short straw tonight so you have to defend the indefensible (the Clintons)
Actually, this is bs just like all the other ''charges" against her. Bill lied about a BJ with Monica, who seduced HIM. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
says the dupe apologist. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
You look at all the shit these two have pulled in their lifetime and wonder how the hell they can look in the mirror every day? Let alone people who still embrace them and think "aren't they brilliant; look what they can get away with".

I don't know who's scummier. The Clintons or those that admire them.
IT'S A CONSPIRACEE!!!!! He's right. Donors to the Foundation got nothing- that would be illegal. Friends of Bill did get involved, as is natural. Good people, as opposed to Darth Cheney and most selfish GOPers...

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