MSNBC defends fraudulent Rand Paul transcript as "technically correct"


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
I've noticed a few recent news articles are reporting Rand had the following exchange with Rachel Maddow.

"Maddow: Do you think that a private business has the right to say, "We don't serve black people"?

Paul: Yes. I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form..."

If you go to the video however, Rand obviously never said the word "yes."

UPDATE: MSNBC defends fraudulent Rand Paul transcript as "technically correct", makes no apologies | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

That's not misleading or anything... :rolleyes:
I heard it. He did say yes, but he uses 'yes' like some people use, okay, or uh, or well.

He didn't say "Yes" to the question, however, which is why it's misleading, and MSNBC refuses to apologize or acknowledge that it was more than just the New York Times that picked up on their mistake.
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

Whats so horrible about a person in this nation believing that a private business owner has the right to run his/her business as they see fit? If they wan't to be racist assholes, so be it...word will get out, and most people will never go there and they'll go OUT of business.

It seems to me to be a much simpler, and certainly less intrusive method of dealing with racist assholes than allowing a bunch of morons in Washington, D.C. to have the power and authority to tell someone who has invested their life savings into a small business how they have to run that business.

I think Rand Paul's point is sound...less government intrusion, more personal freedom (even if it means the freedom to be a racist asshole).
yeah, dammit, we should make the darkies walk 10 miles to use a restroom like back in the good ole days.


if the marketplace worked to prevent that type of thing, we wouldn't have needed the civil rights act.

you people are seriously unbelievable.

btw, the one word that you're whining about, kk?

it changes the meaning not one iota.
yeah, dammit, we should make the darkies walk 10 miles to use a restroom like back in the good ole days.


if the marketplace worked to prevent that type of thing, we wouldn't have needed the civil rights act.

you people are seriously unbelievable.

btw, the one word that you're whining about, kk?

it changes the meaning not one iota.

Actually it does.
I heard it. He did say yes, but he uses 'yes' like some people use, okay, or uh, or well.

He didn't say "Yes" to the question, however, which is why it's misleading, and MSNBC refuses to apologize or acknowledge that it was more than just the New York Times that picked up on their mistake.

A transcript is what it is. It is the spoken word transcribed into print.
I heard it. He did say yes, but he uses 'yes' like some people use, okay, or uh, or well.

He didn't say "Yes" to the question, however, which is why it's misleading, and MSNBC refuses to apologize or acknowledge that it was more than just the New York Times that picked up on their mistake.

A transcript is what it is. It is the spoken word transcribed into print.

And yet the transcript erroneously makes it look like Rand answered "Yes" to a question he didn't answer "Yes" to. Which has led to many mistakes being made, and MSNBC refuses to apologize for the misunderstanding.
Possibly, Paul was trying out his LBJ, Al Gore Sr, Robert Byrd vaudeville routine. He sure sounded like a Democrat
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

Whats so horrible about a person in this nation believing that a private business owner has the right to run his/her business as they see fit? If they wan't to be racist assholes, so be it...word will get out, and most people will never go there and they'll go OUT of business.

It seems to me to be a much simpler, and certainly less intrusive method of dealing with racist assholes than allowing a bunch of morons in Washington, D.C. to have the power and authority to tell someone who has invested their life savings into a small business how they have to run that business.

I think Rand Paul's point is sound...less government intrusion, more personal freedom (even if it means the freedom to be a racist asshole).

Slavery was a business. I suppose we should have let that go on and just waited until public opinion made it non-profitable.
He didn't say "Yes" to the question, however, which is why it's misleading, and MSNBC refuses to apologize or acknowledge that it was more than just the New York Times that picked up on their mistake.

A transcript is what it is. It is the spoken word transcribed into print.

And yet the transcript erroneously makes it look like Rand answered "Yes" to a question he didn't answer "Yes" to. Which has led to many mistakes being made, and MSNBC refuses to apologize for the misunderstanding.

No the transcript doesn't 'erroneously' do that. The transcript does that because a transcript cannot convey visuals or pecularities that appear when you are watching and listening to someone. That's why I said, a transcript is what it is. You are essentially demanding that the transcript publishers inject editorial comment/opinion into the transcript, which is really not the purpose of publishing a transcript.
A transcript is what it is. It is the spoken word transcribed into print.

And yet the transcript erroneously makes it look like Rand answered "Yes" to a question he didn't answer "Yes" to. Which has led to many mistakes being made, and MSNBC refuses to apologize for the misunderstanding.

No the transcript doesn't 'erroneously' do that. The transcript does that because a transcript cannot convey visuals or pecularities that appear when you are watching and listening to someone. That's why I said, a transcript is what it is. You are essentially demanding that the transcript publishers inject editorial comment/opinion into the transcript, which is really not the purpose of publishing a transcript.

When it's being put in there to make it look like somebody said something they didn't, then yes the record should be corrected to show the truth.
MSNBC is trying to make it easy on Nielsen to track their viewing audience by dropping the number of their viewers down into double digits
I've noticed a few recent news articles are reporting Rand had the following exchange with Rachel Maddow.

"Maddow: Do you think that a private business has the right to say, "We don't serve black people"?

Paul: Yes. I'm not in favor of any discrimination of any form..."

If you go to the video however, Rand obviously never said the word "yes."

UPDATE: MSNBC defends fraudulent Rand Paul transcript as "technically correct", makes no apologies | Ron Paul 2012 | Campaign for Liberty at the Daily Paul

That's not misleading or anything... :rolleyes:

MSNBC is not biased. No way man. :eusa_shhh:
Maybe I'm missing the point here....but even if he HAD meant, "Yes. Private businesses have the right to refuse service to black people. I'm not in favor of discrimination of any kind..."

So what?

And if a private bus company wants to sit black people in the back of the bus, so what! Let them!

Right? We should have the RIGHT to discriminate against black people, gays, Jews, lesbians, white people, hispanics, Christians, dogs, cats, professional wrestlers and Pee-Wee Herman!

THAT's what America's about! The melting pot of the world and we should have the RIGHT, the God-given RIGHT to discriminate against anyone we want to!

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