Project 2025

That's like when Yale lets someone into their law school because they're a hillbilly, right?
Yale doesn’t let people in because they are hillbillies. They let them in because their grades and scores were very high.

Why do leftists like you have to make up atrocious lies in order to defend your indefensible positions?
The problem with the Left is that they consider anyone who objects to prioritizing race over merit to be “racist,” when of course the opposite is true: leftists who think it would be OK, for example, to reject a well-qualified white applicant for a promotion and choose a much weaker qualified black - strictly because they want more blacks - is racist.
And -then- they tell you their choice for Harris as VP was not sexist or racist, regardless of the fact Biden said he was looking for a colored woman.

Yale doesn’t let people in because they are hillbillies. They let them in because their grades and scores were very high.
Sure they do. Yale thinks it's good to have some diversity, meaning those upper crust white kids need to be exposed to some people that grew up in poverty. Sometimes that means letting in black kids. Sometimes that means letting in hillbillies.
And -then- they tell you their choice for Harris as VP was not sexist or racist, regardless of the fact Biden said he was looking for a colored woman.
IKR? They outright lie and expect the useful idiots to believe it.

Biden specifically said that female blackness was the first priority in appointing the VP.

I remember once about 15 years ago, a white colleague took note of all the incompetent blacks promoted the director level, and she observed that if you are a black of merely average intelligence, you can shoot right to the top.

Now it’s even worse than that,

BTW, that particular place, run by a far-leftist social justice warrior, had an almost 100% turnover of white employees. That was because they saw the writing on the wall - promotions would go to blacks.
Sure they do. Yale thinks it's good to have some diversity, meaning those upper crust white kids need to be exposed to some people that grew up in poverty. Sometimes that means letting in black kids. Sometimes that means letting in hillbillies.
The “diversity” overwhemingly favors, in order: female blacks, male blacks, female Latinos, male Latinos. There is a small amount of consideration given to “hillbillies,” but they still would have to score well above blacks and Latinos.

So….a hillbilly with great grades and scores would be favored over another white from the city, but no black would be tossed aside.
The “diversity” overwhemingly favors, in order: female blacks, male blacks, female Latinos, male Latinos. There is a small amount of consideration given to “hillbillies,” but they still would have to score well above blacks and Latinos.
Glad we can agree. Hillbillies getting into Yale Law are diversity picks.
Glad we can agree. Hillbillies getting into Yale Law are diversity picks.
….as long as their scores and grades are still excellent. Not so with blacks, and to a lesser extent, Latinos.

Blacks with SAT scores of less than 1200 get invitation letters to apply to Harvard. Hillbillies do not. The priority remains: lower entry standards for blacks.
….as long as they scores and grades are still excellent. Not so with blacks, and to a lesser extent, Latinos.

Blacks with SAT scores of less than 1200 get invitation letters to apply to Harvard. Hillbillies do not.
Nope. They can score lower than other kids and get in because they're hillbillies. Lower entry standards for the hillbillies.

They don't get in because of merit.

Don't forget they also give preference to military veterans. More diversity.
Sure they do. Yale thinks it's good to have some diversity, meaning those upper crust white kids need to be exposed to some people that grew up in poverty. Sometimes that means letting in black kids. Sometimes that means letting in hillbillies.
Must be why DOJ sued them for discriminatory practices.

Yale refused to agree to the Department of Justice’s demand that Yale refrain from using race or national origin in its current 2020-2021 undergraduate admissions cycle. Yale also failed or refused ever to end its use of race in admissions, and Yale declined even to propose any changes to its pervasive use of race. The department therefore notified Yale that efforts at voluntary compliance had failed and filed suit.

Must be why DOJ sued them for discriminatory practices.

Yale refused to agree to the Department of Justice’s demand that Yale refrain from using race or national origin in its current 2020-2021 undergraduate admissions cycle. Yale also failed or refused ever to end its use of race in admissions, and Yale declined even to propose any changes to its pervasive use of race. The department therefore notified Yale that efforts at voluntary compliance had failed and filed suit.
The message is clear:
Yale is racist.

Must be why DOJ sued them for discriminatory practices.
The SCOTUS ruling on diversity merely said they can't discriminate based on race. Letting in hillbillies doesn't have anything to do with race. It is about socioeconomic status and location of your upbringing.

So SCOTUS thinks it's okay for diversity as long as it's poor white kids.
Apparently you missed our VP's stance on RoeVWade Sealy

This would be a women democrat literally throwing her gender under the constitutional bus

That would be DNC, not GOP

got it?


No I'm not following you at all. What happened? JD says a woman who's raped or gets knocked up by her father should have the baby. Two wrongs don't make a right.

What did Kamala say that compares to that?

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