MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared To Carter, "I Don't Sense Executive Command

CaféAuLait;2414153 said:
MSNBC Trashes Obama's Address: Compared To Carter, "I Don't Sense Executive Command

Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann and Howard Fineman react to President Obama's Oval Office Address on the oil spill. Here are the highlights of what the trio said:

Olbermann: "It was a great speech if you were on another planet for the last 57 days."

Matthews compared Obama to Carter.

Olbermann: "Nothing specific at all was said."

Matthews: "No direction."

Howard Fineman: "He wasn't specific enough."

Olbermann: "I don't think he aimed low, I don't think he aimed at all. It's startling."

Howard Fineman: Obama should be acting like a "commander-in-chief."

Matthews: Ludicrous that he keeps saying [Secretary of Energy] Chu has a Nobel prize. "I'll barf if he does it one more time."
I'm thinkin' a LOT o' Dems better-identify with Stewart GOLD!!

"conservatives" & Teabaggers??

Their position (still) doesn't count, for-much-of-anything, anyhow. Hell....they're still too-preoccupied playin' Knight Riders....

[ame=]YouTube - KKK: Then and Now[/ame]

....and, as-soon-as The DICK; Cheney crawls-out (from under his undisclosed-location), they'll have their Grand Dragon riding point, again.​

Dick? Teabag? Was I wrong assuming you were a heterosexual male? Are you a dick obsessed teenage girl?
LOL............I sense....................

Executive fAiL


RASMUSSEN Reports at 9:30AM ET:

Obama Approval Falls to New Low: 42%
Obama Approval Index: -20
Strongly Approve 24%
Strongly Disapprove 44%
Total Approval 42%

and to think what Limbaugh predicted waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in March of 2009........................

Wow, comparing Obama to Mega Failure President Jimmy Carter? Who saw THAT coming? :eek:

A lot of people actually.

Jimmy Carter, mega failure. Started two wars and let the greatest mass murderer in American history go scott free. He, uh, what? That wasn't JC? Oops, never-mind.

jimmah cahtar let the greatest mass murderer in american history go free? who are you talking about? or is this another forgot to take medication post by rdean?

And of course rdean is trying to direct attention away from Obama. It's all they've got left.
Obama act like a kid who been given a pass to a movie studio. He's just goofy.
rdean is the consummate dumbass and shouldn't be taken to have any sort credibility. More than likely he's an Obama staffer trying to protect the annointed one.
Per usual I avoided this speech.

Talk is cheap, folks.
Not me. I watched all 18 minutes of his speech as painful as it was.
I wanted to hear right from the horses mouth what he had to say rather than relying on threads and blogs and opinion pieces, commentary and the like.

and what conclusion did you arrive at?
He tried his best to look and act Presidential while laying out his plan for the Gulf. I heard his words delivered in a monotone voice showing little emotion until he turned his speech towards the need for alternative energy NOW! This generation! We can't afford NOT to act now!

Honestly, IMHO I believe that BHO is trying to tap into the same kind of 'anger' that was present in the American people in the days that followed 9/11. The anger that brought Americans together regardless of an R or D or I. But it's just not there so Mr. Obama came up empty-handed.
I think the bloom is off the rose big time.

I watched his speech and he did just as I thought he would do. He tried to further his Crap and Trade bs..

Jeeze. We sure can't waste a good crisis now can we. LOL
Not me. I watched all 18 minutes of his speech as painful as it was.
I wanted to hear right from the horses mouth what he had to say rather than relying on threads and blogs and opinion pieces, commentary and the like.

and what conclusion did you arrive at?
He tried his best to look and act Presidential while laying out his plan for the Gulf. I heard his words delivered in a monotone voice showing little emotion until he turned his speech towards the need for alternative energy NOW! This generation! We can't afford NOT to act now!

Honestly, IMHO I believe that BHO is trying to tap into the same kind of 'anger' that was present in the American people in the days that followed 9/11. The anger that brought Americans together regardless of an R or D or I. But it's just not there so Mr. Obama came up empty-handed.

This incident, although terrible in and of itself, cannot evoke passions and feelings like 9/11 did. In this respect I believe you are correct...Obama tried to tap into public anger over this incident and since most of the anger was over his incompetent handling of the situation he did in fact come up empty handed. He's got no business pushing alternative energy solutions at he expense of dead wildlife all along the Gulf Coast. Now if he kneejerk reacted, or displayed some anger like the left wants, to the spill like he should have maybe we would have a more comprehensive damage control plan for the oil and perhaps BP would have been forced to act differently with respect to their efforts to cap this well.
Once again the Democrats are seen as being the party of wimps. That's why they wanted Obama to "get angry".....and "kick some ass!!!!"
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I think the bloom is off the rose big time.

I watched his speech and he did just as I thought he would do. He tried to further his Crap and Trade bs..

Jeeze. We sure can't waste a good crisis now can we. LOL

Precisely....hence "I Don't Sense Executive Command"
and to think what Limbaugh predicted waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in March of 2009........................


Would that be the same Rush Limbaugh who said the oil spill was just natural and no big deal?

I guess if the president had gone on last night and evinced Conservatism's leader Rush Limbaugh's view of the event then conservatives here would be praising him.
Last night's address wasn't aimed at political junkies and political junkie pundits.
Obama was walking a thin line. He was about to meet with the BP brass in less that 24 hours. He put the facts out there and said how we were going to proceed. I agree with NY, if he had come out and repeated the words of the GOP sainted Lush Rimbaugh, he would have been killed. Which proves that no one really takes fat boy seriously anymore.

If he comes away with 20 Billion dollars in escrowed BP money, then he has made a difference.
Wow, comparing Obama to Mega Failure President Jimmy Carter? Who saw THAT coming? :eek:

A lot of people actually.

And let's verify that with a trip down memory lane:

Well, would you look at that! Folks back in 2007 didn’t think that Senator Obama has what it takes to become President! I wonder what they think about having been persuaded otherwise…

CBS Poll: Lack Of Experience Hurts Obama
More than half of voters (51 percent) think Obama, a first-term U.S. senator from Illinois, does not have the right kind of experience to be a good president, compared with 29 percent who think he does.

On the other hand, 59 percent of voters think Clinton, the former first lady and a two-term senator from New York, has the right experience, while 35 percent think she does not.
CBS Poll: Lack Of Experience Hurts Obama - CBS News
If he comes away with 20 Billion dollars in escrowed BP money, then he has made a difference.

That'll help pay for the doctor fix and some other entitlement programs won't it?:lol: Let's blame the oil spill destroying Obama's Presidency on Rush!!!!!
"Blame Blame Blame someone else" it's the DNC's new slogan!!!!:lol:
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