Mueller and his supporters need to put on big boy pants like Kenneth Starr did

Let me remind you whining maggots what Clinton did to Starr. It was ugly and vile. So shut your fucking mouths about how Mueller is being treated.

Carville was right. He started a trend.


Payback is a bitch eh?


WHEN JAMES CARVILLE first announced his plans to launch an "all out" public-relations war against independent counsel Kenneth Starr, official Washington seemed almost shocked. An attack by a president's campaign manager on a sitting independent counsel was, the Washington Post pointed out tartly, "unprecedented." Carville immediately drew sharp criticism from prominent Democrats and longtime friends. Democratic elder Sen.

12:00 AM, Jun 29, 1998 | By Tucker Carlson

That was in December 1996. A year and a half later, all pretense has disappeared. White House employees routinely go on television to denounce Ken Starr personally and by name.

In a Larry King appearance the other day, presidential adviser Paul Begala casually described Starr's behavior as criminal, not to mention "frightening," "absurd," and "unfair."

Last week a number of administration officials, including the previously restrained Mike McCurry, called for a Justice Department investigation after an overheated magazine article alleged that Starr had "leaked" grand-jury information to reporters.

The White House no longer even pretends to consider Starr's investigation legitimate, and James Carville is proud to have started the trend. "Very seldom does a man have a chance to say he was a prophet," Carville says.

More at link:


Your OP is pure bullshit for one very simple reason: Ken Starr was an "unguided" missile with sole authority. Mueller is a "guided" missile and everything he does must be approved by Rod Rosenstein - a Republican picked by Trump.

Bullshit he's a guided missile.

Yes, Mueller is a "guided" missile. Thanks for admitting it.
yes, that's why trump's trying to shut him down, right?

because he's afraid that his innocence will come out


trumplings, god bless 'em
He's had over a year to prove one thing. He still has nothing. If you try Hillary, with whitewater she wouldn't turn over the papers, Starr wanted, never got them. But after the statue of limitations ran out. Email scandal she with held the emails and tried to destroy all of them. They deserve to constantly get investigated. My gosh if they just gave Starr what he wanted, we wouldn't of found out about the BJ.
How long has the RW had to prove anything on H. Clinton?
They've been investigating her since Watergate. What's that? 40 years? What do they have? Nada.
If Trump tells Muller, he cannot find documents that he request. What will you say?

i'll say trump's fucked, because he was specifically warned to preserve them by mueller

what will you say?
But Hillary during whitewater couldn't find the requested documents. When the statue of limitations were up, they popped up. So what you think of that?
He's had over a year to prove one thing. He still has nothing. If you try Hillary, with whitewater she wouldn't turn over the papers, Starr wanted, never got them. But after the statue of limitations ran out. Email scandal she with held the emails and tried to destroy all of them. They deserve to constantly get investigated. My gosh if they just gave Starr what he wanted, we wouldn't of found out about the BJ.
How long has the RW had to prove anything on H. Clinton?
They've been investigating her since Watergate. What's that? 40 years? What do they have? Nada.
If Trump tells Muller, he cannot find documents that he request. What will you say?

i'll say trump's fucked, because he was specifically warned to preserve them by mueller

what will you say?
But Hillary during whitewater couldn't find the requested documents. When the statue of limitations were up, they popped up. So what you think of that?

i think it's what i'd expect from that harpy.

you're going to have to find another angle to work, sparky :thup:
Yes....Clinton lied under oath...was impeached for it and disbarred for it. And was never elected to any political office afterwards.

True. He was also a sexual predator and is still being defended by leftist feminists (sic). The same feminists who don't think women are entitled to have views of their own, but are required to believe what you tell them they have to believe. You're no different than Archie Bunker
And how many political offices has B. Clinton been voted into since?

I know there's a point to that. But I'll be damned if I know what it is
Democrats don't continue to vote for those who are sexual predators......the GOP glorifies them.

She's a sick puppy, isn't she?
How long has the RW had to prove anything on H. Clinton?
They've been investigating her since Watergate. What's that? 40 years? What do they have? Nada.
If Trump tells Muller, he cannot find documents that he request. What will you say?

i'll say trump's fucked, because he was specifically warned to preserve them by mueller

what will you say?
But Hillary during whitewater couldn't find the requested documents. When the statue of limitations were up, they popped up. So what you think of that?

i think it's what i'd expect from that harpy.

you're going to have to find another angle to work, sparky :thup:
If Hillary does it, it's okay, but if Trump does it, it isn't. No, I got the right angle. Sparky.
Actually Clinton lied under oath. So just to be clear, your view is that you can commit perjury if it's over sex? That's your standard? Somehow I think that's only your standard for a Democrat politician ...
Yes....Clinton lied under oath...was impeached for it and disbarred for it. And was never elected to any political office afterwards.

True. He was also a sexual predator and is still being defended by leftist feminists (sic). The same feminists who don't think women are entitled to have views of their own, but are required to believe what you tell them they have to believe. You're no different than Archie Bunker
And how many political offices has B. Clinton been voted into since?

I know there's a point to that. But I'll be damned if I know what it is
Democrats don't continue to vote for those who are sexual predators......the GOP glorifies them.
It's pretty tough to stomach that as a father, and it's true. Of course the dems did nominate her despite Bill. The election showed in "me too," and that is good change. I wouldn't give Trump any actual credit for accomplishing it, since he's the reason but not the instigator.
Let me remind you whining maggots what Clinton did to Starr. It was ugly and vile. So shut your fucking mouths about how Mueller is being treated.

Carville was right. He started a trend.


Payback is a bitch eh?


WHEN JAMES CARVILLE first announced his plans to launch an "all out" public-relations war against independent counsel Kenneth Starr, official Washington seemed almost shocked. An attack by a president's campaign manager on a sitting independent counsel was, the Washington Post pointed out tartly, "unprecedented." Carville immediately drew sharp criticism from prominent Democrats and longtime friends. Democratic elder Sen.

12:00 AM, Jun 29, 1998 | By Tucker Carlson

That was in December 1996. A year and a half later, all pretense has disappeared. White House employees routinely go on television to denounce Ken Starr personally and by name.

In a Larry King appearance the other day, presidential adviser Paul Begala casually described Starr's behavior as criminal, not to mention "frightening," "absurd," and "unfair."

Last week a number of administration officials, including the previously restrained Mike McCurry, called for a Justice Department investigation after an overheated magazine article alleged that Starr had "leaked" grand-jury information to reporters.

The White House no longer even pretends to consider Starr's investigation legitimate, and James Carville is proud to have started the trend. "Very seldom does a man have a chance to say he was a prophet," Carville says.

More at link:


pro tip- when you have to go back 20 years to defend the cheeto, you've already lost, and when mueller hasn't said a word about the cheeto's verbal diarrhea, you've lost twice

pull up your own big boy pants, snowflake :thup:


carry on

The OP wasn't about defending Trump. It was about attacking Mueller mercilessly now. Especially making certain that he is entirely discredited as a non partisan in this witch hunt.

And pointing out all his monumental fuck ups in his career.
Fake news will help you there. LOL
Yes....Clinton lied under oath...was impeached for it and disbarred for it. And was never elected to any political office afterwards.

True. He was also a sexual predator and is still being defended by leftist feminists (sic). The same feminists who don't think women are entitled to have views of their own, but are required to believe what you tell them they have to believe. You're no different than Archie Bunker
And how many political offices has B. Clinton been voted into since?

I know there's a point to that. But I'll be damned if I know what it is
Democrats don't continue to vote for those who are sexual predators......the GOP glorifies them.
It's pretty tough to stomach that as a father, and it's true. Of course the dems did nominate her despite Bill. The election showed in "me too," and that is good change. I wouldn't give Trump any actual credit for accomplishing it, since he's the reason but not the instigator.

The Democrats didn't nominate Blamery in spit of Bill. She was a predator as well victimizing his victims again. Democrats nominated Hillary in spit of HER. Trump was a pig, but he doesn't have the trail of credible sexual assault that Bill had. Trump's accusers of actual sexual assault were leftists and they were paid. You'd suddenly get that if it was a Democrat.

Never the less, I mean the standard you stated and you don't. I'm the father of two girls and that is one of the two reasons I did not vote for Trump. The other is his position against free trade.

You don't really mean this. You're spinning for Hillary
He didn't get him for a BJ, he got him for lying under oath.

Yup about a BJ!

That literally doesn't matter. You don't lie under oath.
Yeah. You say you can't recall.
Not very believable in Bubba's case. Maybe Hillary got away with it, but not him when talking about boinking the least powerful woman in the office.
Well, they can't prove otherwise. Worked for Reagan wrt Iran Contra. Worked for Keebler Elf and half Trump's cabinet wrt Russia connections.

Who is going to believe Bubba claiming he doesn't remember having sex with the least powerful woman in the office?
He's had over a year to prove one thing. He still has nothing. If you try Hillary, with whitewater she wouldn't turn over the papers, Starr wanted, never got them. But after the statue of limitations ran out. Email scandal she with held the emails and tried to destroy all of them. They deserve to constantly get investigated. My gosh if they just gave Starr what he wanted, we wouldn't of found out about the BJ.
How long has the RW had to prove anything on H. Clinton?
They've been investigating her since Watergate. What's that? 40 years? What do they have? Nada.
If Trump tells Muller, he cannot find documents that he request. What will you say?

i'll say trump's fucked, because he was specifically warned to preserve them by mueller

what will you say?
But Hillary during whitewater couldn't find the requested documents. When the statue of limitations were up, they popped up. So what you think of that?

That's totally different. It's was her turn! Just leave Hillary alone! Because TRUMP, and reasons.
Yup about a BJ!

That literally doesn't matter. You don't lie under oath.
Yeah. You say you can't recall.
Not very believable in Bubba's case. Maybe Hillary got away with it, but not him when talking about boinking the least powerful woman in the office.
Well, they can't prove otherwise. Worked for Reagan wrt Iran Contra. Worked for Keebler Elf and half Trump's cabinet wrt Russia connections.

Who is going to believe Bubba claiming he doesn't remember having sex with the least powerful woman in the office?
Who believed the Keebler Elf when he said he couldn't remember? Who can prove otherwise?Clinton? Maybe he was banging everyone left and right and didn't remember the BJ from the chunky intern.
That literally doesn't matter. You don't lie under oath.
Yeah. You say you can't recall.
Not very believable in Bubba's case. Maybe Hillary got away with it, but not him when talking about boinking the least powerful woman in the office.
Well, they can't prove otherwise. Worked for Reagan wrt Iran Contra. Worked for Keebler Elf and half Trump's cabinet wrt Russia connections.

Who is going to believe Bubba claiming he doesn't remember having sex with the least powerful woman in the office?
Who believed the Keebler Elf when he said he couldn't remember? Who can prove otherwise?Clinton? Maybe he was banging everyone left and right and didn't remember the BJ from the chunky intern.

Maybe Bubba, a lawyer, was not smart enough to figure that out?

Here's the thing about that. Bubba knew the prosecutor could prove he did it. He also knew he had wagged his finger at us and said he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, so the forgot defense wasn't open to him. If you're going to claim you forgot, you don't first make public statements claiming you're innocent.
Yeah. You say you can't recall.
Not very believable in Bubba's case. Maybe Hillary got away with it, but not him when talking about boinking the least powerful woman in the office.
Well, they can't prove otherwise. Worked for Reagan wrt Iran Contra. Worked for Keebler Elf and half Trump's cabinet wrt Russia connections.

Who is going to believe Bubba claiming he doesn't remember having sex with the least powerful woman in the office?
Who believed the Keebler Elf when he said he couldn't remember? Who can prove otherwise?Clinton? Maybe he was banging everyone left and right and didn't remember the BJ from the chunky intern.

Maybe Bubba, a lawyer, was not smart enough to figure that out?

Here's the thing about that. Bubba knew the prosecutor could prove he did it. He also knew he had wagged his finger at us and said he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, so the forgot defense wasn't open to him. If you're going to claim you forgot, you don't first make public statements claiming you're innocent.
Yep, he was stupid to lie. He either should have said he forgot or just admitted it and told Starr to fuck off.
You don’t know shit
Why you still doubt me is a mystery....As long as I can remember you posting here you have been wrong and my predictions have been right...Trump ran for office, Trump won, The dems lost seats, Hillary lost, Trump was not impeached, Trump is not in jail, Trump followers don't care about Stormy, But you keep on being's funny!
Not very believable in Bubba's case. Maybe Hillary got away with it, but not him when talking about boinking the least powerful woman in the office.
Well, they can't prove otherwise. Worked for Reagan wrt Iran Contra. Worked for Keebler Elf and half Trump's cabinet wrt Russia connections.

Who is going to believe Bubba claiming he doesn't remember having sex with the least powerful woman in the office?
Who believed the Keebler Elf when he said he couldn't remember? Who can prove otherwise?Clinton? Maybe he was banging everyone left and right and didn't remember the BJ from the chunky intern.

Maybe Bubba, a lawyer, was not smart enough to figure that out?

Here's the thing about that. Bubba knew the prosecutor could prove he did it. He also knew he had wagged his finger at us and said he didn't have sexual relations with that woman, so the forgot defense wasn't open to him. If you're going to claim you forgot, you don't first make public statements claiming you're innocent.
Yep, he was stupid to lie. He either should have said he forgot or just admitted it and told Starr to fuck off.

It's the Clintons' fatal arrogance.

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