Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked DNC and Podesta emails

Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

Mueller seems to be doing a lot of fishing

You hope, me boy. But he has several repubs who have pled guilty. And, you see, that is not fishing. That's catching. Then, in a year or so, he will unload what he has. And we will all find out.
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

Mueller seems to be doing a lot of fishing

You hope, me boy. But he has several repubs who have pled guilty. And, you see, that is not fishing. That's catching. Then, in a year or so, he will unload what he has. And we will all find out.

What do you think you got?
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

First, you said Podesta was "duped". Then you were forced to admit that those who duped him committed a crime (i.e.fraud). It's called " Computer Fraud and abuse" Act for a reason, genius.

He wasn’t duped, he’s stupid

Stupid people are among the most easily duped. Gruber duped all of the stupid American public with his ObamaCare bullshit.
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

Mueller seems to be doing a lot of fishing

You hope, me boy. But he has several repubs who have pled guilty. And, you see, that is not fishing. That's catching. Then, in a year or so, he will unload what he has. And we will all find out.

What many do not realize is that a special prosecutor can indict someone for lying about what color socks they are wearing even though they might have guessed at it because they forgot. Any lie under oath can precipitate an indictment. Lying is a technicality. A lie is a lie is a matter how small or realistically insignificant.
Potential charges include violations of statutes on conspiracy, election law as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked Democrats' emails

There has to be a misunderstanding, since a USMB member recently reported that the investigation was "over" BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)


There is no evidence the DNC was hacked.

Remember, the Maoist democrats refused to allow the server to be examined.

So is the Chief Witch hunter going to indict Russia as a nation?

This is getting beyond stupid. I like a farce as well as the next guy, but Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a joke.

LETS see if we can put people in prison for posting on Facebook.....

The man is a fool, a buffoon.
Potential charges include violations of statutes on conspiracy, election law as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked Democrats' emails

There has to be a misunderstanding, since a USMB member recently reported that the investigation was "over" BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)

Thank you! MSNBC has been all over this story tonight. Sounds like big stuff will soon be coming from Mueller. However, it may be so hot that it'll be done under seal.

Oooh, you got him now...

Fucking Stalinists, dumbest creatures on the planet...
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.
You hope, me boy. But he has several repubs who have pled guilty. And, you see, that is not fishing. That's catching. Then, in a year or so, he will unload what he has. And we will all find out.

Guilty to what, Comrade? 13 year old SEC violations? Lying to FBI traitors? (The FBI that actually did collude with Russia to rig our election.)

Grand Inquisitor Mewler - Torquemada is a joke, an embarrassment.
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.

Do tell!

noun: phishing
  1. the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

On January 26, 2004, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission filed the first lawsuit against a suspected phisher. The defendant, a Californian teenager, allegedly created a webpage designed to look like the America Online website, and used it to steal credit card information.

Companies have also joined the effort to crack down on phishing. On March 31, 2005, Microsoft filed 117 federal lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. The lawsuits accuse "John Doe" defendants of obtaining passwords and confidential information.

In January 2007, Jeffrey Brett Goodin of California became the first defendant convicted by a jury under the provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. He was found guilty of sending thousands of emails to America Online users, while posing as AOL's billing department, which prompted customers to submit personal and credit card information. Facing a possible 101 years in prison for the CAN-SPAM violation and ten other counts including wire fraud, the unauthorized use of credit cards, and the misuse of AOL's trademark, he was sentenced to serve 70 months. Goodin had been in custody since failing to appear for an earlier court hearing and began serving his prison term immediately.

Phishing is a scam where fraudsters send spam or text messages or create deceptive websites to lure personal or financial information from unsuspecting victims. ... Other states have laws that address computer crime, fraudulent or deceptive practices or identity theft, which could also apply to phishing crimes.

State Laws Addressing "Phishing"


Phishing is a scam where fraudsters send spam or text messages or create deceptive websites to lure personal or financial information from unsuspecting victims. The messages or websites often appear to be from well-known or seemingly trustworthy entities, but instead collect information for fraudulent purposes. Twenty-three states and Guam have laws specifically aimed at phishing schemes. Other states have laws that address computer crime, fraudulent or deceptive practices or identity theft, which could also apply to phishing crimes. See also State Spyware Laws and Computer Crime Statutes.

For practical tips from the federal government and private industry to help guard against Internet fraud, see's information about phishing.


Statutory Citation

Alabama Ala. Code §13A-8-114


Ark. Code §§ 4-111-102, 4-111-103


Ariz. Rev. Stat. §§ 18-541 to -544


Cal. Bus & Prof. Code §§ 22948 to 22948.3


Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53-454


Fla. Stat. §§ 668.701-.705


Ga. Code § 16-9-109.1


740 ILCS §§ 7/1 - 7/15


Ky. Rev. § Stat. 434.697


La. Rev. Stat. §§ 51:2021 et seq.


MCL § 445.67a


Minn. Stat. § 609.527, Subd. 5a


Mont. Code Ann. §§ 30-14-1712, 33-19-410

New Mexico

N.M. Stat. § 30-16-24.1

New York

N.Y. Gen. Bus. § 390-b


Okla. Stat. tit. 15, §§ 776.8 - 776.12

Oregon Ore. Rev. Stat. § 646.A.808

Rhode Island

R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 11-52.1-1 to -5


Tenn. Code §§ 47-18-5201 to 47-18-5205


Tex. Business and Commerce Code §§ 325.001 - .006


Utah Code §§ 13-40-201 to -204, -401


Virginia Code Ann. § 18.2-152.5:1


Wash. Rev. Code §§ 19.190.080 -090 -100


5 GCA §§ 32703, 32704 (h)

Now tell me again that phishing is not illegal.
Swamp Rat Mueller ain't "eyeing" shit. In fact, he is refusing to accept Seth Rich downloaded the DNC emails.

Does anyone remember The Ed Show? He was almost as crazy as Rachel "Blinky" Maddow, demanded to debate Rush, etc. He managed to get a job at RT and actually seems relatively reasonable now. :p

Potential charges include violations of statutes on conspiracy, election law as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked Democrats' emails

There has to be a misunderstanding, since a USMB member recently reported that the investigation was "over" BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)
Mueller has three people remaining on his radar.... Kushner .... Trump jr. .... and Crazy Donald....

Indictments coming....
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.

Do tell!

noun: phishing
  1. the fraudulent practice of sending emails purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers.

On January 26, 2004, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission filed the first lawsuit against a suspected phisher. The defendant, a Californian teenager, allegedly created a webpage designed to look like the America Online website, and used it to steal credit card information.

Companies have also joined the effort to crack down on phishing. On March 31, 2005, Microsoft filed 117 federal lawsuits in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington. The lawsuits accuse "John Doe" defendants of obtaining passwords and confidential information.

In January 2007, Jeffrey Brett Goodin of California became the first defendant convicted by a jury under the provisions of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. He was found guilty of sending thousands of emails to America Online users, while posing as AOL's billing department, which prompted customers to submit personal and credit card information. Facing a possible 101 years in prison for the CAN-SPAM violation and ten other counts including wire fraud, the unauthorized use of credit cards, and the misuse of AOL's trademark, he was sentenced to serve 70 months. Goodin had been in custody since failing to appear for an earlier court hearing and began serving his prison term immediately.

Phishing is a scam where fraudsters send spam or text messages or create deceptive websites to lure personal or financial information from unsuspecting victims. ... Other states have laws that address computer crime, fraudulent or deceptive practices or identity theft, which could also apply to phishing crimes.

State Laws Addressing "Phishing"


Phishing is a scam where fraudsters send spam or text messages or create deceptive websites to lure personal or financial information from unsuspecting victims. The messages or websites often appear to be from well-known or seemingly trustworthy entities, but instead collect information for fraudulent purposes. Twenty-three states and Guam have laws specifically aimed at phishing schemes. Other states have laws that address computer crime, fraudulent or deceptive practices or identity theft, which could also apply to phishing crimes. See also State Spyware Laws and Computer Crime Statutes.

For practical tips from the federal government and private industry to help guard against Internet fraud, see's information about phishing.


Statutory Citation

Alabama Ala. Code §13A-8-114


Ark. Code §§ 4-111-102, 4-111-103


Ariz. Rev. Stat. §§ 18-541 to -544


Cal. Bus & Prof. Code §§ 22948 to 22948.3


Conn. Gen. Stat. § 53-454


Fla. Stat. §§ 668.701-.705


Ga. Code § 16-9-109.1


740 ILCS §§ 7/1 - 7/15


Ky. Rev. § Stat. 434.697


La. Rev. Stat. §§ 51:2021 et seq.


MCL § 445.67a


Minn. Stat. § 609.527, Subd. 5a


Mont. Code Ann. §§ 30-14-1712, 33-19-410

New Mexico

N.M. Stat. § 30-16-24.1

New York

N.Y. Gen. Bus. § 390-b


Okla. Stat. tit. 15, §§ 776.8 - 776.12

Oregon Ore. Rev. Stat. § 646.A.808

Rhode Island

R.I. Gen. Laws §§ 11-52.1-1 to -5


Tenn. Code §§ 47-18-5201 to 47-18-5205


Tex. Business and Commerce Code §§ 325.001 - .006


Utah Code §§ 13-40-201 to -204, -401


Virginia Code Ann. § 18.2-152.5:1


Wash. Rev. Code §§ 19.190.080 -090 -100


5 GCA §§ 32703, 32704 (h)

Now tell me again that phishing is not illegal.

Lawsuits can be filed for nose picking.

So, in all of your cites you point to civil law. Now what is it that is common?

(1) A person who (A) is engaged in the business of providing Internet access service to the public, owns a Web page, or owns a trademark, and (B) is adversely affected by a violation of Section 22948.2.

An action brought under this paragraph may seek to recover the greater of actual damages or five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000).}

Well, there must be damages. In order for the suit to be recognized under these statutes, monetary damages must be shown.

Oh, and feel free to sue these guys..

How to Phish Your Own Users And Why
Potential charges include violations of statutes on conspiracy, election law as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked Democrats' emails

There has to be a misunderstanding, since a USMB member recently reported that the investigation was "over" BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)
Mueller has three people remaining on his radar.... Kushner .... Trump jr. .... and Crazy Donald....

Indictments coming....

Sure Fawn, or should we call you "little Kim?"

In the meantime, what if Sessions uses the Mafia tactics Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is infamous for? What if Sessions pulls a page from the Witch Hunters book and threatens Andrew McCabe that if he doesn't provide evidence against Torquemada the he will bankrupt him with legal fees and "leave his wife eating dog food as he goes to prison" as Torquemada did to Michael Flynn?

Think McCabe will take the fall for the Witch Hunter?

The new acting FBI director is currently under investigation himself
Potential charges include violations of statutes on conspiracy, election law as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked Democrats' emails

There has to be a misunderstanding, since a USMB member recently reported that the investigation was "over" BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)
Mueller has three people remaining on his radar.... Kushner .... Trump jr. .... and Crazy Donald....

Indictments coming....

Sure Fawn, or should we call you "little Kim?"

In the meantime, what if Sessions uses the Mafia tactics Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is infamous for? What if Sessions pulls a page from the Witch Hunters book and threatens Andrew McCabe that if he doesn't provide evidence against Torquemada the he will bankrupt him with legal fees and "leave his wife eating dog food as he goes to prison" as Torquemada did to Michael Flynn?

Think McCabe will take the fall for the Witch Hunter?

The new acting FBI director is currently under investigation himself
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.

Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.

Sorry to embarrass you Nigerian man charged in Glastonbury phishing scam
Potential charges include violations of statutes on conspiracy, election law as well as the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Mueller eyes charges against Russians who hacked Democrats' emails

There has to be a misunderstanding, since a USMB member recently reported that the investigation was "over" BREAKING! House Intel Committee To Release The FISA/Dossier Memo (It's Over, Mueller/Democrats!)
Mueller has three people remaining on his radar.... Kushner .... Trump jr. .... and Crazy Donald....

Indictments coming....

Sure Fawn, or should we call you "little Kim?"

In the meantime, what if Sessions uses the Mafia tactics Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is infamous for? What if Sessions pulls a page from the Witch Hunters book and threatens Andrew McCabe that if he doesn't provide evidence against Torquemada the he will bankrupt him with legal fees and "leave his wife eating dog food as he goes to prison" as Torquemada did to Michael Flynn?

Think McCabe will take the fall for the Witch Hunter?

The new acting FBI director is currently under investigation himself

Do you even have a brain Li'l Kim? Or are you afraid that fat boy will feed your family to his dogs if you ever use your brain? :dunno:
Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.

Swamp Rat Mueller is insane. Russians did not hack the DNC.

Neither was Podesta 'hacked'. He was duped! That stupid bastard gave out his password to phishers.

Is phishing not a crime?

It is fraudulent. People are often duped by fraud. One should not reply with one's computer password or any other significant password to any site with which one does not initiate linking. Responding to a link sent by email to you is not considered initiating the link.

I can see no reason to reveal one's computer password to any entity other than a trusted on-line computer security and virus-eraser firm so that it may access your computer on-line and fix it. Afterwards, one should change one's computer password and other passwords to banking sites.

Phishing is not illegal. NIST 800-171 require system administrators to evaluate users by sending out phishing attacks to find out which idiots click.

Accessing email without authorization is illegal, but phishing is not.

Sorry to embarrass you Nigerian man charged in Glastonbury phishing scam

Read for content, sploogy

{ file bogus tax returns.}

It's the financial crime which is prosecuted, grand larceny.

{Officials say the scheme netted $37,000 in refunds through the filing of fraudulent tax returns.}

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