Mueller Peformed His Job Honorably -- Time To Move On Dems


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
'Yes he did': Trump says Mueller 'acted honorably'

After almost 2 years of accusing Mueller of being a corrupt Deep State operative, traitor-communist -- Trump is now praising Robert Mueller as he should. From the article: "Donald Trump on Monday accused unidentified opponents of doing "treasonous things against our country" and responded affirmatively to a question from reporters about whether Robert Mueller "acted honorably" in his investigation. The report found no evidence that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election but did not make a determination as to whether Trump obstructed justice."

This is a huge win for Trump and it should really free him up to focus more on pushing policies that help the country. Now there should be no excuse to get Trumpcare up and running, which he said would cover more Americans, with better quality and less costs -- With the Russia investigation over, he can now focus on that.

He can also go after those who he feels really colluded with Russians, (Obama, Soros, Clinton, etc) -- and there will be no Mueller investigation holding him back. I suggest those who really had their hopes on this Mueller report producing anything, I really suggest you let that go and move on -- focus on policies, focus on trying to find a candidate to beat Trump in 2020 -- if you don't, prepare for 4 more years of Trump -- I quite honestly don't see how he can lose -- the bar is so low, it doesn't take much for him to be successful in the eyes of his base -- in fact, if the economy collapses, deficit continues to explode, as long as Trump makes libs cry, he should win re-election easily.
In case you haven’t noticed democrats are sore losers! Massive butt hurt! Massive!
If I recall correctly, he never said that of Mueller, but of the investigation. Two different things.
'Yes he did': Trump says Mueller 'acted honorably'

After almost 2 years of accusing Mueller of being a corrupt Deep State operative, traitor-communist -- Trump is now praising Robert Mueller as he should. From the article: "Donald Trump on Monday accused unidentified opponents of doing "treasonous things against our country" and responded affirmatively to a question from reporters about whether Robert Mueller "acted honorably" in his investigation. The report found no evidence that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election but did not make a determination as to whether Trump obstructed justice."

This is a huge win for Trump and it should really free him up to focus more on pushing policies that help the country. Now there should be no excuse to get Trumpcare up and running, which he said would cover more Americans, with better quality and less costs -- With the Russia investigation over, he can now focus on that.

He can also go after those who he feels really colluded with Russians, (Obama, Soros, Clinton, etc) -- and there will be no Mueller investigation holding him back. I suggest those who really had their hopes on this Mueller report producing anything, I really suggest you let that go and move on -- focus on policies, focus on trying to find a candidate to beat Trump in 2020 -- if you don't, prepare for 4 more years of Trump -- I quite honestly don't see how he can lose -- the bar is so low, it doesn't take much for him to be successful in the eyes of his base -- in fact, if the economy collapses, deficit continues to explode, as long as Trump makes libs cry, he should win re-election easily.
In case you haven’t noticed democrats are sore losers! Massive butt hurt! Massive!
Remember when there was a similar investigation or two into Hillary and the result was the investigators deciding there was no sufficient evidence to charge her?

Remember how all of those trumpers NEVER stopped demanding her to be locked up?? Still to this day....

Its only been a few days, give dems at least a portion of the time you are giving trumpers to accept the fact no charges will coming against either Trump or Hillary....and on top of that, Hillary didn't benefit from the unspoken rule of not indicting a sitting president
If I recall correctly, he never said that of Mueller, but of the investigation. Two different things.
'Yes he did': Trump says Mueller 'acted honorably'

After almost 2 years of accusing Mueller of being a corrupt Deep State operative, traitor-communist -- Trump is now praising Robert Mueller as he should. From the article: "Donald Trump on Monday accused unidentified opponents of doing "treasonous things against our country" and responded affirmatively to a question from reporters about whether Robert Mueller "acted honorably" in his investigation. The report found no evidence that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election but did not make a determination as to whether Trump obstructed justice."

This is a huge win for Trump and it should really free him up to focus more on pushing policies that help the country. Now there should be no excuse to get Trumpcare up and running, which he said would cover more Americans, with better quality and less costs -- With the Russia investigation over, he can now focus on that.

He can also go after those who he feels really colluded with Russians, (Obama, Soros, Clinton, etc) -- and there will be no Mueller investigation holding him back. I suggest those who really had their hopes on this Mueller report producing anything, I really suggest you let that go and move on -- focus on policies, focus on trying to find a candidate to beat Trump in 2020 -- if you don't, prepare for 4 more years of Trump -- I quite honestly don't see how he can lose -- the bar is so low, it doesn't take much for him to be successful in the eyes of his base -- in fact, if the economy collapses, deficit continues to explode, as long as Trump makes libs cry, he should win re-election easily.
He personally attacked Mueller......are you folks pretending to have amnesia this fucking early? geesh
No, the headlines claimed that, but then clarified within the articles-

Trump's strategy of escalating attacks on Robert Mueller and the special counsel's investigation In the past 22 months

If I recall correctly, he never said that of Mueller, but of the investigation. Two different things.
'Yes he did': Trump says Mueller 'acted honorably'

After almost 2 years of accusing Mueller of being a corrupt Deep State operative, traitor-communist -- Trump is now praising Robert Mueller as he should. From the article: "Donald Trump on Monday accused unidentified opponents of doing "treasonous things against our country" and responded affirmatively to a question from reporters about whether Robert Mueller "acted honorably" in his investigation. The report found no evidence that the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia to interfere with the 2016 election but did not make a determination as to whether Trump obstructed justice."

This is a huge win for Trump and it should really free him up to focus more on pushing policies that help the country. Now there should be no excuse to get Trumpcare up and running, which he said would cover more Americans, with better quality and less costs -- With the Russia investigation over, he can now focus on that.

He can also go after those who he feels really colluded with Russians, (Obama, Soros, Clinton, etc) -- and there will be no Mueller investigation holding him back. I suggest those who really had their hopes on this Mueller report producing anything, I really suggest you let that go and move on -- focus on policies, focus on trying to find a candidate to beat Trump in 2020 -- if you don't, prepare for 4 more years of Trump -- I quite honestly don't see how he can lose -- the bar is so low, it doesn't take much for him to be successful in the eyes of his base -- in fact, if the economy collapses, deficit continues to explode, as long as Trump makes libs cry, he should win re-election easily.
He personally attacked Mueller......are you folks pretending to have amnesia this fucking early? geesh
He's right you know. Time to move on.

Move on the the next set of investigations by the Democrat control House.

Karma ran over Dogma.

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