Mueller says that until yesterday, he'd almost forgotten about Rudy Giuliani


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)ā€”The independent counsel, Robert Mueller, told reporters that, prior to news reports on Thursday, he had ā€œalmost forgottenā€ to investigate the former New York mayor Rudolph Giuliani.

ā€œLike most Americans, I had totally forgotten about Rudy Giulianiā€™s existence,ā€ he said. ā€œBut then when he popped up on the news I was, like, ā€˜Hold onā€”shouldnā€™t we be investigating him?ā€™ ā€

Mueller was at a loss to explain why he had failed to investigate Giuliani earlier. ā€œI have no idea how it could have slipped my mind,ā€ he said. ā€œHis role in Trumpā€™s campaign was as fishy as all get-out.ā€

He said that other members of his team were ā€œpoking funā€ at him for not deciding to investigate Giuliani before Thursday. ā€œI mean, think about it: how do you do a criminal investigation of the Trump campaign and leave Rudy out of it?ā€ he said. ā€œIā€™ve got to say, Iā€™m pretty darn embarrassed about the whole thing.ā€

When asked for an estimate of when the Russia inquiry might wrap up, Mueller responded, ā€œI honestly canā€™t say. I was hoping to bring it to a close in the next month or two, but now that weā€™re also investigating Rudy Giuliani, God only knows how long itā€™ll take.ā€​

Mueller Says That Until Yesterday He Had Almost Forgotten to Investigate Giuliani | The New Yorker
Rumors have always flourished about crossdresser Rudy and Trump having more than just a "friends" relationship.

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