journalist says katie britt story about child sex abuse a lie

allergic to facts?
It's true that the cry baby loser/sexual abuser and his bum kissers can't deal with the certitude of elections certified by all 50 states.

Here are a couple more examples of documented reality that have them in a tizzy:

Biden raises $10 million in 24 hours after his State of the Union speech

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Trump owes about half a billion dollars in legal penalties

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Would you have felt better about Biden’s human trafficking syndicate if she had used examples of the systematic rape of young girls caught up in Biden’s Cartel Enrichment Scheme?
Such lies are only effective with those who swallow them.

Maybe the GOP needs more of Putin's operatives to concoct better ones.
Would you have felt better about Biden’s human trafficking syndicate if she had used examples of the systematic rape of young girls caught up in Biden’s Cartel Enrichment Scheme?
Please document "Biden's human trafficking syndicate" by citing a reliable source.

Did one of Putin's operatives feed you that one?
Such sidestepping is never effective at concealing an inability to respond.

Please list all the President's criminal indictments and impeachable offenses that the goobers have concocted.

Propaganda aside, last time I checked, the Cry Baby Loser/Sexual Abuser is facing 91 felony charges, and has racked up two impeachments, and the President has ... ????
Please document "Biden's human trafficking syndicate" by citing a reliable source.

Did one of Putin's operatives feed you that one?
One source would be the House hearings related to 85,000 children the Biden Human Trafficking Syndicate lost track of and cannot find.

There’s also,

DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking.

I would agree that Biden’s DHS is likely not reliable as it’s an integral part of the Biden Trafficking Syndicate and thus has an interest in lies and deceit.
However, why is there such an interagency as

DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking.

If there is no human smuggling taking place?

Please list all the President's criminal indictments and impeachable offenses that the goobers have concocted.

Propaganda aside, last time I checked, the Cry Baby Loser/Sexual Abuser is facing 91 felony charges, and has racked up two impeachments, and the President has ... ????


Please list the whereabouts of the 85,000 children lost or abandoned by the Biden Human Trafficking Syndicate.


List the charges for human smuggling aimed at Trump. As usual with the Dems / Socialists, they’re every waking moment is consumed by their TDS.

You somehow missed it but this thread is not about Trump.
Would you have felt better about Biden’s human trafficking syndicate if she had used examples of the systematic rape of young girls caught up in Biden’s Cartel Enrichment Scheme?
That is the allegation of a Clown with no evidence. Hollie, assertions are not evidence.
One source would be the House hearings related to 85,000 children the Biden Human Trafficking Syndicate lost track of and cannot find.

There’s also,

DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking.

I would agree that Biden’s DHS is likely not reliable as it’s an integral part of the Biden Trafficking Syndicate and thus has an interest in lies and deceit.
However, why is there such an interagency as

DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking.

If there is no human smuggling taking place?
So, you swallow all the crap that Putin's agents and others feed you to damage the United States and its President, but can't explain why the goobers can never concoct any evidence that could possibly withstand judicial scrutiny?

Where are the formal charges?

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"We've got us a steamin' pile o' trumpy stuff,
but they's too stupid tuh notice!"
So, you swallow all the crap that Putin's agents and others feed you to damage the United States and its President, but can't explain why the goobers can never concoct any evidence that could possibly withstand judicial scrutiny?

Where are the formal charges?

View attachment 915374
"We've got us a steamin' pile o' trumpy stuff,
but they's too stupid tuh notice!"

Your silly conspiracy theories don’t make an argument.

You can deny that human smuggling by the cartels exists, that Biden’s open borders don’t assist the cartels, that Biden losing track of 85,000 children is just, “oops, we don’t know where they are” but the House has had hearings and testimony on this.

Further, there was a 2021 Federal Human Trafficking report 57% of US human trafficking victims were minors in 2021 federal prosecutions: report covering the U.S. the report found that 92% of trafficking victims were engaged in sex-trafficking and 8% in forced labor, and of these totals, 57% were children. Not surprisingly, there has been a decline in prosecutions since Biden entered office with a total of only 450 human-trafficking cases brought in 2021.

What’s your best conspiracy theory for, “…but… but… but, I Blame Trump” to explain the failures and incompetence of the Dems / Socialists?

Katie Britt, as a woman, sheds "believe me" when discussing such a topic in such a forum as the SOTU response.

She has a special duty to be objective as possible.

"Doubts have been cast on the accuracy of a story about horrific child sex abuse told by the Republican senator Katie Britt in her widely ridiculed speech delivered in rebuttal to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address.

The journalist and author Jonathan Katz has accused Britt of being “fundamentally dishonest” for invoking the case of a woman who had been sex-trafficked at age 12 and raped multiple times to illustrate the supposed failure of the Biden administration’s border control policies.

The controversy further intensifies the spotlight on Britt – a rising Republican star – after she came under fire from members of her own party for delivering a rejoinder to Biden on Thursday from the setting of a kitchen.

In that speech, Britt described travelling to the Del Rio sector of the US-Mexico border and cited the case of an unidentified woman, whom Britt said confided harrowing experiences. The senator implied these were a direct result of the ongoing crisis at the border, which Republicans have sought to exploit as a campaign issue.

.... "The senator did not say where or when the events occurred, but in outraged tones she implied that they had happened in the US on Biden’s watch: “We wouldn’t be OK with this happening in a third-world country. This is the United States of America. And it’s past time we start acting like it. President Biden’s border crisis is a disgrace. It’s despicable and it’s almost entirely preventable.”

However, in a seven-minute video posted on TikTok, Katz – a former AP reporter who has written on drug wars in Mexico – cited details that appeared to show the story Britt was describing had happened not just outside the US, but many years before Biden became president.

He concluded that Britt had deliberately misrepresented the tale of Karla Jacinto Romero, an activist who has publicly recounted her experiences on numerous occasions at the hands of sex traffickers in her native Mexico."

Why is it we must believe every left wing loony who claims years later that she was molested or raped or otherwise mistreated by some Republican must be believed, but by golly no Republican with a story like that is credible.

For shame indeed at the double standard that consistently is applied.
You should believe it because it was objective and factual.

Your logical fallacy is huge, Foxfyre. We don't believe here because she confused location and era.


And, yes, we won't let Ms. Britt or you argue double standards.

Find something to indict the President about. Oh, that's right. You have failing for four years and more.
Your silly conspiracy theories don’t make an argument.

You can deny that human smuggling by the cartels exists, that Biden’s open borders don’t assist the cartels, that Biden losing track of 85,000 children is just, “oops, we don’t know where they are” but the House has had hearings and testimony on this.

Further, there was a 2021 Federal Human Trafficking report 57% of US human trafficking victims were minors in 2021 federal prosecutions: report covering the U.S. the report found that 92% of trafficking victims were engaged in sex-trafficking and 8% in forced labor, and of these totals, 57% were children. Not surprisingly, there has been a decline in prosecutions since Biden entered office with a total of only 450 human-trafficking cases brought in 2021.

What’s your best conspiracy theory for, “…but… but… but, I Blame Trump” to explain the failures and incompetence of the Dems / Socialists?
Maybe the reason that none of these crackpot conspiracy confections involving the notorious "Biden Crime Family" ever results in actual charges is that the senile old coot is just way too wily for the goobers.

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"We don't do no actual charges!
We just does a heap o' them strident press releases!"
Why is it we must believe every left wing loony who claims years later that she was molested or raped or otherwise mistreated by some Republican must be believed, but by golly no Republican with a story like that is credible.
And you once again comment without knowing anything about the material at all.

Nobody is saying the sexual assault here did not happen. Now go back to the beginning of the thread.Read the material and start over.
Maybe the reason that none of these crackpot conspiracy confections involving the notorious "Biden Crime Family" ever results in actual charges is that the senile old coot is just way too wily for the goobers.

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"We don't do no actual charges!
We just does a heap o' them strident press releases!"

Your crackpot conspiracy theories don’t account for the corrupt DOJ running interference for the Biden Crime Family.
Please cite the evidence for your fantasy, and explain how it would prevent the goobers from introducing articles of impeachment if they had concocted any pretexts.

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"Evidence? We don't need no stinkin' 'evidence'!"

Jim Jordan: "Maybe the guy did lie!"

It’s no fantasy that Biden is under an impeachment inquiry.

You didn’t know that?

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