Mueller seeks to question Trump about Flynn and Comey departures

Trump has already publicly admitted he fired Comey to get the Russia monkey off his back. That is Obstruction of Justice, and this is explicitly included in Mueller's brief.
Is the President immune from criminal prosecution?
Obstruction of justice, immunity, impeachment: A primer

I agree.
Now, and it has been for some time, this is a case about obstruction and perjury..possibility of some good old malfeasance, thrown in for good measure.
This is Mueller's endgame..get Trump in a room where he is legally responsible if he lies.

I predict a long, long sequence of Executive Privilege claims ala Reagan and Iran-Contra.

Trump is under no obligation at talk to Mueller. End of story. He might have an off the record conversation or send him a letter, but that is as far as it should go.

You don't get to question your boss, do you?

I did during the entire 20 years of my Navy career. If I knew my boss was wrong, I would grab the manual and show them where the mistake was and how to fix it.

Did you question him under oath?

Stop being ridiculous. You knew what I meant.
trump has two choices when mueller subpoenas him.

pleas the fifth or answer the questions
If the smell gets any funkier from the FBI/DOJ, I don't see how Mueller keeps his job as Independent Council... There is a big ball of shit sitting at the top of the FBI hierarchy and it is starting to run down hill... Ole BM was Director of the FBI for twelve years 2001/2013... As the stank permeates from FBI Hdqts, Mueller needs to be recusing himself...
The only reason Trump hasn't immediately arrested Mueller is that he need to have a Corleone Baptist Event against all the enemies aligned against him. He can't take any half steps.
Youre trusting an orange con-man over a decorated Vietnam war veteran.

Does serving in Vietnam make one instantly trustworthy no Matter what they do?

Does not serving in Vietnam make someone instantly untrustworthy?

Please help me understand what service in Vietnam has to do with anything
Compare a draft dodger (bone spurs) to a decorated war veteran.
Which one would you trust.
Or, compare someone who has been head of FBI for a decade vs somebody with thousands of lawsuits.
Hitler was a decorated war veteran

Are you REALLY trying to compare Mueller to Hitler?

Godwin much?
Hitler had the Beer Hall Putsch, Mueller has the "Russia investigation"
trump has two choices when mueller subpoenas him.

pleas the fifth or answer the questions
Third choice...claim Executive Privilege until the end of time.

I note something interesting...almost everyone..Trump supporter or no---assumes that Trump WILL lie if given the is what makes this a trap, eh?
No one will ask any questions about firing Flynn. As soon As it was discovered that he lied to the vice president he had to go.

As supervisor, Trump could fire Comey for any reason or no reason. At this point, the Mueller investigation is fighting for it's own life. Any questioning of Trump will be directed to establishing a right to the existence of the investigation.
Want a reason for Trump not to 'put his head in the lion's mouth'? Here ya Go....

'Did FBI Deputy Director Andrew 'Insurance Policy' McCabe sandbag Flynn into an Obstruction charge'?

"How did Michael Flynn get caught in an obstruction of justice charge resulting from an FBI interrogation?

The answer should serve as a warning signal to anyone who gets a call from law enforcement seeking a meeting, and perhaps especially to Flynn’s old boss at the White House.

According to NBC, the FBI called to set up a meeting with Flynn without telling his scheduler the purpose — and no one thought to ask. As a result, Flynn went into the interrogation both unprepared and without legal representation. And the man who set those wheels in motion should be very familiar to everyone by now:"

"A brief phone call from the office of Andrew McCabe, the deputy FBI director, to a scheduler for Flynn on January 24 set the interview in motion, according to people familiar with the matter. The scheduler was told the FBI wanted to speak with Flynn later that day, these people said, and the meeting was placed on Flynn’s schedule. The scheduler didn’t ask the reason for the meeting, and the FBI didn’t volunteer it"

Mueller is a member of the 'Secret Society', former FBI Director, former FBI Director Comey's friend and mentor, and several other issues evidence shows should force Mueller to step down as Special Counsel lead...

Among the top reasons why Trump has no obligation to meet to talk with Mueller is that Mueller has failed to even find / present evidence that a crime was ever committed that warrants his investigation, the investigation of a NON-Crime that has already taken down several 'Scooter Libby's like Flynn through questionable tactics, something Mueller has a reputation for in his past.

Flynn was stupid, maybe naive...or perhaps a little egotistical...and Comey / McCabe took advantage of it. Once Flynn realized he had been led into a trap he should have immediately called for a halt to the interrogation and called for his legal counsel. he did not.

"If NBC’s account is true, though, it still doesn’t explain why Flynn went forward with the interrogation once its purpose was made clear. At some point, in order for the interrogation to stand up in court, Flynn had to have been read his rights. At that point, you stop talking, except to pick up a phone and get your attorney in there ASAP. Flynn could have ended the meeting at any time rather than make the mistake of handing law enforcement statements that could be impeached later."

Trump should not / will not make that mistake. Again, he should refuse to meet with Mueller, at least until Mueller can provide evidence that a crime was committed, one warranting his investigation.

NBC: Did McCabe sandbag Flynn into an obstruction charge? - Hot Air

No one will ask any questions about firing Flynn. As soon As it was discovered that he lied to the vice president he had to go
After Flynn was ambushed by the FBI, and too shell-shocked / stupid to immediately call for an end to the interrogation, he waited 2 days to tell the WH...and he lied to the VP.

Game over - you're fired....appropriately.
No one will ask any questions about firing Flynn. As soon As it was discovered that he lied to the vice president he had to go
After Flynn was ambushed by the FBI, and too shell-shocked / stupid to immediately call for an end to the interrogation, he waited 2 days to tell the WH...and he lied to the VP.

Game over - you're fired....appropriately.
Flynn was tricked to go get questioned without council. He was entrapped by McCabe and Strzok.
If the smell gets any funkier from the FBI/DOJ, I don't see how Mueller keeps his job as Independent Council... There is a big ball of shit sitting at the top of the FBI hierarchy and it is starting to run down hill... Ole BM was Director of the FBI for twelve years 2001/2013... As the stank permeates from FBI Hdqts, Mueller needs to be recusing himself...

That's right. Once they saw they could not stop Trump winning the primary/president, they moved on to the "removal" phase. Impede, discredit, harrass, Impeach. Whatever it takes. We are witnessing a Leftist Coup.
If the smell gets any funkier from the FBI/DOJ, I don't see how Mueller keeps his job as Independent Council... There is a big ball of shit sitting at the top of the FBI hierarchy and it is starting to run down hill... Ole BM was Director of the FBI for twelve years 2001/2013... As the stank permeates from FBI Hdqts, Mueller needs to be recusing himself...

That's right. Once they saw they could not stop Trump winning the primary/president, they moved on to the "removal" phase. Impede, discredit, harrass, Impeach. Whatever it takes. We are witnessing a Leftist Coup.
You'll think Leftist coup after the mid-term elections. Blaming Obama and Clinton for everything wrong under the sun is not going to be a winning strategy for the Right, just sayin'.
No one will ask any questions about firing Flynn. As soon As it was discovered that he lied to the vice president he had to go.

As supervisor, Trump could fire Comey for any reason or no reason. At this point, the Mueller investigation is fighting for it's own life. Any questioning of Trump will be directed to establishing a right to the existence of the investigation.

Trump was delivered a letter suggesting fire Comey. Stating Comey had lost respect in the FBI or something like that. How did he ever have any respect? What a pile of Schiff!
McCabe has retired. Strzok is in hiding. Congress is tightening charges of criminal misconduct against Mueller and the entire investigation team of Hillary donors. If Mueller is as smart as he claims to be, he will give a perfunctory examination of Trump and bring the investigation to a close with only the decades old charges against Manafort still alive.
You'll think Leftist coup after the mid-term elections. Blaming Obama and Clinton for everything wrong under the sun is not going to be a winning strategy for the Right, just sayin'.
As long as the treasonous Obama / FBI 'Secret Society' keeps being exposed and Democrats keep siding with illegals over Americans Republicans have little to worry about...
McCabe has retired. Strzok is in hiding. Congress is tightening charges of criminal misconduct against Mueller and the entire investigation team of Hillary donors. If Mueller is as smart as he claims to be, he will give a perfunctory examination of Trump and bring the investigation to a close with only the decades old charges against Manafort still alive.
If I were Trump I would not give Mueller the 'satisfaction' / the 'out'. Refuse to meet with Mueller until he can provide evidence a crime was committed warranting his investigation. Until then, 'Stop wasting my time'! :p

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