Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15

Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15
5/05/19 ~ By Zachary Halaschak
Special counsel Robert Mueller is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this month.
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., said on “Fox News Sunday” that May 15 had been fixed for Mueller to appear before the committee.
“A tentative date has been set for May 15 and we hope the special counsel will appear,” Cicilline said. “We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him.” ( Update: Cicilline has since walked back his statement. You can read it here.) Democratic congressman walks back statement that Mueller will testify on May 15.... The announcement comes after intense debate among Democrats about Mueller’s report, which they argue shows evidence of obstruction of justice. Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday but did not appear before the House Judiciary Committee the following day. Barr cited unreasonable terms placed on him by House leaders, including Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who wanted counsels for both Democrats and Republicans to have the opportunity to question him.

Mueller hasn’t agree to anything. A “Representative” of the committee said maybe that date would work Mueller would be wise to stay away. The republicans can burn him to the ground with questions. Like why wasn’t the dossier investigated? Why didn’t you require proof that the Russian hacked Hillary's computers instead of just taking her word for it? How long did you know that there was no “there” there?
Mueller has to be very careful in what he say's under oath, he's burned his get out of jail free card when he gave the spleen shiv to Barr last week. Republicans can nail him down on some uncomfortable questions and he’ll be under oath, so if he lies the answers can be used against him later. One has to question why Andrew Weisman has not be asked to appear too?
Indeed, If Bob Mueller does appear, Jim Jordan and Doug Collins won’t be very friendly. Mueller will now get to see the business end of a perjury trap.
Here are a possible few questions for Mueller:.
1. When did you first realize this was a contrived and grievous HOAX and why didn’t you stop it then?
2. Why did you hire 18 partisan biased Democrat political Hacks to aid you finding NO COLLUSION with Russia and no other crime!!
3. Why did you look to “Exonerate “ anything when that is NOT YOU DAMNED JOB?!
4. Why did you kvetch about the 4 page Summary in regard to media reports when you failed to read it?
5. How much taxpayer money did you spend on collusion after you knew and how do you plan top pay that back?
6. Why did you not investigate Hillary when you through your investigation realized it was her and not Trump who spied and colluded!
7. Where is that SOS Wiessman?

Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15

Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15
5/05/19 ~ By Zachary Halaschak
Special counsel Robert Mueller is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this month.
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., said on “Fox News Sunday” that May 15 had been fixed for Mueller to appear before the committee.
“A tentative date has been set for May 15 and we hope the special counsel will appear,” Cicilline said. “We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him.” ( Update: Cicilline has since walked back his statement. You can read it here.) Democratic congressman walks back statement that Mueller will testify on May 15.... The announcement comes after intense debate among Democrats about Mueller’s report, which they argue shows evidence of obstruction of justice. Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday but did not appear before the House Judiciary Committee the following day. Barr cited unreasonable terms placed on him by House leaders, including Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who wanted counsels for both Democrats and Republicans to have the opportunity to question him.

Mueller hasn’t agree to anything. A “Representative” of the committee said maybe that date would work Mueller would be wise to stay away. The republicans can burn him to the ground with questions. Like why wasn’t the dossier investigated? Why didn’t you require proof that the Russian hacked Hillary's computers instead of just taking her word for it? How long did you know that there was no “there” there?
Mueller has to be very careful in what he say's under oath, he's burned his get out of jail free card when he gave the spleen shiv to Barr last week. Republicans can nail him down on some uncomfortable questions and he’ll be under oath, so if he lies the answers can be used against him later. One has to question why Andrew Weisman has not be asked to appear too?
Indeed, If Bob Mueller does appear, Jim Jordan and Doug Collins won’t be very friendly. Mueller will now get to see the business end of a perjury trap.
Here are a possible few questions for Mueller:.
1. When did you first realize this was a contrived and grievous HOAX and why didn’t you stop it then?
2. Why did you hire 18 partisan biased Democrat political Hacks to aid you finding NO COLLUSION with Russia and no other crime!!
3. Why did you look to “Exonerate “ anything when that is NOT YOU DAMNED JOB?!
4. Why did you kvetch about the 4 page Summary in regard to media reports when you failed to read it?
5. How much taxpayer money did you spend on collusion after you knew and how do you plan top pay that back?
6. Why did you not investigate Hillary when you through your investigation realized it was her and not Trump who spied and colluded!
7. Where is that SOS Wiessman?

Cicilline later tweeted that Mueller had not agreed to that date or any date. Will Nadler hold him in contempt if he doesn't show up?
Yep it will be real interesting to learn when Mueller realized there was no collusion....and why did the witch hunt continue....can't wait for his answer to that....
It won't mollify the moonbats.

You are right. The Mueller report cleared Trump but the Dems just can't accept it so we will have investigation after investigation and hearing after hearing.

What a waste of tax payer money. I hope they spend all of 2019 on their fools errand.

They are paving the way for a Trump win in 2020.
Reminds me of Robin William's rant on golf, " they put a flag out by the hole to give you some hope!"

This will be another round of progressives sitting in the pumpkin patch with Linus!:2up:

Mueller is a weaseling Deep Stater that has no compunction about lying, both in his report and under oath to congress.

He took the statements from the DNC and Crowdstrike to the FBI at face value and did not subpoena those records. He is untrustworthy to the core and nothing he says or writes should be trusted.

Mueller is a deep state fixer.....conspirator....cover up artist, fabricator.....he cannot be trusted.

Mueller is a weaseling Deep Stater that has no compunction about lying, both in his report and under oath to congress.

He took the statements from the DNC and Crowdstrike to the FBI at face value and did not subpoena those records. He is untrustworthy to the core and nothing he says or writes should be trusted.

Mueller is a deep state fixer.....conspirator....cover up artist, fabricator.....he cannot be trusted.

But only the most miserable of the hyper-hysterical care!:up: Regular Americans dont concur with the paranoids among us! Only matters what the mainstream thinks!:popcorn:Munch....munch.

That vid will be seen by about 17 people!:cul2::cul2:
Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15

Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15
5/05/19 ~ By Zachary Halaschak
Special counsel Robert Mueller is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this month.
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., said on “Fox News Sunday” that May 15 had been fixed for Mueller to appear before the committee.
“A tentative date has been set for May 15 and we hope the special counsel will appear,” Cicilline said. “We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him.” ( Update: Cicilline has since walked back his statement. You can read it here.) Democratic congressman walks back statement that Mueller will testify on May 15.... The announcement comes after intense debate among Democrats about Mueller’s report, which they argue shows evidence of obstruction of justice. Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday but did not appear before the House Judiciary Committee the following day. Barr cited unreasonable terms placed on him by House leaders, including Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who wanted counsels for both Democrats and Republicans to have the opportunity to question him.

Mueller hasn’t agree to anything. A “Representative” of the committee said maybe that date would work Mueller would be wise to stay away. The republicans can burn him to the ground with questions. Like why wasn’t the dossier investigated? Why didn’t you require proof that the Russian hacked Hillary's computers instead of just taking her word for it? How long did you know that there was no “there” there?
Mueller has to be very careful in what he say's under oath, he's burned his get out of jail free card when he gave the spleen shiv to Barr last week. Republicans can nail him down on some uncomfortable questions and he’ll be under oath, so if he lies the answers can be used against him later. One has to question why Andrew Weisman has not be asked to appear too?
Indeed, If Bob Mueller does appear, Jim Jordan and Doug Collins won’t be very friendly. Mueller will now get to see the business end of a perjury trap.
Here are a possible few questions for Mueller:.
1. When did you first realize this was a contrived and grievous HOAX and why didn’t you stop it then?
2. Why did you hire 18 partisan biased Democrat political Hacks to aid you finding NO COLLUSION with Russia and no other crime!!
3. Why did you look to “Exonerate “ anything when that is NOT YOU DAMNED JOB?!
4. Why did you kvetch about the 4 page Summary in regard to media reports when you failed to read it?
5. How much taxpayer money did you spend on collusion after you knew and how do you plan top pay that back?
6. Why did you not investigate Hillary when you through your investigation realized it was her and not Trump who spied and colluded!
7. Where is that SOS Wiessman?

Bring him on!
Why?? Its just a waste of tax dollars. They already have the report and they refuse to accept it.

Bunch of wonderful people are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.
Why?? Its just a waste of tax dollars. They already have the report and they refuse to accept it.

Bunch of wonderful people are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

You do get the feeling in here that these people in here think they will sway the mainstream from this forum! Yuk....yuk....

These are the same people who sit at the edge of their seat each night and tune in Don LeMon over at CNN. Maybe 2 million others like them doing the same. Meanwhile, the rest of America is gaming or watching the Kardasian's show. Maybe Game of Thrones. Nobody cares what Don LeMon is saying!:113:
Why?? Its just a waste of tax dollars. They already have the report and they refuse to accept it.

Bunch of wonderful people are paving the way to a Trump win in 2020.

You do get the feeling in here that these people in here think they will sway the mainstream from this forum! Yuk....yuk....

These are the same people who sit at the edge of their seat each night and tune in Don LeMon over at CNN. Maybe 2 million others like them doing the same. Meanwhile, the rest of America is gaming or watching the Kardasian's show. Maybe Game of Thrones. Nobody cares what Don LeMon is saying!:113:
Lemon boy would kill for an audience of 2 million.
Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15

Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15
5/05/19 ~ By Zachary Halaschak
Special counsel Robert Mueller is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee this month.
Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., said on “Fox News Sunday” that May 15 had been fixed for Mueller to appear before the committee.
“A tentative date has been set for May 15 and we hope the special counsel will appear,” Cicilline said. “We think the American people have a right to hear directly from him.” ( Update: Cicilline has since walked back his statement. You can read it here.) Democratic congressman walks back statement that Mueller will testify on May 15.... The announcement comes after intense debate among Democrats about Mueller’s report, which they argue shows evidence of obstruction of justice. Attorney General William Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday but did not appear before the House Judiciary Committee the following day. Barr cited unreasonable terms placed on him by House leaders, including Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., who wanted counsels for both Democrats and Republicans to have the opportunity to question him.

Mueller hasn’t agree to anything. A “Representative” of the committee said maybe that date would work Mueller would be wise to stay away. The republicans can burn him to the ground with questions. Like why wasn’t the dossier investigated? Why didn’t you require proof that the Russian hacked Hillary's computers instead of just taking her word for it? How long did you know that there was no “there” there?
Mueller has to be very careful in what he say's under oath, he's burned his get out of jail free card when he gave the spleen shiv to Barr last week. Republicans can nail him down on some uncomfortable questions and he’ll be under oath, so if he lies the answers can be used against him later. One has to question why Andrew Weisman has not be asked to appear too?
Indeed, If Bob Mueller does appear, Jim Jordan and Doug Collins won’t be very friendly. Mueller will now get to see the business end of a perjury trap.
Here are a possible few questions for Mueller:.
1. When did you first realize this was a contrived and grievous HOAX and why didn’t you stop it then?
2. Why did you hire 18 partisan biased Democrat political Hacks to aid you finding NO COLLUSION with Russia and no other crime!!
3. Why did you look to “Exonerate “ anything when that is NOT YOU DAMNED JOB?!
4. Why did you kvetch about the 4 page Summary in regard to media reports when you failed to read it?
5. How much taxpayer money did you spend on collusion after you knew and how do you plan top pay that back?
6. Why did you not investigate Hillary when you through your investigation realized it was her and not Trump who spied and colluded!
7. Where is that SOS Wiessman?

It's a no win for Mueller.
  • If Bob nails Trump to a cross, the question will be why wasn't that all in the report? And this whole thing will spin out of control.
  • If Bob goes limp-wristed on Trump (or doesn't even show), the Dems will never accept it and will claim GOP obstruction.
Either way, it all bodes well for Donald. With all this smoke and noise over a dead investigation, the Democrats can't get out their own message. Meantime, all indicators for Trump look good and he'll hit the ground running. Worse, when Trump comes out of this, the Dems will just look all the more like desperate clowns who've wasted 4 years on nothing more than TDS!
Mueller is a weaseling Deep Stater that has no compunction about lying, both in his report and under oath to congress.

He took the statements from the DNC and Crowdstrike to the FBI at face value and did not subpoena those records. He is untrustworthy to the core and nothing he says or writes should be trusted.

Mueller is a deep state fixer.....conspirator....cover up artist, fabricator.....he cannot be trusted.

But only the most miserable of the hyper-hysterical care!:up: Regular Americans dont concur with the paranoids among us! Only matters what the mainstream thinks!:popcorn:Munch....munch.

That vid will be seen by about 17 people!:cul2::cul2:

Orwellian Cloud Hovers Over Russia-gate
Orwellian Cloud Hovers Over Russia-gate
Mueller is a weaseling Deep Stater that has no compunction about lying, both in his report and under oath to congress.

He took the statements from the DNC and Crowdstrike to the FBI at face value and did not subpoena those records. He is untrustworthy to the core and nothing he says or writes should be trusted.

Mueller is a deep state fixer.....conspirator....cover up artist, fabricator.....he cannot be trusted.

But only the most miserable of the hyper-hysterical care!:up: Regular Americans dont concur with the paranoids among us! Only matters what the mainstream thinks!:popcorn:Munch....munch.

That vid will be seen by about 17 people!:cul2::cul2:

Orwellian Cloud Hovers Over Russia-gate
Orwellian Cloud Hovers Over Russia-gate

It does....but only to a sliver of the population. Only the hyper-bozos will continue to hang from a thread on Russia. The rest of the country has moved on!:113:

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