Mueller's Lie and Fraud


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
I doubt you will find many that will disagree with Mueller not being up to something.
Those on the right were convinced that he was in it for either the recognition or to do as much damage as possible to Trump in the hopes of getting a democrat in his place.
The left was sure that he would find reasons to remove the republicans and put a democrat in as president. Once that did not happen they were convinced that he sold out. He ignored improprieties and covered up malfeasance. Because they are a cult that worships rumors they are convinced that there was and is something there.
It became clear at the Mueller hearing that he didn't know a damn thing. He was just the post turtle. He was led around by the nose by 40 Trump hating Communists.
Part of me knows we've found a source person in helping Hillary's ball kicking of President Trump for beating her in the election. She ought to have been kicking herself for her long career of lying, obfuscating, and cheating even elderly people out of their nest eggs to augment Social Security that doesn't begin to pay for tax hikes on their homes of 50 years that decimates their funds to the point of paying utilities and taxes, but no turkey on Thanksgiving. The local tax collectors have no mercy on elderly folks as they hide behind all the luxuries and conveniences those tax collections afford them. Seniors are confronted with having their businesses they'd hope their children would someday own mortgaged out of existence when the tax burden weighs down on them, particularly in the highly populated areas of this nation.

The other part of me wonders why men of high reputation would let sleazy Hillary destroy what little ethics they may have had after a long career of getting a confession out of anyone for anything they please to get elected by popular vote in their districts or promotions by graft-filled power players like Hillary who lied her way into infamy and shame, albeit she doesn't show her shame in public very often, she is the shell of a human being over a body of nothing but corruption, hidden by pet rock generosity to a few who love other people paying for their vices.

Edit: spelling oops!
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Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
She was never POTUS or the AG. You’re wrong again Stepford
Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
She was never POTUS or the AG. You’re wrong again Stepford
I neither addressed the former first lady as POTUS nor the Attorney General. Look out for the marbles on the floor. You just spilled all of yours.
And just FYI, I am no longer a wife, but a widow of the best Republican man and Church Clerk of Session who ever lived and graced this earth in every way.

One other thing: before his election and following his departure from the Presidency, President Clinton always maintained that America got "two for the price of one." It was true, because Hillary did a lot presidential war room shenanigans that should have been his experienced bailiwick but he preferred womanization over his elected duties. And that's the bare facts.
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Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
She was never POTUS or the AG. You’re wrong again Stepford
One other thing. You have overlooked Hillary Clinton's possession of FBI files on her husband's rivals and political enemies/targets, not to mention her threat against Vince Foster in the morning of the day he died of what was propagandized as "a self-inflicted wound." Vince Foster 'suicide' shocker: 2nd wound documented - WND
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Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
She was never POTUS or the AG. You’re wrong again Stepford
One other thing. You have overlooked Hillary Clinton's possession of FBI files on her husband's rivals and political enemies/targets, not to mention her threat against Vince Foster in the morning of the day he died of what was propagandized as "a self-inflicted wound." Vince Foster 'suicide' shocker: 2nd wound documented - WND

It literally was last century Stepford
Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
She was never POTUS or the AG. You’re wrong again Stepford
I neither addressed the former first lady as POTUS nor the Attorney General.
Those are the only two people who can "put in place" FBI leadership you nitwit.

And just FYI, I am no longer a wife, but a widow of the best Republican man and Church Clerk of Session who ever lived and graced this earth in every way.
As some who has also lost a spouse, I feel your pain.

One other thing: before his election and following his departure from the Presidency, President Clinton always maintained that America got "two for the price of one." It was true, because Hillary did a lot presidential war room shenanigans that should have been his experienced bailiwick but he preferred womanization over his elected duties. And that's the bare facts.

You're so ridiculously full of shit.
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Wow, a blob supporter trotting out a well debunked conspiracy theory. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Wow, a blob supporter trotting out a well debunked conspiracy theory. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Who debunked it? Jim Comey? Oh, wait. De bunk belonged Strozk and Page. :abgg2q.jpg:
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Wow, a blob supporter trotting out a well debunked conspiracy theory. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Who debunked it? Jim Comey? Oh, wait. De bunk belonged Strozk and Page. :abgg2q.jpg:

I believe FBI Director Sessions did back in the 1990's when this happened. You do know that carp you're spewing is like 30 years old right?

Do you think the twin towers had explosives in them too Stepford?
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Good lord, people still going with the Vince Foster conspiracy theory?
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Wow, a blob supporter trotting out a well debunked conspiracy theory. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

Who debunked it? Jim Comey? Oh, wait. De bunk belonged Strozk and Page. :abgg2q.jpg:

Literally four separate investigations.

It was a total hoax.
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Good lord, people still going with the Vince Foster conspiracy theory?

Well, stupid is as Texas does. They are still waiting for the Jade Helm soldiers to show up.
And one other thing about that Foster alleged suicide is that first responders were shocked when they found very little blood at the scene you would expect to find at the scene of a suicide. This fact was suppressed by the MSM for the most part.

Good lord, people still going with the Vince Foster conspiracy theory?

Well, stupid is as Texas does. They are still waiting for the Jade Helm soldiers to show up.

It’s a good reminder that the right wing has been a bunch of conspiratorial lunatics for a long time.
With the load of crap the media has spun for the last few decades, I think it makes sense to ask questions. Now the media doesn't even try to pretend they care if their information is true or not. That is a problem.
Mueller stands accused of a monstrous lie and scheme to defraud the American people.

With apologies to our leftist group here at USMB, the evidence trail shows that Mueller is apparently Deep State.

John Dowd, one of the lead lawyers who represented President Trump during Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion, said Tuesday that the special counsel engineered a perjury trap for Trump in the exact same way that James Comey’s FBI invented a trap for former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.​
“Mueller’s scheme was the same one captured in the (newly released) FBI set-up notes pertaining to Flynn. They knew they had nothing, but using their official power they created and perpetuated the facade of an investigation,” said Dowd. Gregg Jarrett: Trump attorney accuses Mueller of 'monstrous lie and scheme to defraud'
I'm appalled, but I think it is the truth. I always thought Mueller was on the up and up, but apparently the makeup Hillary put in place in the FBI Leadership were soiled by her political ambitions to be an Empress in this world. What say you?
She was never POTUS or the AG. You’re wrong again Stepford
I neither addressed the former first lady as POTUS nor the Attorney General.
Those are the only two people who can "put in place" FBI leadership you nitwit.

And just FYI, I am no longer a wife, but a widow of the best Republican man and Church Clerk of Session who ever lived and graced this earth in every way.
As some who has also lost a spouse, I feel your pain.

One other thing: before his election and following his departure from the Presidency, President Clinton always maintained that America got "two for the price of one." It was true, because Hillary did a lot presidential war room shenanigans that should have been his experienced bailiwick but he preferred womanization over his elected duties. And that's the bare facts.

You're so ridiculously full of shit.
Washington Post, Jun 14, 2013 · The quote presidential candidate Bill Clinton often used -- 'two for the price of one' -- will always be true and will always be both blessing and curse for one or the other.

I tell the truth. You think the truth is barnyard droppings no matter what anyone says.

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