Multiple attacks in iran

iranian after paris attack and 11 september




^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

Iran just had elections...

You do know that the Ayatolllah is in charge of everything, right? That he picks even who can run?

Shiites overall, do seem less radicalized and violent than Sunnis. The world's most brutal Terrorist Organizations are all Saudi Wahhabist Sunni Orgs. Maybe we should forge a better relationship with Iran, and reassess our close ties with Saudi Arabia? I mean, most of the 9/11 Terrorists were Saudis. Something to ponder anyway.

good news.
general bagheri
(iranian commander):

world will see biggest fight and operation against isis very soon(in the next few days)
Ya know what? Iran is one of the world's leading supporters of state sponsored terrorism, now they know what's it like. Too bad and so fucking sad, I have zero sympathy

So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I. Answer there are zero nations that Iran last carpet bombed.

II. I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein's Iraq who attacked Iran with the full backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

I agree Lucy.

You know...the people who are celebrating terrorist attacks in Iran ought to realize that we (the US) could be labeled in much the same way for invading Iraq and MEDDLING in other countries. Does that make terrorist attacks on civilians justified? Ever? Some people apparently think so.
So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you

What's the difference between a war of choice (invading a sovereign nation that has not aggressed against you) and a terrorist act? It seems like the only difference is one has the backing of a government and the other doesn't...but the end is the same.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.

You know nothing about Iran, nothing. The Iranian people do not have the weapons. The Mullahs do. The Ayatollah is in charge of virtually everything, educate yourself.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

Iran just had elections...

"Iran just had elections..."

When was the last time Saudi Arabia had actual democratic elections? Yes that's right never.

Also Bahrain, Kuwait and the UAE have never had one democratic election. Ever.

More blather, their is NOTHING "democratic" about their elections.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.

You know nothing about Iran, nothing. The Iranian people do not have the weapons. The Mullahs do. The Ayatollah is in charge of virtually everything, educate yourself.
did fox news tell to you ? tucker carlson?
this terrorist attack didnt hurt iran tourist bussiness .
iran tourism rising this months


iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.

Americans have such a view of Iran since the hostage crisis. Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia

We don't take kindly to terrorists hostage situations and we haven't forgotten.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.

Americans have such a view of Iran since the hostage crisis. Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia

We don't take kindly to terrorists hostage situations and we haven't forgotten.

That was in 1979, though,

I think. (Did not click link)
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.

Americans have such a view of Iran since the hostage crisis. Iran hostage crisis - Wikipedia

We don't take kindly to terrorists hostage situations and we haven't forgotten.

That was in 1979, though,

I think. (Did not click link)

revolution =violent
people are crazy during revolution .
most of embassy attacker were young student. they are change now. most of the us embassy attacker are iran hardliner enemy now . and many of them live in united state.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.

You know nothing about Iran, nothing. The Iranian people do not have the weapons. The Mullahs do. The Ayatollah is in charge of virtually everything, educate yourself.
did fox news tell to you ? tucker carlson?

I'm very comfy in your ignorance boy.

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