Multiple attacks in iran

So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge
it's not as if they're the only ones who do. when you map all this shit out in who's supporting who we eventually wind up fighting ourselves.

"when you map all this shit out in who's supporting who we eventually wind up fighting ourselves."

Which should be all the more reason not to get involved in what are essentially Tribal and Centuries old fights between different sects of the 7th Century Satanic Death Cult.

Just pull ALL your troops and bases OUT of the Middle East, go home and let these maniacs fight it out among themselves.

Would you say any one of that crowd are worth even ONE dead soldier, let alone multiple thousands?
they've been fighting as long as there's been sand there. we're not going to stop it. i'd be ok with getting out as much as possible.
Syria is more Iran and saudi Arabia fighting there by proxy. W Qatar in play they are about to go at it.

Qatar is being bullied because they had opened negotiations with Iran, so they are being bullied mainly by Saudi Arabia who are the ultimate hypocrites not to mention the leading state sponsor of terrorism, exporting their vile Wahhabism through funded proxies such as Al-Qaeda and now more infamously ISIS.

Why would anyone want to expand this insane situation now to include starting on Qatar?

Iran is Shia, this is primarily why Saudi Arabia hate Iran, Iran has not threatened the majority of Arabic nations in the Middle East, but Iran has threatened Saudi Arabia and in my opinion EVERYONE not ONLY should threaten Saudi Arabia but should turn Saudi Arabia into rubble, securing the oil fields first and then just turn the rest of Saudi Arabia into rubble and that includes destroying the ENTIRE House of Saud.

The only Regime Changes that should be happening are taking out The House of Saud and taking out that psychopath Erdogan in Turkey, Turkey of course like the Saudi's are supporting ISIS.

As I said yesterday if it came on the news that Saudi Arabia had been wiped off the map, I'd throw a party. WTF is America doing licking the filthy buttocks of Saudi Arabia, you are on the wrong side and completely delusional, in bed with the crowd who FUNDED 9/11 and who FUND ISIS and that's not insane?

Oh where to begin.

The US is actually 3rd on the Iranian enemies list, primarily because we are protected by two vast oceans, making it harder to pull anything major off. The other two are almost neck and neck because Iran views the Saudi's as apostates and whores. They hate the Saudi's ALMOST as much as they hate the Jew's.

ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria.

As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order. The fact that so many willfully choose to not accept that fact does not makes it any less true. Tip, in the ME look at Nations that do not have a Central Bank, Asia too for that matter.

"ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria."

Of course ISIS are the proxy army and so are the Al-Nusra Front, the latter the Propaganda MSM refer to as "moderate rebels" and the Western Puppet leaders also refer to them as "moderate rebels".

"As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order."

Americans should read and have a look when America started to interfere in the Middle East, it didn't begin until the mid 1950s, prior to that America had no involvement in Middle Eastern issues or situations.

The first would probably be the 1953 CIA backed (Kermit Roosevelt of the CIA was instrumental in the planning) overthrow of the democratically elected leader of Iran.

Nearly all American Presidents post-JFK and regardless of being elected have had no control over their foreign policy whatsoever, they are ordered when and who to Regime Change in the Middle East for reasons that have next to nothing to do with battling terrorism or anything else, American troops die not to protect America as America has NO national interests in the Middle East being so geographically detached from that region, but American troops die in that region to further the long standing Agenda of and to protect those who control American foreign policy where the Middle East is concerned.

Most of these of course are Foreign Agents who operate in Washington DC and who might have been born in America but they are not American Patriots, they are Traitors who are not loyal in any way, shape or form to America, many of them are in the Council of Foreign Relations if you read a list of their names and where the Middle East is concerned they have no politics, regardless if they are Democratic or Republican the one thing they all agree on is that there are people living in the Middle East who are just "in the way" of the Agenda moving forward, so they have to go.

If people remember back to the disaster that was the invasion of Iraq, even while that disaster was still ongoing there were those who were already saying that Syria had to be dealt with next.

So you see unless someone does have their heads in the sand, it's easy to realise this is a long standing Agenda where at least four SOVEREIGN nations in the Middle East and two in North Africa have been targeted for Invasion, Destabilisation and Regime Change.

They are:

Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt and pretty much all of the land east of the River Nile - ISIS have established a foothold in the Sinai Peninsula several years ago, the Egyptian Army have been battling them ever since to stop them pushing further up.

The question of course is who benefits from this strategy? Certainly not America as America is neither geographically in the Middle East or North Africa.
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Syria is more Iran and saudi Arabia fighting there by proxy. W Qatar in play they are about to go at it.

Qatar is being bullied because they had opened negotiations with Iran, so they are being bullied mainly by Saudi Arabia who are the ultimate hypocrites not to mention the leading state sponsor of terrorism, exporting their vile Wahhabism through funded proxies such as Al-Qaeda and now more infamously ISIS.

Why would anyone want to expand this insane situation now to include starting on Qatar?

Iran is Shia, this is primarily why Saudi Arabia hate Iran, Iran has not threatened the majority of Arabic nations in the Middle East, but Iran has threatened Saudi Arabia and in my opinion EVERYONE not ONLY should threaten Saudi Arabia but should turn Saudi Arabia into rubble, securing the oil fields first and then just turn the rest of Saudi Arabia into rubble and that includes destroying the ENTIRE House of Saud.

The only Regime Changes that should be happening are taking out The House of Saud and taking out that psychopath Erdogan in Turkey, Turkey of course like the Saudi's are supporting ISIS.

As I said yesterday if it came on the news that Saudi Arabia had been wiped off the map, I'd throw a party. WTF is America doing licking the filthy buttocks of Saudi Arabia, you are on the wrong side and completely delusional, in bed with the crowd who FUNDED 9/11 and who FUND ISIS and that's not insane?

Oh where to begin.

The US is actually 3rd on the Iranian enemies list, primarily because we are protected by two vast oceans, making it harder to pull anything major off. The other two are almost neck and neck because Iran views the Saudi's as apostates and whores. They hate the Saudi's ALMOST as much as they hate the Jew's.

ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria.

As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order. The fact that so many willfully choose to not accept that fact does not makes it any less true. Tip, in the ME look at Nations that do not have a Central Bank, Asia too for that matter.

"ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria."

Of course ISIS are the proxy army and so are the Al-Nusra Front, the latter the Propaganda MSM refer to as "moderate rebels" and the Western Puppet leaders also refer to them as "moderate rebels".

"As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order."

Nearly all American Presidents post-JFK and regardless of being elected have no control over their foreign policy whatsoever, they are ordered when and who to Regime Change in the Middle East for reasons that have next to nothing to do with battling terrorism or anything else, American troops die not to protect America as America has NO national interests in the Middle East being so geographically detached from that region, but American troops die in that region to further the long standing Agenda of and to protect those who control American foreign policy where the Middle East is concerned.

Most of these of course are Foreign Agents who operate in Washington DC and who might have been born in America but they are not American Patriots, they are Traitors who are not loyal in any way, shape of form to America, many of them are in the Council of Foreign Relations if you read a list of their names and where the Middle East is concerned they have no politics, regardless if they are Democratic or Republican the one thing they all agree on is that there are people living in the Middle East who are just "in the way" of the Agenda moving forward, so they have to go.

If people remember back to the disaster that was the invasion of Iraq, even while that disaster was still ongoing there were those who were already saying that Syria had to be dealt with next.

So you see unless someone does have their heads in the sand, it's easy to realise this is a long standing Agenda where at least four SOVEREIGN nations in the Middle East and two in North Africa have been targeted for Invasion, Destabilisation and Regime Change.

They are:

Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt and pretty much all of the last east of the River Nile - ISIS have established a foothold in the Sinai Peninsula several years ago, the Egyptian Army have been battling them ever since to stop them pushing further up.

The question of course is who benefits from this strategy? Certainly not America as America is neither geographically in the Middle East or North Africa.

As I said, find out which ones do not have a Central Bank, THAT will be the blueprint.
Syria is more Iran and saudi Arabia fighting there by proxy. W Qatar in play they are about to go at it.

Qatar is being bullied because they had opened negotiations with Iran, so they are being bullied mainly by Saudi Arabia who are the ultimate hypocrites not to mention the leading state sponsor of terrorism, exporting their vile Wahhabism through funded proxies such as Al-Qaeda and now more infamously ISIS.

Why would anyone want to expand this insane situation now to include starting on Qatar?

Iran is Shia, this is primarily why Saudi Arabia hate Iran, Iran has not threatened the majority of Arabic nations in the Middle East, but Iran has threatened Saudi Arabia and in my opinion EVERYONE not ONLY should threaten Saudi Arabia but should turn Saudi Arabia into rubble, securing the oil fields first and then just turn the rest of Saudi Arabia into rubble and that includes destroying the ENTIRE House of Saud.

The only Regime Changes that should be happening are taking out The House of Saud and taking out that psychopath Erdogan in Turkey, Turkey of course like the Saudi's are supporting ISIS.

As I said yesterday if it came on the news that Saudi Arabia had been wiped off the map, I'd throw a party. WTF is America doing licking the filthy buttocks of Saudi Arabia, you are on the wrong side and completely delusional, in bed with the crowd who FUNDED 9/11 and who FUND ISIS and that's not insane?

Oh where to begin.

The US is actually 3rd on the Iranian enemies list, primarily because we are protected by two vast oceans, making it harder to pull anything major off. The other two are almost neck and neck because Iran views the Saudi's as apostates and whores. They hate the Saudi's ALMOST as much as they hate the Jew's.

ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria.

As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order. The fact that so many willfully choose to not accept that fact does not makes it any less true. Tip, in the ME look at Nations that do not have a Central Bank, Asia too for that matter.

"ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria."

Of course ISIS are the proxy army and so are the Al-Nusra Front, the latter the Propaganda MSM refer to as "moderate rebels" and the Western Puppet leaders also refer to them as "moderate rebels".

"As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order."

Nearly all American Presidents post-JFK and regardless of being elected have no control over their foreign policy whatsoever, they are ordered when and who to Regime Change in the Middle East for reasons that have next to nothing to do with battling terrorism or anything else, American troops die not to protect America as America has NO national interests in the Middle East being so geographically detached from that region, but American troops die in that region to further the long standing Agenda of and to protect those who control American foreign policy where the Middle East is concerned.

Most of these of course are Foreign Agents who operate in Washington DC and who might have been born in America but they are not American Patriots, they are Traitors who are not loyal in any way, shape of form to America, many of them are in the Council of Foreign Relations if you read a list of their names and where the Middle East is concerned they have no politics, regardless if they are Democratic or Republican the one thing they all agree on is that there are people living in the Middle East who are just "in the way" of the Agenda moving forward, so they have to go.

If people remember back to the disaster that was the invasion of Iraq, even while that disaster was still ongoing there were those who were already saying that Syria had to be dealt with next.

So you see unless someone does have their heads in the sand, it's easy to realise this is a long standing Agenda where at least four SOVEREIGN nations in the Middle East and two in North Africa have been targeted for Invasion, Destabilisation and Regime Change.

They are:

Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt and pretty much all of the last east of the River Nile - ISIS have established a foothold in the Sinai Peninsula several years ago, the Egyptian Army have been battling them ever since to stop them pushing further up.

The question of course is who benefits from this strategy? Certainly not America as America is neither geographically in the Middle East or North Africa.

As I said, find out which ones do not have a Central Bank, THAT will be the blueprint.

I'm fully aware of The Blueprint of the Agenda in the Middle East, you only have to think who benefits.
Syria is more Iran and saudi Arabia fighting there by proxy. W Qatar in play they are about to go at it.

Qatar is being bullied because they had opened negotiations with Iran, so they are being bullied mainly by Saudi Arabia who are the ultimate hypocrites not to mention the leading state sponsor of terrorism, exporting their vile Wahhabism through funded proxies such as Al-Qaeda and now more infamously ISIS.

Why would anyone want to expand this insane situation now to include starting on Qatar?

Iran is Shia, this is primarily why Saudi Arabia hate Iran, Iran has not threatened the majority of Arabic nations in the Middle East, but Iran has threatened Saudi Arabia and in my opinion EVERYONE not ONLY should threaten Saudi Arabia but should turn Saudi Arabia into rubble, securing the oil fields first and then just turn the rest of Saudi Arabia into rubble and that includes destroying the ENTIRE House of Saud.

The only Regime Changes that should be happening are taking out The House of Saud and taking out that psychopath Erdogan in Turkey, Turkey of course like the Saudi's are supporting ISIS.

As I said yesterday if it came on the news that Saudi Arabia had been wiped off the map, I'd throw a party. WTF is America doing licking the filthy buttocks of Saudi Arabia, you are on the wrong side and completely delusional, in bed with the crowd who FUNDED 9/11 and who FUND ISIS and that's not insane?

Oh where to begin.

The US is actually 3rd on the Iranian enemies list, primarily because we are protected by two vast oceans, making it harder to pull anything major off. The other two are almost neck and neck because Iran views the Saudi's as apostates and whores. They hate the Saudi's ALMOST as much as they hate the Jew's.

ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria.

As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order. The fact that so many willfully choose to not accept that fact does not makes it any less true. Tip, in the ME look at Nations that do not have a Central Bank, Asia too for that matter.

"ISIS? If you don't know that we are arming and funding them in Syria you've had your head in sand the lo these many years. They (ISIS) is basically a proxy army we are using in Syria."

Of course ISIS are the proxy army and so are the Al-Nusra Front, the latter the Propaganda MSM refer to as "moderate rebels" and the Western Puppet leaders also refer to them as "moderate rebels".

"As to ending our involvement in the ME? NEVER happen. It's cute how people actually still think that any of the major powers are autonomous entities. They/We are not, we get our marching orders from a higher order."

Nearly all American Presidents post-JFK and regardless of being elected have no control over their foreign policy whatsoever, they are ordered when and who to Regime Change in the Middle East for reasons that have next to nothing to do with battling terrorism or anything else, American troops die not to protect America as America has NO national interests in the Middle East being so geographically detached from that region, but American troops die in that region to further the long standing Agenda of and to protect those who control American foreign policy where the Middle East is concerned.

Most of these of course are Foreign Agents who operate in Washington DC and who might have been born in America but they are not American Patriots, they are Traitors who are not loyal in any way, shape of form to America, many of them are in the Council of Foreign Relations if you read a list of their names and where the Middle East is concerned they have no politics, regardless if they are Democratic or Republican the one thing they all agree on is that there are people living in the Middle East who are just "in the way" of the Agenda moving forward, so they have to go.

If people remember back to the disaster that was the invasion of Iraq, even while that disaster was still ongoing there were those who were already saying that Syria had to be dealt with next.

So you see unless someone does have their heads in the sand, it's easy to realise this is a long standing Agenda where at least four SOVEREIGN nations in the Middle East and two in North Africa have been targeted for Invasion, Destabilisation and Regime Change.

They are:

Iraq, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Libya and Egypt and pretty much all of the last east of the River Nile - ISIS have established a foothold in the Sinai Peninsula several years ago, the Egyptian Army have been battling them ever since to stop them pushing further up.

The question of course is who benefits from this strategy? Certainly not America as America is neither geographically in the Middle East or North Africa.

As I said, find out which ones do not have a Central Bank, THAT will be the blueprint.

I'm fully aware of The Blueprint of the Agenda in the Middle East, you only have to think who benefits.

Are you one of those " I MUST have the last word kinds of people"? You keep repeating what I say using more words than are necessary ;)
Actually I think that that's what happened to Ike making him decide not run for re-election. In his 4 years he got to see the dirty little secrets and wanted no more part in it. Especially in light of his MIC speech.
Actually I think that that's what happened to Ike making him decide not run for re-election. In his 4 years he got to see the dirty little secrets and wanted no more part in it. Especially in light of his MIC speech.
Eisenhower served two terms as President. Term limit applied.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

"you're clueless about the war on terror."

So are you clueless, or you would realise that the War on Terror is a complete failure, just like the War on Drugs has been a complete failure.

The wrong nations have been targeted and not for any reasons of terrorism, but for ulterior motives that have little to do with terrorism.

There is no War on Terror, if there was then years ago Saudi Arabia and Pakistan would have been dealt with and turned into rubble.

Now we have the American backed Saudi Arabia calling Qatar supporters of terrorism, pot meet kettle and America is just cheerleading Saudi Arabia on and are so imbecilic they cannot see what a good part of what educated people can see and that's the absolute hypocrisy and double standard.

Now we have Turkey talking about sending Turkish troops to Qatar to help Qatar, are you aware of that or hasn't it reached your Council on Foreign Relations Kool-Aid Drip Feeder yet? :tongue:

You have been asked and have failed to give any logical reason why Western nations should even be in the Middle East, let alone bombing to rubble multiple nations and for WHAT? WHAT has been achieved by further destabilising half the Middle East?

In the West we rarely had the sort of terrorist attacks we are now having with alarming frequency, what happened in the Middle East in general was contained to the Middle East.

We already know they consider us Infidels, but if you were a little more educated on this topic then you'd also know that the Sunni's consider the Shia's little more than Infidels also, they are considered Apostates.

We won't go into Wahhabism as I think it's probably too complicated for you to comprehend, considering all you seem to be able to come up with is a combination of:

Rah Rah Rah chest beating Bombs Away and Memorised Talking Points Memos.

We agree on many things Sassy, this is never going to be one of them and I repeat I'm far more well educated than you are about Geo-Politics.

"Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid."

You cannot even give a coherent and logical reason as to why the West is in the Middle East or what constructive and tangible benefits the West has even got from being in the Middle East.

We could if you want have a discussion about pre-1922 Middle Eastern history.

We could also agree that you see things in the most simplistic black and white terms ie. they are there let's just bomb them because we can.

As I said Sassy Karma is a bitch, you reap what you sow. If you poke a hornet's nest, don't be surprised if the hornet's sting you.
Neanderthal V. Cro-Magnon: The Final Chapter

Just as the ancient bandit tribes before the time of Mohammed always wanted to overrun and loot the civilized nations, Islam has been itching to destroy us as soon as we became decadent and weak after the suicidal World Wars. This natural jealous urge to destroy was not provoked by our presence over there; it is the regressive goal of an obsolete primate species to reverse the flexible rules of evolutionary survival. Once the fittest became the fattest, we degenerated into easy prey for those who desperately need to turn back the clock to the postclassical Dark Ages and to even earlier periods of uncreative destruction and chaos.
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iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.
when you visited iran ?
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

Iran just had elections...

"Iran just had elections..."

When was the last time Saudi Arabia had actual democratic elections? Yes that's right never.

Also Bahrain, Kuwait and the UAE have never had one democratic election. Ever.
iranian after paris attack and 11 september


^Just something I want to point out: Notice all the women aren't in burqas or wearing hijabs,

also they are gathered in the street after dark.

When I visited Iran I covered my hair and that was it, when in Rome do as the Romans. I myself didn't see one Iranian woman wearing a Burqa or having to walk behind men as if second class people.

Also Iran has one of the highest percentages of women at University, the Iranians in general have always been some of the best educated people in the Middle East and also they are very friendly and very cultured and have a respect for Western culture, especially our literature and philosophers.

It's shocking that for no reason at all ignorant people in America would this moment be happy if Iran was bombed back to the stone age and why do they think that? Because they have swallowed Kool Aid Propaganda.

Most Iranians do not hate Western peoples and anyone who is an enemy of Saudi Arabia should be sided with.

It's ridiculous to think that all peoples in the Middle East hate Western peoples most of them just want to be left alone and not be Dictated to by the West.
when you visited iran ?

Yes several years ago.
Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.

Take it however you want...I don't really give a fuck

You really should reconsider your loyal support for Perpetual War. You're not gaining anything from it.

We have gained more terrorist attacks.

Good point.
Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.

Take it however you want...I don't really give a fuck

You really should reconsider your loyal support for Perpetual War. You're not gaining anything from it.
Some people have stock in the military/industrial complex....war is all about the Benjamins to them.

I hear ya on that. But why do so many others support the policy? For example, what did the average American get out of the Iraq War catastrophe? That war alone has cost untold $Trillions. There's $Billions they still haven't accounted for. It's a horrific blunder.

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