Multiple attacks in iran

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you

I'm very well educated, it's you who needs to get out of The Bubble and stop being fed by Neo-Conservative Warmongering types like The Council on Foreign Relations.

Well unlike you I happen to know somebody im the intel field. Perhsps you should stop assuming where I get my info, it makes you look small.

Have a lovely day
You know someone in the Intel field who is feeding you Intel? What is their name and position so they can be reported for sharing Intel.
Here is what to watch for Iran to retaliate in Syria. If you don't already know that ISIS is a part of the Syrian "insurgency" that we not only have armed them but are backing them, you don't even belong in this discussion. Iran retaliates and kills some of our "advisors". Game on.
Or, let's just get the hell out of the Middle East. We don't belong there. We never did. It's such a bloody catastrophe over there. And we're the cause of much of it. It's time to come home.

You sound like a goddamn broken record and are truly one of the most ill informed people I've ever encountered. Comment after comment after comment how the US is the cause of every conceivable woe in the world

We don't belong in those lands. That's just fact. We have caused much of the bloody chaos over there. It's time for a new direction. Time to come home.

Polly want a cracker......squawk!!!

There you went again, same shit different post.

You're just spewing the same redundant crap over and over again. It's boring

And you're just spewing the same redundant conditioned Warmongering shite. Try some independent critical thinking sometime. This Perpetual War policy is Bullshite. You're not gaining anything from it. Only a few Globalist Elite assholes are. Contemplate that a bit.

Dude you're just another pacifist pussy thinking hey if we don't bother them they will leave us alone.

You're fucking stupid if you believe that. Stop whining, it's unbecoming

Well, you support this insane bloody Perpetual War policy. So i'm not surprised you're saying those things. You've been conditioned to believe Perpetual War is the answer. Unfortunately, too many Americans have succumbed to that conditioning. I'm not even angry with you. I feel bad for you. You haven't taken the Red Pill yet. But hopefully one day you'll see the light. I really do hope so.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.
We are's once again our that we got rid of the fag and elected a leader who proclaims our role as leader of the free world.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time
I really can't be bothered to care if Iran is having problems.

They've exported terrorists.
They've supplied the weapons that killed American soldiers.
They chant death to America.

Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You tell us, why didn't Obama bring everyone home?
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You tell us, why didn't Obama bring everyone home?

I'm not an Obamabot. I didn't see much difference between him and Bush. I know the loyal Obamabots desperately try to see a big difference between the two, but there really isn't.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.

Take it however you want...I don't really give a fuck
Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.

Take it however you want...I don't really give a fuck

You really should reconsider your loyal support for Perpetual War. You're not gaining anything from it.
Dude, I lost my best friend in that fucking mess over there. You sit there on your little ivory pedestal and spew your BS, that's your choice but don't you dare tell me you feel bad for me. Fuck, you, fuck your pacifism and fuck your self perceived holier than art thou attitude. You're clueless as to the ways of the world, you're clueless about the war on terror and you have deluded yourself into thinking everything will be just peachy if we leave them alone.

Let me help you out, they hate you, they want you dead, YOU are an infidel. It's not because we are in the ME, they have been doing this since long before the US ever existed. It's their core belief. Get informed and YOU stop drinking the Kool Aid.

Let's just leave their lands and come home. Why are we there? Think about that a bit more.

There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You tell us, why didn't Obama bring everyone home?

I'm not an Obamabot. I didn't see much difference between him and Bush. I know the loyal Obamabots desperately try to see a big difference between the two, but there really isn't.

They are both Neo-Cons to their core. Hillary too.
There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.

Take it however you want...I don't really give a fuck

You really should reconsider your loyal support for Perpetual War. You're not gaining anything from it.
There ya go....back to your simpleton polly want a cracker?

You can't debate, you're incapable of critical thinking, somewhere along the way you've been indoctrinated....or you're just fucking stupid. Regardless of which you're a waste of time

Why are we there? Seriously ask yourself that question. Do you really believe you're benefiting from all this meddling?

You're too fucking stupid to grasp it if I took the time to explain it to you.

Sorry kid, I'm not wasting anymore time and effort on you. Have a good evening

Well, i'll take that as an admission that you can't explain how you personally benefit from all this meddling. You just blindly support Perpetual War. And that's the problem.

Take it however you want...I don't really give a fuck

You really should reconsider your loyal support for Perpetual War. You're not gaining anything from it.

We have gained more terrorist attacks.

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