Multiple attacks in iran

So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

Then you should be able to list international terrorist attacks they have sponsored.

Beirut Marine barracks 1983, done by Hezbollah sponsored by Iran. Common

1983? You are aware it is 2017 and ISiS is killing people now? And Iran is fighting ISIS?
What groups are Iran supporting in Afghanistan and Iraq that are warring with American soldiers? Obama on several occasions had weapons dropped to ISIS by "accident" once in Iraq, once in Syria, who are you fighting and who have you been supporting?

Saying ISIS must be defeated and then enabling them by dropping weapons to them by "accident", saying you support the "moderate rebels" who are the Al-Nusra Front who are supported by Al-Qaeda.

The best thing to begin with is if the West just left the Middle East alone to fight and conduct their own affairs, the West has no business even being in the Middle East.

There was no need to invade Iraq or get involved with Syria or get involved and fuck up Libya and turn it into an ISIS foothold in North Africa.

Ya know what? Iran is one of the world's leading supporters of state sponsored terrorism, now they know what's it like. Too bad and so fucking sad, I have zero sympathy

So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I. Answer there are zero nations that Iran last carpet bombed.

II. I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein's Iraq who attacked Iran with the full backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.
Ya know what? Iran is one of the world's leading supporters of state sponsored terrorism, now they know what's it like. Too bad and so fucking sad, I have zero sympathy

So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you
CFR are the elites that conspire to rule the world.

I don't put stock in anything they or AP says.
So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

Then you should be able to list international terrorist attacks they have sponsored.

Beirut Marine barracks 1983, done by Hezbollah sponsored by Iran. Common

Whatever happened with that attack on the USS Liberty? Who attacked the USS Liberty and killed all those American sailors?
So what international terrorist attacks have Iran been associated with then?

List them please.

I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you

I'm very well educated, it's you who needs to get out of The Bubble and stop being fed by Neo-Conservative Warmongering types like The Council on Foreign Relations.
I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

Then you should be able to list international terrorist attacks they have sponsored.

Beirut Marine barracks 1983, done by Hezbollah sponsored by Iran. Common

1983? You are aware it is 2017 and ISiS is killing people now? And Iran is fighting ISIS?

The fundamental threat the world faces today is ISIS and Radical Islamic Extremism that Saudi Arabia funds and exports.

This is what the Middle East faces, it's what we in the West face and it's now also being exported to The Philippines.

Any nation who is fighting against ISIS is to be considered our friend, as we have a common enemy and a shared goal to eradicate ISIS and their proxies who are in the West and now also in The Philippines.

Any nation that supports ISIS, either directly or indirectly should be considered an enemy and that includes Turkey who should be thrown out of NATO.
I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you

I'm very well educated, it's you who needs to get out of The Bubble and stop being fed by Neo-Conservative Warmongering types like The Council on Foreign Relations.

Well unlike you I happen to know somebody im the intel field. Perhsps you should stop assuming where I get my info, it makes you look small.

Have a lovely day
I provided a link regarding Iran's sponsorship of terrorism, I have no further comment on it. They reaped what they sow

Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

Then you should be able to list international terrorist attacks they have sponsored.

Beirut Marine barracks 1983, done by Hezbollah sponsored by Iran. Common

Whatever happened with that attack on the USS Liberty? Who attacked the USS Liberty and killed all those American sailors?

What does that have to with Iranian terrorism? Besides nothing
Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you

I'm very well educated, it's you who needs to get out of The Bubble and stop being fed by Neo-Conservative Warmongering types like The Council on Foreign Relations.

Well unlike you I happen to know somebody im the intel field. Perhsps you should stop assuming where I get my info, it makes you look small.

Have a lovely day

My brother is in Intelligence, Active Intelligence and so are other members of my family, which include some in the Diplomatic Corps and I myself are Armed Forces. I'm fully educated about all of this stuff.

I don't get my information from Neo-Conservative Warmongers with a very, very well known "Agenda" who's loyalties are not even to their own nation but to somewhere else, who's bidding they do and happily bang the war drums so American soldiers can go and fight and die not to protect America but to preserve and advance the "Agenda"

The CFR are full of essentially Traitors, who would happily see America destroyed to fulfill the "Agenda" of the ones they are loyal to.
Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

Then you should be able to list international terrorist attacks they have sponsored.

Beirut Marine barracks 1983, done by Hezbollah sponsored by Iran. Common

Whatever happened with that attack on the USS Liberty? Who attacked the USS Liberty and killed all those American sailors?

What does that have to with Iranian terrorism? Besides nothing

Well what does 1983 have to do with 2017? Nothing.

But who did attack the USS Liberty and kill all those American soldiers? It was mentioned the other day on another thread, I suppose it's okay when some people kill American soldiers, just a little "accident" or something. Okay.

Of course you should know that if Iran retaliates against the state sponsors of the terrorists today ie. Saudi Arabia that your Warmongering gentle flowers in the CFR will demand that America get into an UNWINNABLE war on the SIDE of the TERRORIST STATE SPONSORS of ISIS who are killing people not only in the Middle East but also elsewhere in the world now.

You see nations like Iran apparently are NOT allowed to retaliate even when attacked, that's according to nations who think nothing of breaking ALL International Laws themselves and bombing nations who have NOT attacked THEM because of you know Regime Change and Oil and Land Grabs and that sort of thing.
Yes your link is for the Neo-Conservative Council on Foreign Relations, hardly unbiased and we all know what the CFR "Agenda" is of course.

So anything put forward by the Neo-Conservatiuve Council on Foreign Relations isn't to be considered as impartial.

Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

Then you should be able to list international terrorist attacks they have sponsored.

Beirut Marine barracks 1983, done by Hezbollah sponsored by Iran. Common

Whatever happened with that attack on the USS Liberty? Who attacked the USS Liberty and killed all those American sailors?

What does that have to with Iranian terrorism? Besides nothing

Have you thought of signing up and wearing a uniform and go and help fight Hezbollah, considering they are such a danger to you, unlike say ISIS who are not considered as a danger.

I mean when was the last time that Hezbollah attacked your nation? Can you list all the attacks that Hezbollah have committed on American SOIL?

Hezbollah are NO threat to America, but ISIS are a threat not only to America but to most of the world unfortunately now.

The West can't be pissing about and wasting money on a small regional problem like Hezbollah that is NO threat to 99.9% of the world.

The West must use our resources to fight the danger to us ALL and that's ISIS.

The majority of the world would say ISIS are THE threat that unfortunately we ALL face the danger from, it's a case of having your priorities right and not misguided.
When is DT going to tweet a sorry to Iran. Oh right this is a celebration for the friends of Saudi Arabia.
Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge

"Whatever, if you don't realize Iran sponsors terrorism all over the ME then I don't know what to tell you. It's common knowledge"

No it's not common knowledge.

Also what nations did Iran last carpet bomb? When did Iran last even ATTACK another nation?

I'll tell you when shall I? It was in 1798 the Zandie invasion where Iran attacked Basra in Iraq.

The 1980 Iraq-Iran War was initiated by Saddam Hussein with the backing of his then friends America, this was when America thought Saddam was just wonderful, you know before he stopped being useful to America.

Carpet bombing isn't a terrorist attack. Look it's obvious you don't have the very first clue about Iran and terrorism and I don't have the time nor desire to educate you

I'm very well educated, it's you who needs to get out of The Bubble and stop being fed by Neo-Conservative Warmongering types like The Council on Foreign Relations.

Well unlike you I happen to know somebody im the intel field. Perhsps you should stop assuming where I get my info, it makes you look small.

Have a lovely day

My brother is in Intelligence, Active Intelligence and so are other members of my family, which include some in the Diplomatic Corps and I myself are Armed Forces. I'm fully educated about all of this stuff.

I don't get my information from Neo-Conservative Warmongers with a very, very well known "Agenda" who's loyalties are not even to their own nation but to somewhere else, who's bidding they do and happily bang the war drums so American soldiers can go and fight and die not to protect America but to preserve and advance the "Agenda"

The CFR are full of essentially Traitors, who would happily see America destroyed to fulfill the "Agenda" of the ones they are loyal to.

What about Qatar?

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