Multiple attacks in iran

Tasmin: 7 dead, 4 hostages

In the article I linked with Live Updates it says 2 dead, one security guard at the Parliament and a gardener at the shrine and that the situation at the Parliament is under control and no mention of any hostages.

They need to update more frequently, then *smile*

No such thing as "Tasmin"

I do have this though Tasnim, you must be a Leftist as you "quote" unconfirmed reports from Twitter and tell people who are posting ACTUAL Live Updates that they "need to update more frequently"

Lol Clown Shoes :lol:

View attachment 131485

It's called a typo, but if that makes you feel better with yourself, then ok.

Iran is Shia, they are obviously being attacked by Sunni's who are either ISIS or sympathetic to ISIS because for nearly a year Iran has been helping fight ISIS on the ground with the Syrian Armed Forces, which I commented earlier in this thread.

Of course we'll have to wait to see though who claims responsibility for todays attacks.

Terrorism rare

"Terrorist attacks in Iran are rare, but the country -- with its largely Shiite population -- has been involved in military actions against Sunni terrorist groups such as ISIS, who regard Shiites as apostates.

Last year, Iran's government said it thwarted "one of the biggest plots" by terror groups targeting Tehran and other major cities during the month of Ramadan. This year's holy month started almost two weeks ago on May 26.
The last major attack in Iran was in 2010 when a Sunni extremist group carried out a suicide attack against a mosque in Sistan-Baluchistan killing 39 people. Kurdish groups have carried out small scale attacks against Iranian security forces in the north-west of the country."

Fourth paragraph below:

Iran parliament: Hostages held, separate blast at Khomeini mausoleum -

It seems that the terrorist in the Parliament building has blown himself up, according to AFP.


Also the man pictured at the window is now described not as the terrorist but as being one of the security forces.

Tasmin: 7 dead, 4 hostages

In the article I linked with Live Updates it says 2 dead, one security guard at the Parliament and a gardener at the shrine and that the situation at the Parliament is under control and no mention of any hostages.

They need to update more frequently, then *smile*

No such thing as "Tasmin"

I do have this though Tasnim, you must be a Leftist as you "quote" unconfirmed reports from Twitter and tell people who are posting ACTUAL Live Updates that they "need to update more frequently"

Lol Clown Shoes :lol:

View attachment 131485

It's called a typo, but if that makes you feel better with yourself, then ok.

You should post links like other people do, the point remains, we all like links to verify these situations.

It appears that ISIS has claimed responsibility for the terrorist attacks in Tehran today.

I will post a link as soon as a link is available. If this is ISIS, which I think it probably is, then this has potentially incredible implications and ramifications.

So far ISIS have claimed responsibilty through the Amaq News Agency, which itself is heavily linked to ISIS, Amaq are usually accurate but I don't want to post a link to Amaq itself, so I'll wait until a less controversial news agency posts something to link to.

Amaq News Agency - Wikipedia

Edited to add link to The Associated Press:

The Associated Press on Twitter
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No, it's not.

Iran is Shia, ISIS is hardcore Islam but the closest thing is Sunni to them.

Shia is more tolerant, you don't see so many burqas in Iran.

Damn, can't we all come together and get rid of these ISIS bastards?

I guarantee it's retaliation for Iran helping Assad.
The chickens come home to roost

Not really, the chickens coming home to roost would be if Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE were attacked.

Iran is Shia, they being attacked by ISIS because for nearly a year Iran has been helping fight ISIS on the ground with the Syrian Armed Forces, which I commented earlier in this thread.

It's also suspicious that less than 24 hours after Saudi Arabia etc threw a tantrum on Qatar for speaking to Iran that Iran has been attacked by ISIS who are supported by Saudi Arabia and double suspicious because terrorist attacks inside Iran are very, very rare.

It wouldn't be too surprising if The House of Saud personally ordered ISIS to do this attack today.
The chickens come home to roost

Not really, the chickens coming home to roost would be if Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE were attacked.

Iran is Shia, they being attacked by ISIS because for nearly a year Iran has been helping fight ISIS on the ground with the Syrian Armed Forces, which I commented earlier in this thread.

It's also suspicious that less than 24 hours after Saudi Arabia etc threw a tantrum on Qatar for speaking to Iran that Iran has been attacked by ISIS who are supported by Saudi Arabia and double suspicious because terrorist attacks inside Iran are very, very rare.

It wouldn't be too surprising if The House of Saud personally ordered ISIS to do this attack today.

I was alluding to Iran being a sponsor of terrorism...then having a terroristic attack.

I have little sympathy for them

No, it's not.

Iran is Shia, ISIS is hardcore Islam but the closest thing is Sunni to them.

Shia is more tolerant, you don't see so many burqas in Iran.

Damn, can't we all come together and get rid of these ISIS bastards?

I guarantee it's retaliation for Iran helping Assad.

"Damn, can't we all come together and get rid of these ISIS bastards?"

That means treating Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE as the Radical Islamic terrorist sponsors they are, with Saudi Arabia there is essentially no difference between them and ISIS.


The situation is that Iranian troops have been on the ground and fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front for more than a year alongside the Syrian Army, whilst America and the Cucked Western nations have been supporting what they and the MSM refer to as the "moderate rebels" who are the Al-Nusra Front.

So the West have been supporting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front and Iran has been fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front and what Iran is the problem? Lol don't make me laugh.

There needs to be a coalition that includes The West and Russia and Iran vs ISIS and Saudi Arabia and the Al-Nusra Front.

Oh and I add America and The West have been fully supporting the Saudi Genocidal programme in Yemen for more than a year, where Saudi Arabia are carpet bombing the poorest nation in the Middle East and now with the full backing of America and The West have decided to deliberately starve to death the Yemeni's including children and babies.

This article is from 2016, but Trump is continuing Obama's policy and has just sold the evil Saudi Arabians even more weapons, disgusting.

Yemen Is the Graveyard of the Obama Doctrine

Oh but but but the MSM show some dubious footage of Syrian children frothing at the mouth and there's no proof at all that ISIS didn't perpetrate whatever happened, because an independent inquiry wasn't allowed and it was 66 Tomahawk missiles away.

Pure hypocrisy.

We won't even get into the Iraqi sanctions in the 1990s that caused the deaths of more than 500,000 Iraqi children and Madeleine Albright being the Satanic POS that she is said those 500,000 childrens death were "a price worth paying"

Madeleine Albright, fucking bitch that circles the drain, she'll rot in Hell when she's returned to her father the Devil.

Someone is going to have the chickens coming home to roost, because Karma is a bitch.

No, it's not.

Iran is Shia, ISIS is hardcore Islam but the closest thing is Sunni to them.

Shia is more tolerant, you don't see so many burqas in Iran.

Damn, can't we all come together and get rid of these ISIS bastards?

I guarantee it's retaliation for Iran helping Assad.

Shia is more tolerant,

tell that to the gays
Parliament have two building.
they did reach to office building.

This is a terrible situation for your nation Dani, our thoughts and prayers are with our Persian brothers and sisters at this time.

I have many Persian friends, you are a Civilised and highly educated peoples and very cultured.

I've mentioned this a few times before here and also I've visited Tehran and several other areas including Susa and Shiraz in Iran. I had wanted to visit Iran ever since I read Robert Byron's book "The Road To Oxiana", published in 1937, it's probably one of the best books about travel and Middle Eastern Architecture ever written.

The cover picture of the book, that is a 1911 photograph taken by A.T. Wilson, Shiraz in Winter through the Qur'an Gate. Of course you'll know the Qur'an Gate in the north of Shiraz, Iran....I can't determine from the picture which mountain that is, it's either the Baba Kouhi or the Chehel Maqam.


The Road to Oxiana - Wikipedia

The Qur'an Gate today:


The Tomb of the Prophet Daniel is in Susa, Iran....discovered in 640AD, on the right of the picture with that acorn type dome.

The chickens come home to roost

Not really, the chickens coming home to roost would be if Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE were attacked.

Iran is Shia, they being attacked by ISIS because for nearly a year Iran has been helping fight ISIS on the ground with the Syrian Armed Forces, which I commented earlier in this thread.

It's also suspicious that less than 24 hours after Saudi Arabia etc threw a tantrum on Qatar for speaking to Iran that Iran has been attacked by ISIS who are supported by Saudi Arabia and double suspicious because terrorist attacks inside Iran are very, very rare.

It wouldn't be too surprising if The House of Saud personally ordered ISIS to do this attack today.

I was alluding to Iran being a sponsor of terrorism...then having a terroristic attack.

I have little sympathy for them

Iran is of little threat to Western nations, people are being brainwashed by Propaganda, the same media that put forward this Propaganda about Iran lick the buttocks of and stay silent about the actual danger which is Saudi Arabia.

As I have just said, I have many Persian friends and I've visited Iran and had a wonderful time and I will stand with our Persian brothers and sisters regardless of whether it's popular or not.

I know who is the evil and it's not Iran.

No, it's not.

Iran is Shia, ISIS is hardcore Islam but the closest thing is Sunni to them.

Shia is more tolerant, you don't see so many burqas in Iran.

Damn, can't we all come together and get rid of these ISIS bastards?

I guarantee it's retaliation for Iran helping Assad.

"Damn, can't we all come together and get rid of these ISIS bastards?"

That means treating Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE as the Radical Islamic terrorist sponsors they are, with Saudi Arabia there is essentially no difference between them and ISIS.


The situation is that Iranian troops have been on the ground and fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front for more than a year alongside the Syrian Army, whilst America and the Cucked Western nations have been supporting what they and the MSM refer to as the "moderate rebels" who are the Al-Nusra Front.

So the West have been supporting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front and Iran has been fighting ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front and what Iran is the problem? Lol don't make me laugh.

There needs to be a coalition that includes The West and Russia and Iran vs ISIS and Saudi Arabia and the Al-Nusra Front.

Oh and I add America and The West have been fully supporting the Saudi Genocidal programme in Yemen for more than a year, where Saudi Arabia are carpet bombing the poorest nation in the Middle East and now with the full backing of America and The West have decided to deliberately starve to death the Yemeni's including children and babies.

This article is from 2016, but Trump is continuing Obama's policy and has just sold the evil Saudi Arabians even more weapons, disgusting.

Yemen Is the Graveyard of the Obama Doctrine

Oh but but but the MSM show some dubious footage of Syrian children frothing at the mouth and there's no proof at all that ISIS didn't perpetrate whatever happened, because an independent inquiry wasn't allowed and it was 66 Tomahawk missiles away.

Pure hypocrisy.

We won't even get into the Iraqi sanctions in the 1990s that caused the deaths of more than 500,000 Iraqi children and Madeleine Albright being the Satanic POS that she is said those 500,000 childrens death were "a price worth paying"

Madeleine Albright, fucking bitch that circles the drain, she'll rot in Hell when she's returned to her father the Devil.

Someone is going to have the chickens coming home to roost, because Karma is a bitch.

I agree. Will it happen? Probably not.

Most likely because of all the business done in UAE.
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