Mumbai 26/11 attack: Pakistan appears reluctant to bring perpetrators to justice


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
LAHORE: Nine years have passed since 10 LeT terrorists killed 166 people in Mumbai, but none of the suspects have been punished, indicating that this case has never been a priority for Pakistan, especially after the release of the attack's mastermind Hafiz Saeed, observers say.

The Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists had sailed into Mumbai from Karachi and carried out coordinated attacks, killing 166 people and injuring over 300 in November 2008.

"The Mumbai attack case is being tried in an anti- terrorism court in Islamabad since 2009. There has hardly been any such case in any ATC in country taking more than eight years and still pending. ATC is meant for speedy trial but in this case the ATC is acting like that of sessions court where a case is usually not decided in years," a senior lawyer said.
Mumbai 26/11 attack: Pakistan appears reluctant to bring perpetrators to justice even after nine years

I always get the feeling Pakistan (the government) is afraid.
The alleged attack occurred in India.

Pakistan could care less. ..... :cool:

There are a series of events and a pattern of behavior that leads me to believe that Pakistan's government is afraid as opposed to
The government of Pakistan doesn't see any benefit in stirring up an internal hornets nest over something that happened in India. ...... :cool:
The government of Pakistan doesn't see any benefit in stirring up an internal hornets nest over something that happened in India. ...... :cool:
They don't do anything about anything though. One would think they would exert effort while they deal with the internal hornets nest/s.
Mumbai, where the attack took place, is the epicenter of Jews living in India.

So I doubt there is much public support to imprison any Pakistani citizen for their part in the attack. ..... :cool:
Mumbai, where the attack took place, is the epicenter of Jews living in India.

So I doubt there is much public support to imprison any Pakistani citizen for their part in the attack. ..... :cool:

I guess that boils down to class, doesn't it? When the terrorist organization masquerades as a charity and is allowed to feed, clothe and educate those in poverty then there might be an issue----which the government would not have..............if they put out some type of effort. Instead their fear of doing anything at all creates a crisis or adds to a crisis.
Again, why should the Pakistan government be concerned about an event that happened to its long time enemy India? .... :dunno:
Because regional instability is not cost effective.
The alleged attack occurred in India.

Pakistan could care less. ..... :cool:

why not be honest, sunni, dear. The murderers are ISLAMIC HEROES-----MUJAHADEEN. According to the filth of Islamic law-----a MUSLIM cannot be held guilty of a capital crime for
killing a KAFFIR. ------you know that sunni, dear. In fact----
the murderers of Daniel Pearl-----were tried by a SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT IN PAKISTAN-----a british style court----because in a MUSLIM COURT---their action would be considered -----LAUDABLE. They had STILL NOT BE EXECUTED. They are muslim heroes------muslimah sluts have orgasms just thinking about them.
Some time ago-----like about 15 years ago ----in Yemen----a Yemini muslim shot a jew for refusing to convert to the stink of
islam-------He was "SUPPOSED" to have been executed----instead the country paid some blood money to his wife and---??? something like eight kids---and let them leave the country. The murdering pig is doing fine Islamic law is
^^^^^^ Irosie's hobby is following me around from thread to thread and posting nonsense. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
^^^^^^ Irosie's hobby is following me around from thread to thread and posting nonsense. .... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

sunni is having wet dreams again-----it's the best he can do.
------I agree that Islamic law is idiot comedy------the bombing of of the sufi mosque El Arish yesterday----in observance of the HOLY JUMMAH as ordained by the rapist pig of Mecca----was HILARIOUS---slap-stick comedy. Millions of muzzies ---both sunni and Shiite are "getting off" on it-----this very day. The perpetrators who ----they say so far have killed more than 300---are BELOVED OF ALLAH. El Arish is a beautiful town ---costal on the Mediterranean. It is famous for lots of MURDER FOR ALLAH-------there is a very convenient escape route for the MUJHAHDEEN who do THE WILL OF ALLAH ---(ie --generally slitting throats)---since it is
coastal and far from the major cities of Egypt. It did enjoy several years of relative peace after 1967 when it was occupied by Israel-----but Israel left-----and the result is
civilian muzzy men women and children-----dead in the dust ---ALLAHUAKBARRRRRR
Right on comes Irosie posting off topic BS that has nothing to do with the thread's OP. ..... :cuckoo:

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