Munsters Reboot - Sept 27th

All reboots have failed. Lets hope this one fares better.

I like the effects. Herman's voice is not deep enough though.

The actor tries, he really does. He cracks at a few points because he did get low enough, but couldn't hold it.
He actually does a really good job though.

The guy playing grandpa.........well, they couldn't have gotten anybody better!!! He is PERFECT!

Sheri Zombie did a good job as Lily, but that cracking voice tends to get annoying at times. I do like that they gave her the red glowing eyes when she makes a demand..........whereas Yvonne DeCarlo's voice just got deeper when she did it.

All in all, the way they kept in with the situational comedy aspect, and overall fun of the project, I say they did a damned good job.

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