murders up in many cities--they don't listen


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
2,300 I've said many times, the blacks concentrate on non-problems and not the REAL problems.....going after STATUES and the police = idiocy
......the racist St Louis black circuit attorney going after a white governor --with no evidence...then going after a white couple defending their property---and her city has one of the highest murder rates [ mostly black victims ] and now the murders are even HIGHER!!!!!

....Atlanta--RACIST Bottoms =how dumb can you be??????!!! saying FK the police/defunding police/etc!!!!!!!!!!!! and she doesn't know WTF to do about BLACKS murdering blacks= IDIOT and racist I've said many times, the blacks concentrate on non-problems and not the REAL problems.....going after STATUES and the police = idiocy
......the racist St Louis black circuit attorney going after a white governor --with no evidence...then going after a white couple defending their property---and her city has one of the highest murder rates [ mostly black victims ] and now the murders are even HIGHER!!!!!

....Atlanta--RACIST Bottoms =how dumb can you be??????!!! saying FK the police/defunding police/etc!!!!!!!!!!!! and she doesn't know WTF to do about BLACKS murdering blacks= IDIOT and racist
Biden said he would talk to the gangs.
Get rid of Trump and it will all be better. Obama never had this nightmare. Leadership matters.
you are not smart and fked up--I even said it in the OP--STL has been one of the most dangerous cities---even with Obama
...blacks have been murdering blacks at FOUR times the rate--with Obama
There are many African Americans, I am sure, that disagree with some of the comments of their community "leaders."

But. of course, they dare not speak out, lest they be called "Uncle" you-know-what.

Those "leaders" do not know what to do with the violence committed by certain young gentlemen, so they find scapegoats, such as cops, systemic you-know-what, etc.

At least the mayor of Atlanta was honest enough to admit that there is a problem. But she did not offer any solutions. Maybe because there are NO solutions.
There are many African Americans, I am sure, that disagree with some of the comments of their community "leaders."

But. of course, they dare not speak out, lest they be called "Uncle" you-know-what.

Those "leaders" do not know what to do with the violence committed by certain young gentlemen, so they find scapegoats, such as cops, systemic you-know-what, etc.

At least the mayor of Atlanta was honest enough to admit that there is a problem. But she did not offer any solutions. Maybe because there are NO solutions.
There are plenty of solutions.
One of them is for the left to stop using blacks to do their dirty work.
Next.....Hollywood needs to stop stereotyping blacks in their movies and television programming.
Then I think the biggest step would be for blacks to stop teaching their kids to think of only themselves and start thinking about other people.
The final step would be for blacks to stop acting like having 4 or 5 baby-mommas as a sign of manhood.
I recall mentioning prior to the election that we should expect to see more violence spread across the nation if Murder Town USA's own home town boy was able to aquire the office of the presidency.

He's going to spread the brand of thuggery across the nation as that which he's accustomed to seeing as normal human relations.

It's a major aspect of the Cloward-Piven strategy that his VP, Kamala ''Black Panther'' Harris was talking about when she cackled that they weren't going to stop, even after the election is over.
Get rid of Trump and it will all be better.

Here in Biden's home state...

Another dead as Delaware sees record number of shootings in 2020; 18 shot in last 6 days

''The state has not recorded this many victims since at least 2017, which saw 282 people shot, 53 fatally, according to the database.''
Excellent news breaking. The average annual murders in Delaware since 2010 is 51. This year it’s your article says it’s 53. Breaking news. Incidentally that’s a bad week in Florida and a holiday weekend in Texas.

Excellent news breaking. The average annual murders in Delaware since 2010 is 51. This year it’s your article says it’s 53. Breaking news. Incidentally that’s a bad week in Florida and a holiday weekend in Texas.

Let the riff raff keep killing each other is my view on it. As long as they keep it in their own neighborhoods.
Hmm, this moronic push to defund the police wouldn't be anything without the BLM. A mostly communist group
run by a anti white communist pushing antiwhite/American cultural hate. Funded by the Chinese. Urging hate. Mostly anti white hostility and violence. Liberals are burning down our cities. Liberal Democrats and race riots based on the media lies? Geroge Floyd? Breanna Taylor? Because racism is bad...
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There are many African Americans, I am sure, that disagree with some of the comments of their community "leaders."

But. of course, they dare not speak out, lest they be called "Uncle" you-know-what.

Those "leaders" do not know what to do with the violence committed by certain young gentlemen, so they find scapegoats, such as cops, systemic you-know-what, etc.

At least the mayor of Atlanta was honest enough to admit that there is a problem. But she did not offer any solutions. Maybe because there are NO solutions.
There are plenty of solutions.
One of them is for the left to stop using blacks to do their dirty work.

What dirty work would that be?
Next.....Hollywood needs to stop stereotyping blacks in their movies and television programming.

Hollywood has always done that, why are you addressing it now?
Then I think the biggest step would be for blacks to stop teaching their kids to think of only themselves and start thinking about other people.

So white folks teach their kids to think of others, explain that.
The final step would be for blacks to stop acting like having 4 or 5 baby-mommas as a sign of manhood.

Where did you get that bullshit from?
There are many African Americans, I am sure, that disagree with some of the comments of their community "leaders."

But. of course, they dare not speak out, lest they be called "Uncle" you-know-what.

Those "leaders" do not know what to do with the violence committed by certain young gentlemen, so they find scapegoats, such as cops, systemic you-know-what, etc.

At least the mayor of Atlanta was honest enough to admit that there is a problem. But she did not offer any solutions. Maybe because there are NO solutions.
There are plenty of solutions.
One of them is for the left to stop using blacks to do their dirty work.

What dirty work would that be?
Next.....Hollywood needs to stop stereotyping blacks in their movies and television programming.

Hollywood has always done that, why are you addressing it now?
Then I think the biggest step would be for blacks to stop teaching their kids to think of only themselves and start thinking about other people.

So white folks teach their kids to think of others, explain that.
The final step would be for blacks to stop acting like having 4 or 5 baby-mommas as a sign of manhood.

Where did you get that bullshit from?
Clan rally.
Please. Negos are actually 13% percent of our culture, (sorry I said they were 30%) but they comprise just small fraction of society and they contribute more to the crime rate, and blacks murder each other and commit far more in general..Cops and racism was never the problem here. Nope.
Negros are 13 percent of society but commit this HUGE number of crimes...OK, Want to end racial bias? HMM, stop blaming racism and start being responsible for your actions as individuals.
Please. Negos are actually 13% percent of our culture, (sorry I said they were 30%) but they comprise just small fraction of society and they contribute more to the crime rate, and blacks murder each other and commit far more in general..Cops and racism was never the problem here. Nope.

As usual you don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.
Negros are 13 percent of society but commit this HUGE number of crimes...OK, Want to end racial bias? HMM, stop blaming racism and start being responsible for your actions as individuals.

Negroes, smfh. Whites commit a HUGE number of crimes, but racist like you don't have a problem with it. Most black folks are responsible for their actions, how about this racist why don't ALL people start being responsible for their actions.

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