murders up in many cities--they don't listen

Negros are 13 percent of society but commit this HUGE number of crimes...OK, Want to end racial bias? HMM, stop blaming racism and start being responsible for your actions as individuals.

Negroes, smfh. Whites commit a HUGE number of crimes, but racist like you don't have a problem with it. Most black folks are responsible for their actions, how about this racist why don't ALL people start being responsible for their actions.
Racism is a word fools use to avoid recognizing the high black crime rate. Yeah, like that.
Negros are 13 percent of society but commit this HUGE number of crimes...OK, Want to end racial bias? HMM, stop blaming racism and start being responsible for your actions as individuals.

Negroes, smfh. Whites commit a HUGE number of crimes, but racist like you don't have a problem with it. Most black folks are responsible for their actions, how about this racist why don't ALL people start being responsible for their actions.
Racism is a word fools use to disguise to avoid recognizing the high black crime rate. Yeah, like that.

Actually it is a word used to describe fools who avoid to recognize high white crime rates.
Negros are like a tiny tinsy members of our culture. 13%. Blacks destroying each other in huge numbers and their major contribution is a high crime rate and self murder in huge numbers...But BLM and the democrats focus is on white policemen. Blacks are murdering each other in huge numbers...but white cops are the problem here? Why is that?
Problems that get swept under the rug don’t magically disappear
Negros are like a tiny tinsy members of our culture. 13%. Blacks destroying each other in huge numbers and their major contribution is a high crime rate and self murder in huge numbers...But BLM and the democrats focus is on white policemen. Blacks are murdering each other in huge numbers...but white cops are the problem here? Why is that?

You are an ignorant, racist, hag.
There are many African Americans, I am sure, that disagree with some of the comments of their community "leaders."

But. of course, they dare not speak out, lest they be called "Uncle" you-know-what.

Those "leaders" do not know what to do with the violence committed by certain young gentlemen, so they find scapegoats, such as cops, systemic you-know-what, etc.

At least the mayor of Atlanta was honest enough to admit that there is a problem. But she did not offer any solutions. Maybe because there are NO solutions.
There are plenty of solutions.
One of them is for the left to stop using blacks to do their dirty work.
Noticicing the high black crime rate is

What dirty work would that be?
Next.....Hollywood needs to stop stereotyping blacks in their movies and television programming.

Hollywood has always done that, why are you addressing it now?
Then I think the biggest step would be for blacks to stop teaching their kids to think of only themselves and start thinking about other people.

So white folks teach their kids to think of others, explain that.
The final step would be for blacks to stop acting like having 4 or 5 baby-mommas as a sign of manhood.

Where did you get that bullshit from?
Fuck the clan... Noticing the ginormous on black BLACK crime rate is um "Wacism". White cops are the least of poor black bois problems
Fuck the clan... Noticing the ginormous majoritiy black on black BLACK crime rate is um "Wacism"? White cops are the least of poor black bois problems bucko. I've said many times, the blacks concentrate on non-problems and not the REAL problems.....going after STATUES and the police = idiocy
......the racist St Louis black circuit attorney going after a white governor --with no evidence...then going after a white couple defending their property---and her city has one of the highest murder rates [ mostly black victims ] and now the murders are even HIGHER!!!!!

....Atlanta--RACIST Bottoms =how dumb can you be??????!!! saying FK the police/defunding police/etc!!!!!!!!!!!! and she doesn't know WTF to do about BLACKS murdering blacks= IDIOT and racist
The nation is collapsing!!
You’re seeing the “fall of Rome “ - in real time I've said many times, the blacks concentrate on non-problems and not the REAL problems.....going after STATUES and the police = idiocy
......the racist St Louis black circuit attorney going after a white governor --with no evidence...then going after a white couple defending their property---and her city has one of the highest murder rates [ mostly black victims ] and now the murders are even HIGHER!!!!!

....Atlanta--RACIST Bottoms =how dumb can you be??????!!! saying FK the police/defunding police/etc!!!!!!!!!!!! and she doesn't know WTF to do about BLACKS murdering blacks= IDIOT and racist

Blacks & tribalism due not mix well. The history of Africa is replete with Black tribal warfare(also inner tribal warfare) clear back to the beginning of recorded history. When the Blacks in America today assimilate with other ethnicities, cultures & various sub races of the human race the crime rate drops significantly. Even today the continent of Africa holds second place as the most violent continent on the face of the earth & is CLOSE to taking back the title of most dangerous continent on planet earth. Until the ghetto Blacks can clear the ghettos & actually assimilate into mainstream America they will remain mired in the mud of the race baiters, poverty, anger, welfare, marxism, prison & remain total abject failures in life. The links below are interesting for sure.

OP, what reason/s are you attributing all this bad stuff to?

Attacks on the police, and democrat judges, prosecutors and politicians releasing known, violent gun offenders over and over again.... I've said many times, the blacks concentrate on non-problems and not the REAL problems.....going after STATUES and the police = idiocy
......the racist St Louis black circuit attorney going after a white governor --with no evidence...then going after a white couple defending their property---and her city has one of the highest murder rates [ mostly black victims ] and now the murders are even HIGHER!!!!!

....Atlanta--RACIST Bottoms =how dumb can you be??????!!! saying FK the police/defunding police/etc!!!!!!!!!!!! and she doesn't know WTF to do about BLACKS murdering blacks= IDIOT and racist

The situation is intractable.

I have just read that a wealthy enclave of Atlanta has decided to hire a private police force.

What is happening in Atlanta (and other American cities) is tragic but not surprising.

That horrible "news"paper (the New York Times) is right this time when it says that everything that is happening in this country can be traced back to 1619.

Four hundred years of history cannot be undone.

If one decides to live in this country, one has no choice but to keep one's head down and hope that one has enough money to live in a (relatively) safe area, the number of which keeps shrinking every year.
Let me know when you are brave enough to say black people are inferior so we can stop playing this song and dance every 2 or 3 days.....because that is how often one of these posts are made...

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So instead of hinting around it -- just own it...Once you are ready to do that -- then tell me what do you plan to do with these inferiors?? Should we create a different set of laws to address them -- or do you just want to continue the song and dance??
Get rid of Trump and it will all be better. Obama never had this nightmare. Leadership matters.
The president has no control over what the city of Atlanta does. Are you really this uninformed about the role of US presidents, state governors and mayors? Bro, you have a lot of learning to do before you can come here and discuss these topics.
Negros are 13 percent of society but commit this HUGE number of crimes...OK, Want to end racial bias? HMM, stop blaming racism and start being responsible for your actions as individuals.

Negroes, smfh. Whites commit a HUGE number of crimes, but racist like you don't have a problem with it. Most black folks are responsible for their actions, how about this racist why don't ALL people start being responsible for their actions.
Whites are underrepresented in virtually all crimes. We can thank black people for driving up the crime numbers, which make us look really good. Per capita, white people are doing really great when it comes to having low crime and we deserve recognition for that.
Negros are 13 percent of society but commit this HUGE number of crimes...OK, Want to end racial bias? HMM, stop blaming racism and start being responsible for your actions as individuals.

Negroes, smfh. Whites commit a HUGE number of crimes, but racist like you don't have a problem with it. Most black folks are responsible for their actions, how about this racist why don't ALL people start being responsible for their actions.
Racism is a word fools use to disguise to avoid recognizing the high black crime rate. Yeah, like that.

Actually it is a word used to describe fools who avoid to recognize high white crime rates.
White crime rates arent high. Our rates are much lower than black people and hispanics. Once you start acting like us, your problems will vanish.
Let me know when you are brave enough to say black people are inferior so we can stop playing this song and dance every 2 or 3 days.....because that is how often one of these posts are made...

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So instead of hinting around it -- just own it...Once you are ready to do that -- then tell me what do you plan to do with these inferiors?? Should we create a different set of laws to address them -- or do you just want to continue the song and dance??
Black people arent inferior. There are no inferior races. Black culture on the other hand is an inferior culture, obviously. American black culture is one of the most inferior cultures on earth. The statistics dont lie.

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