Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Hosts Endorsed Election Fraud Falsehoods

I hope FOX and Murdoch have to make the Billion Dollar$ Payout. Right wing follows FOX. It's support for the "BIG LIE" helped lead to the January 6 attack, which might not have happened if they had accurately reported what they internally knew and believed to be true to their right wing base, that there was no evidence of a stolen election and Trump was wrong and simply lost the election.
Mind-blowing. They now know their media is lying to them, and they STILL don’t care.

Mind-blowing. They now know their media is lying to them, and they STILL don’t care.

Like you bought the lies you were fed about Russian Collusion, a pee tape, 2 shampeachments, the list goes on. No self-awareness in you is there?
Like you bought the lies you were fed about Russian Collusion, a pee tape, 2 shampeachments, the list goes on. No self-awareness in you is there?
This whole thing has been a lie.

This whole, huge fucking thing. All of it. You’ve been conned. Just like people across the political spectrum have been telling you.

The question now is, what are you going to do about it?
Mind-blowing. They now know their media is lying to them, and they STILL don’t care.

I don't know, Mac. The story got a mind of it's own and became (with FOX's help) ingrained in the right wing mind of many, as a legend accepted. We know it is BS and that FOX knew and knows it was BS, but with all the support of the BS story on the sheeple, it became ingrained, like uban miths that keep being reported.
This is why FOX NEWS must be punished with a massive judgement, to deter them or any other media outlet from perpetrating a hoax on the American people for corporate or political benefit. FOX NEWS has admitted, to not being news at all. They ought to take the word NEWS out of the FOX NEWS name and have to post a disclaimer before every broadcast, their talking heads are in no way relating accurate news, as the opinions supported on FOX NEWS are routinely false, not supported by facts and simply a corporate line the talking heads will take for a buck, and can and should be accepted as FAKE NEWS in all cases, not to be confused with reality.
“I would have liked us to be stronger in denouncing it in hindsight.”
This is Murdoch trying to cover his own ass and the company's ass. He's trying to make himself out to be a mere observer, or a minority stockholder. He owns the network. He knew what they were saying. He could have stopped it with one phone call.

Mr. Carlson continued, “Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” making it clear that he did not.
They believed it because Carlson and Fox were telling them to believe it. And they are NOT good people. They want their racism and bigotry massaged and agreed with by political commentators.
I don't know, Mac. The story got a mind of it's own and became (with FOX's help) ingrained in the right wing mind of many, as a legend accepted. We know it is BS and that FOX knew and knows it was BS, but with all the support of the BS story on the sheeple, it became ingrained, like uban miths that keep being reported.
This is why FOX NEWS must be punished with a massive judgement, to deter them or any other media outlet from perpetrating a hoax on the American people for corporate or political benefit. FOX NEWS has admitted, to not being news at all. They ought to take the word NEWS out of the FOX NEWS name and have to post a disclaimer before every broadcast, their talking heads are in no way relating accurate news, as the opinions supported on FOX NEWS are routinely false, not supported by facts and simply a corporate line the talking heads will take for a buck, and can and should be accepted as FAKE NEWS in all cases, not to be confused with reality.
I don’t want to get TOO hopeful here, but it may be this kind of thing that wakes these liars in MAGA media up. Sue their ass. I guess we’ll see.
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Thread Topic is :

Murdoch Acknowledges Fox News Hosts Endorsed Election Fraud Falsehoods​

Bravo! You may be the only moderator who does this. Other moderators let people shit in threads if that shit smells like Right-Wing trolling and deflection.
You know what, Kiddies? The real "scandal" of that election was never about fraudulent was ALWAYS about the collusion between the Main Stream Media, Big Tech, corrupt people in the FBI, and 50 plus former intelligence officials to hide the truth from the American people about the Hunter Biden laptop! That's what affected that election. Lies and a cover up.
I don't know, Mac. The story got a mind of it's own and became (with FOX's help) ingrained in the right wing mind of many, as a legend accepted. We know it is BS and that FOX knew and knows it was BS, but with all the support of the BS story on the sheeple, it became ingrained, like uban miths that keep being reported.
This is why FOX NEWS must be punished with a massive judgement, to deter them or any other media outlet from perpetrating a hoax on the American people for corporate or political benefit. FOX NEWS has admitted, to not being news at all. They ought to take the word NEWS out of the FOX NEWS name and have to post a disclaimer before every broadcast, their talking heads are in no way relating accurate news, as the opinions supported on FOX NEWS are routinely false, not supported by facts and simply a corporate line the talking heads will take for a buck, and can and should be accepted as FAKE NEWS in all cases, not to be confused with reality.
I don't know if this is a jury case or not, but the damages may not be limited to the $1.6 billion. If a few more billion are tacked onto a liability verdict, now you're talking about real money.

And this is just Dominion. Smartmatic has a $2.6 billion suit in the wings. And I believe that there are some other, too.
This is Murdoch trying to cover his own ass and the company's ass. He's trying to make himself out to be a mere observer, or a minority stockholder. He owns the network. He knew what they were saying. He could have stopped it with one phone call.

They believed it because Carlson and Fox were telling them to believe it. And they are NOT good people. They want their racism and bigotry massaged and agreed with by political commentators.
Oh yeah. Fox is in damage control. Murdoch can't lie and say he did not know anything since the emails have been released and they reveal the truth.

Remember when the retards wanted their day in court? Well, they got it and how!
This is Murdoch trying to cover his own ass and the company's ass. He's trying to make himself out to be a mere observer, or a minority stockholder. He owns the network. He knew what they were saying. He could have stopped it with one phone call.

They believed it because Carlson and Fox were telling them to believe it. And they are NOT good people. They want their racism and bigotry massaged and agreed with by political commentators.
The way Murchoch and FOX NEWS played it after the election reminds me of Ned Beatty in the movie Shooter and the sheep are to go along with it. Now willing to eat it, now that the damage is done, and thinking tomorrow should be business as usual.


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Like you bought the lies you were fed about Russian Collusion, a pee tape, 2 shampeachments, the list goes on. No self-awareness in you is there?
Conservatives know their media is lying to them and conservatives expect their media to lie to them – to provide the dishonest right with new conspiracy theories, misinformation, and lies.

We see it here on this forum on a daily basis: misinformation and lies from Fox and other rightwing fake news sources end up as topics here started by conservatives.

It’s part of the right’s war on facts and the truth, which in turn is part of the right’s war on democracy.
I don't know if this is a jury case or not, but the damages may not be limited to the $1.6 billion. If a few more billion are tacked onto a liability verdict, now you're talking about real money.

And this is just Dominion. Smartmatic has a $2.6 billion suit in the wings. And I believe that there are some other, too.
I wish them the best of luck bringing FOX NEWS to justice for their assault on the election, truth, and journalism (or lack thereof) and on democracy itself.
No they weren't. The RIGHT were lying about everything the past 6 years, and Rupert Murdoch just admitted it.
The fuck? Are you talking about the election deniers? Thats "everything"? Do i even need to list all the shit that dems were embarrassingly wrong about the past 6 years? Should we start with Jesse Smollett and work our way forward chronologically? :laugh:

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