Musk Already Looking for New Investors

What’s it been, six weeks?

That’s how you know things are going really well.

I can smell the feces running down the inside of your trouser leg.

Sure is easy to make you shit yourself.

You make life fun, especially for those of us snowed in, here in the Midwest. Cabin fever starting to set in. Thanks for being so entertaining.

And so predictable.

And so unoriginal.

More, please.

isnt that what a business person would do?....

You'd think so, wouldn't you?

These folks just have Fear Of Powerful Multi-biollionaires Syndrome.

Look at who they idolize -- Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi, people who could not have supported themselves but for the fact that they were allowed to vote their stock portfolios fat.

Truth... the previous owners and board were running Twitter into financial oblivion.
Funny you didn't mention that Twitter took a $2 billion loss in net income in 2020.
In 10 years, Twitter only made money twice.
Compared to their biggest competitor, Twitter is absolutely abysmal.
Net income - $1.69 billion loss.
Facebook $20 billion growth in same time period
In all honesty, the only reason Twitter still existed past 2020 is lies and hype.
When you look at Twitters numbers - it is a lesson in how companies can float, despite massive losses, on hype alone.

The biggest mistake Musk made was buying a company that was near ruin.

I can smell the feces running down the inside of your trouser leg.

Sure is easy to make you shit yourself.

You make life fun, especially for those of us snowed in, here in the Midwest. Cabin fever starting to set in. Thanks for being so entertaining.

And so predictable.

And so unoriginal.

More, please.

The old Toro would have answered my financial post.
This Toro will only argue semantics and memes.
The old Toro would have never made such a dumb post, because he knew that Twitter was a financial disaster long before Musk walked in the door. And he would also know that Musk took over a company that was completely upside down financially.
OBVIOUSLY - they are going to try and find new investors.
The old Toro would have answered my financial post.
This Toro will only argue semantics and memes.
The old Toro would have never made such a dumb post, because he knew that Twitter was a financial disaster long before Musk walked in the door. And he would also know that Musk took over a company that was completely upside down financially.
OBVIOUSLY - they are going to try and find new investors.

You don’t find new investors six weeks after you’ve lined up new investors to buy it in the first place. That doesn’t happen unless you’re in trouble.

FYI the bid on loans is currently 60 cents. The syndicate banks aren’t going to sell right now because they’ll take a $5 billion hit.

PT: I know someone who was offered the opportunity to invest in this. They spoke to Musk directly and said that after two minutes, they figured out Musk had no plan. True story.
You don’t find new investors six weeks after you’ve lined up new investors to buy it in the first place. That doesn’t happen unless you’re in trouble.

FYI the bid on loans is currently 60 cents. The syndicate banks aren’t going to sell right now because they’ll take a $5 billion hit.

PT: I know someone who was offered the opportunity to invest in this. They spoke to Musk directly and said that after two minutes, they figured out Musk had no plan. True story.
Like I said, Musk's biggest mistake was buying the large brown turd that is Twitter.
That was my WTF moment.
Why is no one talking about Jack Dorsey?
The founder and CEO of a company, that in 10 years, lost almost $2 BILLION dollars.
Yet his net worth is $7 Billion. He became a $billionaire by running a company that lost $billions.
There is something wrong with this picture.
It is normal in tech companies to lose big for several years as long as they can show major revenue growth to the eventual profitable state.
Twitter can't show shit. There net revenue gains over 10 years is NEGATIVE. Negative growth.
If you look at Facebooks revenue chart... it looks like a reverse playground slide. Massive growth.
Twitter - the complete opposite. Their best revenue years were their first couple years.
They have been in revenue freefall ever since. As well as user decline.
There is no good story about Twitter except for Jack Dorsey and other board members who were robbing the company blind. But he was a member of the woke crowd - so he is a hero.
Yikes. I wonder what the pitch is.


Either he has some genius master plan or he's really blown it here. Who knows.
He blew that money and would have been better off giving me all that money instead…

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