Musk sues law firm to recover fee from Twitter buy out


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

He is trying to recover funds the law firm charged in forcing the buyout of Twitter. Does he need the money?
It was his bad decision making that led to his hasty decision to "buy" Twitter. It is his ongoing bad decision making that Twitter is turning into the alt-right dumpster fire it is. Managing a private company...he sucks. :)
I see a short hearing before a judge and this lawsuit is tossed. Just like his mentor's 60+ lawsuits for election fraud. They were all dismissed.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
I tend to think he has a case against Zuckerberg though

I tend to think he has a case against Zuckerberg though

It depends on whether the code from the Threads start up was stolen. I doubt Zuck is that stupid....but we will see.
It depends on whether the code from the Threads start up was stolen. I doubt Zuck is that stupid....but we will see.
Oh yes he was....he hired former Twitter programmers.

They got him 20 different ways.
Oh yes he was....he hired former Twitter programmers.

They got him 20 different ways.
He can hire who he wants. The idiot, Elon, fired them. If they used stolen codes from Twitter, that that could be a problem. I am losing no sleep over a couple of Billionaires that are engaging in a peeing contest.
Elon bought Twitter, paying about twice it's worth. Now he wants to Zuck to help him recoup his loss.
He can hire who he wants. The idiot, Elon, fired them. If they used stolen codes from Twitter, that that could be a problem. I am losing no sleep over a couple of Billionaires that are engaging in a peeing contest.
Of course he can...
I'm not going to lose sleep either over two different egotistical billionaires fighting over their toys.
Elon is not exactly someone that I'd enjoy working for....and I'd quit first day if working for Zuckerberg. I wouldn't have an ounce of loyalty to either one. Neither is a bastion of ethics or morality. Neither one is loyal to any of their employees, customers, or associates. Musk is a tad more honest because he didn't do like Zuckerberg and do a piss poor acting job when firing thousands of employees.

I just find it interesting....Zuckerberg is a political sellout and Musk is just egotistical enough to believe that he doesn't need politicians.

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