Muslim American Involvement with violent extremism.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Now it is not politically correct to talk about this....since the liberal mantra is that islam is a peaceful religion.

Nevertheless it is a fact that children of muslim immigrants are ones most likely to become radicalized and are the ones that have comitted most of the islamic violence in America.


American-born children of immigrants proving fruitful recruiting ground for jihad in U.S.
Now it is not politically correct to talk about this....since the liberal mantra is that islam is a peaceful religion.

Nevertheless it is a fact that children of muslim immigrants are ones most likely to become radicalized and are the ones that have comitted most of the islamic violence in America.


American-born children of immigrants proving fruitful recruiting ground for jihad in U.S.

And we program our kids to go to war with them. Point? I mean yeah, of course the world and america in general are sick places, anything else?
You are right . A Muslim travel ban is pointless.
28 deadly terrorism attacks since 9/11, but no foreign attacks

Citizenship status of extremists charged with terrorism since 2001

The New America data set does show that since 2001, 12 refugees have been charged with terrorism-related crimes. That number is still dwarfed, however, by the 346 American citizens charged with the same crime.

But what gets lost in the national conversation on domestic terrorism is that terrorist acts are largely perpetrated by American citizens already living inside America's borders. Radicalization — whether it's jihadist extremism or right-wing extremism — more often than not starts at home in the US rather than entering the country from abroad.

Most terrorist attacks in the US are committed by Americans — not foreigners
More reason to monitor them.
No worries, the US citizenry is the most surveillanced population on the planet. Moreso than China, Russia, and even N. Korea as a matter of fact.
True, and it was greatly increased under Obama.
Absodamnlutely it was, exponentially.
Only he monitored the wrong ones.

Oh that's for everyone. The power structure knows full well it has lost all semblance of legitimacy, it is bracing itself for the resistance. Your militarized police department awaits.
Muslim Terrorism in America vs. all other forms of terrorism and terrorists in America.

BTW one should understand that the term 'home grown terrorists' has been introduced to coinfuse folks....aka a home grown white racist is counted in the same mix as a 'home grown son of a muslim immigrant' by liberals and others who do not want clarity but coinfusion in order to propagate their fallacious agenda.

I point this out to counter those who want to claim that terrorism in America is all home grown...conviently leaving out the perps of the biggest attack on America in our history ...aka 9/11...more casualties than even Pearl Harbor...none of those perps were home grown.

The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. Fifteen of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, and the others were from the United Arab Emirates (2), Egypt, and Lebanon.

Also we need to understand that without muslim immigrants we would not have the single most group responsible for most of the terrorism in America...aka....the children of those muslim immigrants...thus Trumps action is right on target and hopefully the Courts will be corrected regarding this matter.

Anyhow it is obvious that we as a Nation have not yet come to grips with reality....some of us are brainwashed, some are overwrought with political correctness, some are stupid and many if not most are simply in denial.

The war on terrorism ...already the longest war in our history and still in its infancy is a direct result of not understanding radical islam and or islam as a whole.....and it is yet to be determined if we will win this war if you are not are losing.

Right-Wingers vs. Islamic Terrorists?
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