Muslim Bakeries Refuse To Make Gay Wedding Cake...& No Rabid Protests From Liberals?

I'm aware of the law. By what is the ethical justification for the law? Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?

I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

I will continue to ignore any questions about my personal life. What I do is none of your business. So stop asking me or I'll report you to the mods, asshole.

So if you don't want me assuming, I'll ask you. Do you support laws that punish a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone?
Ok, everyone knows the story of the Christian-owned bakery whose owners refused to make a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. They argued businesses should / do have the right to refuse to support certain events when those events are against their religious or moral beliefs.

Liberals saw things differently, people lost their minds, Christians were demonized, the govt got involved, and they wanted to force the owners to make the cake or be punished.

So, did / are they getting fair and equal treatment?

Didja hear about the Muslim bakarieS (yes, plural) that refuse to make same-Sex wedding cakes? Of course you didn't! My phone won't allow me to post the specific link, but - if you aren't lazy - go to and watch the video of this guy going into numerous Muslim bakeries and getting rejected everytime he asked them to make a same-sex wedding cake.

Funny, you would think this would be all over the news and that Obama & his DOJ would be all over this, right? :p

The libs & govt aren't all over this because they believe in appeasing Muslims while targeting Christians unfairly. Why? Maybe 1 reason is they know, unlike with Christians, Muslims (Islamic Extremists) will cut your head off or blow your ass up if you mess with them

This isn't a major problem anyway because hardly any homosexuals go into Muslim bakeries. Why? Because they know these same people burn, behead, and hang gays in their country where they came from. So if they don't want to serve gays, no problem - just stay the hell away from them, leave them alone, and 'pick' on the Christians. They are easier targets...

People started pointing out the disparity as soon as Christian bakeries became targets. It went unnoticed because baking has nothing to do with this. It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

It is a Christian bashing agenda that is at work here.

Muslims don't bash gays?
Not enough Muslims live here for us to have that experience in this country. One they we do know, they don't hold "Kill the gays" rallies that right wingers do. And before you say to prove something I've linked to a hundred times, learn how to use Google and go look up "Kill the gays rally".

Right wingers are such nitwits I swear. You can provide a thousand links, even from Breitbart and Fox, but if they don't want to see it, they won't go look and then they accuse you of only providing links from Kos. Republican racism and homophobia are known the world over.
Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Commerce clause says you can regulate biz. They ain't taking property by the way .

Does it? I thought it said that congress has the power to regulate commerce among the several states.

A bakery isn't a state.

The bakery violated state law .

You're all over the place. First you try the commerce clause. Now it's state law.

What is the ethical justification for punishing a person with the force of the state for doing nothing?
You don’t understand.

The Commerce Clause authorizes state and local governments to, among other things, regulate local markets, as well as all other interrelated markets.

To allow businesses to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the local market, where government regulation is warranted to prohibit such discrimination to maintain the integrity of the market.

Consequently, no one is being ‘punished’ for ‘doing nothing’; rather, business owners, subject to necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies, are being subject to fines for having violated those policies.

Public accommodations laws are no different than any other regulatory policy authorized by the Commerce Clause, in that a business owner might be fined for not paying a minimum wage, exposing workers to unsafe working conditions, or violating environmental protection policies by polluting the air or water.

Moreover, business owners should be aware of all the regulatory measures their state and local jurisdictions require them to follow, and they should understand that following those laws and measures are conditions upon which they must conduct business, including public accommodations laws.

Last, as residents of their respective states and local jurisdictions, business owners are at liberty to seek through the political process to have any regulatory measures they oppose amended or repealed.

WTF. The Commerce Clause covers trade between the States. It was put there so for example that States could not put up tariffs between each other or restrict their markets from companies in other States and if they do, the Federal legislature can stop them from doing that.

That "local markets" are trade between the States is categorically moronic. Your normal offering
It doesn't take away the fact they refused now does it?

In a legal sense - no. But in an ethical sense - is it right to deliberately seek out someone to refuse you? Christian or Muslim?
Muslims bakeries (few as they may be) get a free pass on political correctness when Liberal Gay kids DEMAND capitulation by Christian bakeries to their ideology? That is, in common vernacular, JACKED UP. Why not apply the same standards across the board?
Because the core of the issue isn't cake. It's about anti CHRISTIAN ideology. The queers and the left are waging a war against Christians.

Actually, I think the core of the issue is that it's a "muslim" baker - could have been a Jew, Hindu, etc but they chose Muslim to try and make this a "Muslims get a free pass" argument.

Wanna bet that muslim bakers refuse the service overwhelmingly more than bakers of other religions?

Liberals and their never ending false equivalencies regarding Islam. I really feel bad, especially for the atheists who are brainwashed to stand as apologists of the most gruesome major religion on the planet.

Do you have anything that shows Muslim bakers refuse the service overwhelmingly more than bakers of other religions? Has an actual study been done? How about Jewish bakers? How about Hindu bakers?

The more I read about Crowder...the funnier it gets. Some of the Muslim bakers he talked to - don't even bake wedding cakes period and they count among the refusals? You can not force someone to provide something he does not ordinarily make.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth

No I don't. But I do know whenever a regressive brings up the equivalency card I am not aware of it ever holding up. Plus, the muslim religion is a lot more homophobic than others, I mean they advocate for stoning gay people... If you just stopped and thought the matter for five seconds you would probably reach the same conclusion.
The purpose of a sting operation is done by law enforcement to catch someone breaking the law.
Was that the purpose here?

There is what is legally right, and there is what is ethically right - they don't always mesh.

Hmmm . . the law says it's illegal for Muslims to discriminate against queers. So your distinction is irrelevant.
NOT in Michigan where this took place. Stupid OP and the rest of you don't get that.
How about the pizza place your kind tried to put out of business? Or chick fil a ? Your kind don't won't to get along, you want to be a pain in the ass. You have accomplished that, now seek your reward when you are told to fuck off.

Boycots are a legit means of forcing social change - here are some of the boycotts "your kind" have engaged in:

Country Radio Boycotting Little Big Town’s ‘Girl Crush’ for Promoting a Gay Agenda
Franklin Graham: Boycott businesses that promote the gay agenda
Anti-gay groups call for Target boycott over retailer’s support for gay marriage
AFA Boycotts McDonald's For 'Promoting The Homosexual Agenda'
Home Depot tells anti-gay hate group AFA what they can do with their petition
One Million Moms: Boycott Mattel For "Promoting Sin" By Featuring Gay Adoptive Dads In Magazine - Joe.My.God.
SBC to Disney: Cease Gay Days for the boycott to be lifted

Boycotts never work, America has the attention span of a gnat

Oh? Tell that to Governor Pence...
Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?

I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

I will continue to ignore any questions about my personal life. What I do is none of your business. So stop asking me or I'll report you to the mods, asshole.

So if you don't want me assuming, I'll ask you. Do you support laws that punish a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone?

But how do you know if you're doing the right things in life if you don't tell Seawytch so she can determine that and inform you if what you are doing is adequate or not? I mean she is the standard, she says so
Safety regulations for employees and gay cakes are the same? WTF?

When you say "we" who are you talking about, Timmy! Where in the Constitution does it say that when you go into business, your property goes under the control of government with no due process required?

Commerce clause says you can regulate biz. They ain't taking property by the way .

Does it? I thought it said that congress has the power to regulate commerce among the several states.

A bakery isn't a state.

The bakery violated state law .

You're all over the place. First you try the commerce clause. Now it's state law.

What is the ethical justification for punishing a person with the force of the state for doing nothing?
You don’t understand.

The Commerce Clause authorizes state and local governments to, among other things, regulate local markets, as well as all other interrelated markets.

To allow businesses to discriminate based on race, religion, or sexual orientation would be disruptive to the local market, where government regulation is warranted to prohibit such discrimination to maintain the integrity of the market.

Consequently, no one is being ‘punished’ for ‘doing nothing’; rather, business owners, subject to necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policies, are being subject to fines for having violated those policies.

Public accommodations laws are no different than any other regulatory policy authorized by the Commerce Clause, in that a business owner might be fined for not paying a minimum wage, exposing workers to unsafe working conditions, or violating environmental protection policies by polluting the air or water.

Moreover, business owners should be aware of all the regulatory measures their state and local jurisdictions require them to follow, and they should understand that following those laws and measures are conditions upon which they must conduct business, including public accommodations laws.

Last, as residents of their respective states and local jurisdictions, business owners are at liberty to seek through the political process to have any regulatory measures they oppose amended or repealed.

Allowing people to choose who they will and won't engage in exchange with is disruptive to the market? That IS a market.
Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?

I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

That stupid canard again. A question you ask liberals not at all ever. We can't post unless we can tell you what our actions are according to your standards to back them up. Got it.

And as for me, I keep telling you that my strategy is to change minds. And you keep informing me that isn't your strategy so it doesn't count, I have to satisfy you. LOL, yeah

How's that "strategy" going? Gotten rid of civil marriage yet? :lol:
HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?

Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.

And the vast majority of Christian bakers agree to make the cakes. It seems Oregon showcased the one that did not.

The Oregon case was more complex than simply refusing service. The bakery owners also published the name and address of the couple they refused in FB, leading to harrassment and threats. They also published court documents, revealing personal information. There was a lot more to it then simply refusing service.
I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

That stupid canard again. A question you ask liberals not at all ever. We can't post unless we can tell you what our actions are according to your standards to back them up. Got it.

And as for me, I keep telling you that my strategy is to change minds. And you keep informing me that isn't your strategy so it doesn't count, I have to satisfy you. LOL, yeah

How's that "strategy" going? Gotten rid of civil marriage yet? :lol:
:lmao: Funny about that.
I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

That stupid canard again. A question you ask liberals not at all ever. We can't post unless we can tell you what our actions are according to your standards to back them up. Got it.

And as for me, I keep telling you that my strategy is to change minds. And you keep informing me that isn't your strategy so it doesn't count, I have to satisfy you. LOL, yeah

How's that "strategy" going? Gotten rid of civil marriage yet? :lol:

What have you personally overturned with your strategy?

HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?

Kind of looks like a "set up" situation doesn't it?

Someone deliberately looking for a baker of a specific religion in order to be refused?

Muslim bakers are most likely a tiny minority in this country, the vast majority are Christian. That's likely why less fuss is heard. The Muslim community is also much more conservative - I doubt a gay couple would look to a Muslim baker for their cake. Did this person SUE them? Has anyone sued a Muslim baker?

A baker that serves the public, should serve the public - regardless of who the wedding participants are as long as they can pay for the service and the requested item is within their ability to make. I don't think they should be forced to make anything lewd or pornographic.

Aside from that - there has also been a rash of cases of couples supposedly getting married and deliberately seeking out vendors they KNOW will be hostile to same-sex arrangements. I think that is wrong - maybe not legally wrong, but ethically wrong. In the original case, the couple sought out a baker they had used many times before and had good arrangements with, so they had the expectation their service would similarly be welcomed not rebuffed. Some of these other cases smack of set ups.

Conservative 'Comedian' Pretends to Be Gay, Asks Muslim Bakeries for Gay Wedding Cakes

Unfortunately for his thesis, several bakeries agreed to make the cake. At least according to his blog. But showcased are three bakeries that did not.

And the vast majority of Christian bakers agree to make the cakes. It seems Oregon showcased the one that did not.

The Oregon case was more complex than simply refusing service. The bakery owners also published the name and address of the couple they refused in FB, leading to harrassment and threats. They also published court documents, revealing personal information. There was a lot more to it then simply refusing service.

And let's not forget one other little tidbit...the Oregon case's fine was based on another Oregon case where a Christer was awarded even more money because her boss discriminated against her.

Christers want to be protected...but no one else is to be protected from them?
Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?

I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

I will continue to ignore any questions about my personal life. What I do is none of your business. So stop asking me or I'll report you to the mods, asshole.

So if you don't want me assuming, I'll ask you. Do you support laws that punish a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone?

Report me to the mods for what you pussy?

I support Public Accommodation laws. I also support you calling your elected representatives and ask them to repeal them. Something you obviously have not, pussy. :lol:'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

That stupid canard again. A question you ask liberals not at all ever. We can't post unless we can tell you what our actions are according to your standards to back them up. Got it.

And as for me, I keep telling you that my strategy is to change minds. And you keep informing me that isn't your strategy so it doesn't count, I have to satisfy you. LOL, yeah

How's that "strategy" going? Gotten rid of civil marriage yet? :lol:
:lmao: Funny about that.

Ditto, what laws have you changed?
I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

I will continue to ignore any questions about my personal life. What I do is none of your business. So stop asking me or I'll report you to the mods, asshole.

So if you don't want me assuming, I'll ask you. Do you support laws that punish a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone?

Report me to the mods for what you pussy?

I support Public Accommodation laws. I also support you calling your elected representatives and ask them to repeal them. Something you obviously have not, pussy. :lol:

But your standard is you need to personally overturn laws. That's what you ask me. Or is that just your standard for me ...
In a legal sense - no. But in an ethical sense - is it right to deliberately seek out someone to refuse you? Christian or Muslim?
Muslims bakeries (few as they may be) get a free pass on political correctness when Liberal Gay kids DEMAND capitulation by Christian bakeries to their ideology? That is, in common vernacular, JACKED UP. Why not apply the same standards across the board?
Because the core of the issue isn't cake. It's about anti CHRISTIAN ideology. The queers and the left are waging a war against Christians.

Actually, I think the core of the issue is that it's a "muslim" baker - could have been a Jew, Hindu, etc but they chose Muslim to try and make this a "Muslims get a free pass" argument.

Wanna bet that muslim bakers refuse the service overwhelmingly more than bakers of other religions?

Liberals and their never ending false equivalencies regarding Islam. I really feel bad, especially for the atheists who are brainwashed to stand as apologists of the most gruesome major religion on the planet.

Do you have anything that shows Muslim bakers refuse the service overwhelmingly more than bakers of other religions? Has an actual study been done? How about Jewish bakers? How about Hindu bakers?

The more I read about Crowder...the funnier it gets. Some of the Muslim bakers he talked to - don't even bake wedding cakes period and they count among the refusals? You can not force someone to provide something he does not ordinarily make.

Rush Limbaugh, Dearborn and the Muslim Baker Bigotry Myth

No I don't. But I do know whenever a regressive brings up the equivalency card I am not aware of it ever holding up. Plus, the muslim religion is a lot more homophobic than others, I mean they advocate for stoning gay people... If you just stopped and thought the matter for five seconds you would probably reach the same conclusion.

Regressive is typically associated with "rightwing".

The Muslim religion is more anti-gay, they're a very conservative religion however, in the US I doubt there is much advocacy for stoning homosexuals.

If conservative is a key component of "anti-gay" activity, then should we assume that most conservative Christian bakeries will likewise refuse to create a wedding cake? I suspect most do not refuse - they are intelligent enough to seperate business from faith. Likewise, I would think - Muslim bakers and bakers of other religions which folks here ignore.
And why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Title II of the Civil Rights Act for one...

I'm aware of the law. By what is the ethical justification for the law? Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?

I'm opposed to any law, federal, state, or local, that punishes a person for choosing not to engage in trade with someone. Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

Would segregation have ever ended - segregated bathrooms, hotels and restaurants that wouldn't serve blacks? Things didn't change until they had to.
This is an important point.

The notion that those subject to discrimination should simply ‘wait’ until social, cultural, and political conditions ‘change’ where discriminatory policies are no longer accepted is repugnant to the Constitution, the rule of law, and the fundamental tenets of our Republic.

Just as African-Americans and Hispanic Americans during the 1950s weren’t required to ‘wait’ until segregation and discrimination ‘naturally went away,’ so too are gay Americans not required to ‘wait’ until the unwarranted fear and hate concerning homosexuality ‘naturally goes away.’
I'm aware of the law. By what is the ethical justification for the law? Why should a person not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever (albeit stupid) reason they choose?

Then you should really go after that Federal law, not state and local laws that have only added gays to already existing protections.

I can't deny service to a Christian in 50 out of 50 states, but he can deny me in over half. I can't fire someone because I find out they are Jewish in 50 out of 50 states, but that Jewish individual can fire me in over half.

What are you doing to get rid of Title II of the Civil Rights Act that requires gays to serve Christians?
I now would avoid a queer owned business, congradulations because before you queers started demanding me to approve of every perverted act you want to do. I never really cared, but you started steering me the other way. Now you can go to hell, where the bible states you are headed anyway.

No one is demanding you "approve" of anything.
They demand that they endorse their fake weddings by creatjng special cakes.for them. That is unconstitutional. If the fags want a cake from Christians, they can pick one from the case. Nust like satanists can. Or NAMBLA. Or any of the other freaks.

They aren't demanding special cakes - they are only demanding a wedding cake, something that the bakery is known for providing.
They are demanding a special cake, created specifically for a particular event. An artistic creation. Have you ever planned a wedding?? I have. One of the things you do is meet with the baker to see if they can create what you want..and to see if they are willing to do it. I am so si k of lazy ass, stupid entitlement whores going to the mat to force people to serve them. You people are so inutterably lazy and stupid it makes me despair. You use the feds as your personal bank and your goon squad...apparently completely oblivious to the fact that when they have enough authority, they will come for you first. Once the feeder class has served its purpose, it is slaughtered. This has happened time and time again with fas ist regimes....and you're still too stupid to see it. If you spent even half the time you spend on this site actually researching history (and not history from ideologues), you would know this. If you spent any time researching our COUNTRY'S history, you would know this.

But you're so stupid, lazy, and brainwashed that you can't. Which pisses me off because it puts me in the uncomfortable position of wishing the feds would just go ahead and start culling. You're such a moron you will (and have) defend the rightness of such action.

sheep.'re "opposed". Good golly miss Molly, stop the presses, you "oppose" them. What form does that "opposition" take? Are you calling your congressman and demanding the repeal of Title II of the Civil Rights Act or are you just bitching about state and local laws on a message board?

Yes, I oppose them. I'm assuming you support them, then? What is your justification for why a person should not be allowed to decline engaging in trade for whatever reason they choose?

You can assume nothing. I'm asking you, and you keep ignoring the question, what YOU are personally doing to get rid of PA laws beyond bitching about state and local laws on a message board. You oppose PA laws, but have you called your Senator and Congresscritter and demanded they repeal Title II of the CRA? That's the law that requires that I, a gay person, serve a Christian in all 50 states.

That stupid canard again. A question you ask liberals not at all ever. We can't post unless we can tell you what our actions are according to your standards to back them up. Got it.

And as for me, I keep telling you that my strategy is to change minds. And you keep informing me that isn't your strategy so it doesn't count, I have to satisfy you. LOL, yeah

How's that "strategy" going? Gotten rid of civil marriage yet? :lol:

What have you personally overturned with your strategy?

Our strategy? Legalized gay marriage. Haven't you paid any attention? :lmao:

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