Muslim communities share guidelines on how to deal with cartoons

Hey? Ever see a cartoon of Jesus with a hard on? How about one of Him masturbating? Or fucking a sheep? Fingering some chick? Buttfucking some guy? Any christians here cringing at the thought? What if a magazine printed out such cartoons all the time, 24/7? Would that piss ya off? Or make you uncomfortable? Even ignoring that magazine, knowing it was doing that...would it bug ya?

straw man premises. Second of all Christians do not go behead people- even in their OWN Country for crap like that. You must be a lib.
I am not any political party. Stop labeling people just because they see something in a different way. My POINT is...which went over some heads obviously, is that I would be pretty pissed off to see Jesus whacking off or butt fucking another guy or getting/receiving a blowjob. HOWEVER, I also would not call for those drawing those cartoons, or printing them, to have their heads cut off.

Chew on that awhile.
It's simple you deal with cartoons that may offend you by ignoring them. Charlie Hebo used cartoons as satire, and went after every religion along with politicians, using political cartoons.

As they say "if you can't take the heat in the kitchen" get out. Go back to your theocracy run Islamic countries and don't come back.

yes Jews and Christians were also made fun off, but you would never know it!
Maybe one wouldn't know it because christians are not murdering people for doing it. Once upon a time, they did during the Inquisition, but christians grew up. Sorta. Islam is still a toddler.
AND, those stumbling around trying to find a box to put me didn't answer my question. It is not a strawman question nor am I a lib, nor am I an innie or an outtie, lefty or righting, uppie or downie. Simple question. ANSWER IT....if you can.

Ever see a cartoon of Jesus with a hard on? How about one of Him masturbating? Or fucking a sheep? Fingering some chick? Buttfucking some guy? Any christians here cringing at the thought? What if a magazine printed out such cartoons all the time, 24/7? Would that piss ya off? Or make you uncomfortable? Even ignoring that magazine, knowing it was doing that...would it bug ya?
Hey? Ever see a cartoon of Jesus with a hard on? How about one of Him masturbating? Or fucking a sheep? Fingering some chick? Buttfucking some guy? Any christians here cringing at the thought? What if a magazine printed out such cartoons all the time, 24/7? Would that piss ya off? Or make you uncomfortable? Even ignoring that magazine, knowing it was doing that...would it bug ya?

Youv'e never seen Jesus with a hard on because he wasn't a PEDO who married six year old and raped her before she reached puberty. Duh.

That being said… Charlie also insulted Christians and Jews, and they did't need any guide telling them to NOT chop people's head off.

Pure madness.
Again, these guidelines are about facing hatred and bigotry with patience and understanding while not shying away from expressing why the images are upsetting.

There is no mention of chopping off heads.

figuratively speaking. It's good that the "writing" "initiative" side of this, takes the time to make such a guidline, speaking with tolerance.

But it's the exception that points out just crazy the common crowd is. Since when people need guidlines to tell them not going on a killing spree? Fact that there is even a NEED for this should make your red alarms chim wildly.

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