Muslim "No Go" zones getting worse in should this be solved?

What should Sweden do about the "No Go" zones?

  • Pretend they don't exist

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cede these zones and declare them part of the new Caliphate

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Have a barbecue and talk it out

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
In the United States, the democrat party sees immigrants as a new voting class.....unable to speak English, disconnected to American Constitutional history, and unlikely to be educated in democrat controlled public schools, they will vote for the democrats because the democrats will offer them social welfare benefits for their votes...but will keep them enslaved to the democrat party....they think they can achieve the same thing with immigrants from Islamic nations...but the Islamic immigrants have elements determined to conquer their new home....
In the United States, the democrat party sees immigrants as a new voting class.....unable to speak English, disconnected to American Constitutional history, and unlikely to be educated in democrat controlled public schools, they will vote for the democrats because the democrats will offer them social welfare benefits for their votes...but will keep them enslaved to the democrat party....they think they can achieve the same thing with immigrants from Islamic nations...but the Islamic immigrants have elements determined to conquer their new home....
Cheap votes from stupid's what the Democrat party is all about. F**k Americans, we're obviously to intelligent for them to court us for our votes.
well the country still gets destroyed for Americans , course that's what the Indians said !!
but why do the governments want it because the govs and their are numerous govs , why do they want it ??
but why do the governments want it because the govs and their are numerous govs , why do they want it ??
They see themselves as the ruling class.

America is too wealthy in resources to let slide down the third world shitter. Some stronger country will invade and conquer us in our weakened state. The educated and intelligent will be harvested out and the third worlders enslaved. China, Russia or both will slice up the states.
doesn't sound too good KATZ , I'd suppose that the old guys would be hurried along into eternity !!

in the case of ragheads always use violence first
doesn't sound too good KATZ , I'd suppose that the old guys would be hurried along into eternity !!

Certainly that's what democrats have in mind as they limit medical care for anyone over 75. One of the architects of obamacare, Zeke Emmanuel wants everyone over 75 put down. I would take my chances with either the Russians or Chinese over democrats.
Well, it seems as if the Muslim communities in Sweden are causing more problems....police and fire services are afraid to enter these those who throw around nasty remarks about anyone who is concerned about radical Muslim terrorism or bad would you guys handle this situation? I am curious how you more "enlightened," types will correct a situation where an immigrant minority has seemingly declared part of the country that welcomed them no longer belonging to that country....well....what would you wonderful people suggest....since you are more tolerant and enlightened than your average bear?

Muslim Gangs Terrorize 55 Neighborhoods Police Powerless The Daily Caller

Cars are torched practically every day in the ghettos, and Sweden holds the unflattering world record for the highest number of school fires.

Despite being a small country of less than 10 million citizens, a 2012 study showed an average of one school being burned per day in Sweden, costing tax payers upwards of half a billion SEK annually. By comparison, Greece has 11 million citizens and averages only five school fires per year
. fires, once a week....

Ethnic Swedes are also being attacked. Local celebrity Linda Edenström’s 12-year old son was savagely beaten. In October, he took the subway after school to give a birthday present to a girl in his class. He was unaware she lived in a no-go zone, and when he exited the station he was promptly stopped by seven grown immigrants. They declared that no whites were allowed and proceeded to attack him while hurling anti-white slurs.

Swedish law states that the incident is not a hate crime. The law does not apply to an immigrant targeting a native Swede, even if an immigrant does so while explicitly stating they are doing it for racial reasons. However, the reverse situation with a native Swede saying a slur that could be perceived as racist has severe civil and criminal charges.

Oh no! Now the ethnic aryan nirvana is gonna become a Muslim haven. No more white purity! :)
Well, it seems as if the Muslim communities in Sweden are causing more problems....police and fire services are afraid to enter these those who throw around nasty remarks about anyone who is concerned about radical Muslim terrorism or bad would you guys handle this situation? I am curious how you more "enlightened," types will correct a situation where an immigrant minority has seemingly declared part of the country that welcomed them no longer belonging to that country....well....what would you wonderful people suggest....since you are more tolerant and enlightened than your average bear?


I am tolerant of many things, including bears.

Supporting intolerance to show one's tolerance is simply stupid and self-hating, however, and until the western world learns to take skin color and ethnicity out of the picture and simply hold all people to the same expectations for tolerance, all they will do is sign off on their own destruction.

The famous meta-historian Toynbe said that cultures die from suicide, not murder, and Sweden seems to be in competition with Britain to see who can do it the fastest.

It appears that instead of confronting the problem, Sweden is simply doubling down. "Cultural sensitivity" is simply a code term for "we don't have the balls to do anything and we have been so hoodwinked by the cult of multiculturalism that we have actually inverted the meaning of intolerant". They make excuses for the subhuman racist behavior of immigrants simply because they are terrified of being called racist.

Britain offers its young children to be raped. Sweden allows no go zones. The Netherlands (although better than the two aforementioned) experiences assassinations in the street, yet is still loathe to change their approach.

When are these people going to wake the fuck up? It's like saying "Well, thanks doctor, but I prefer waiting for the cancer to totally metastasize before I would consider taking your advice.
What about the "enlightened," here on U.S.message? You know the situation...what would you do to resolve it?

Napalm. Nerve gas. Fuel-air explosives. Tanks firing canister shot. Helicopter gunships. Flamethrowers.
Not sure why they need a study...

Set up a National task force with appropriate assets...start deporting and jailing where possible and if necessary ambush the ambushes...seems a simple problem unless one is a socialist and must complicate everything...

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