Muslim-only towns in America


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
jihad and unconstitutional sharia law spreading in America...

Sharia Law Is in the U.S.

The possibility that Muslim-only towns and urban enclaves could be created in the U.S. seems unimaginable to most Americans, but it already is a reality. Just travel 150 mile northwest of New York City to the woods of the western Catskills, and you will find Islamberg, a private Muslim community founded in 1980 by Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani. Sheikh Gilani is said to be one of the founders of Jamaat al-Fuqra, a terrorist organization believed to be responsible for dozens of bombings and murders in the U.S. and abroad.

Islamberg is only one of twenty to thirty Muslim-only communities and training compounds that this Pakistani group supports through Muslim affiliates in America. This radical group has purchased land in isolated areas close to city networks and infrastructure. Jamaat al-Fuqra now has sites in Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Pennsylvania, California, Washington, Colorado, Michigan, and Illinois, as well as Canada, Venezuela, and Trinidad.

The sharia debate in the U.S. is heating up as more and more Americans are reacting to lawyers requesting rulings based on sharia law, and local judges agreeing to make them. This has happened in a New Jersey divorce case, a Maryland child custody case, and most recently in a Florida property case. These cases are now a precedent for other American-Muslim communities. In addition, according to the Center for Security Policy study that was published in May 2011, there are actually over fifty Appellate Court cases from 23 states that all involve conflicts between sharia law and American state law.

There are numbers of Muslim community leaders challenging the delicate line between religious freedom and the laws against state religion by petitioning in favor of living under sharia law. The moment one court allows the establishment of an independently ruled enclave, others courts in liberal cities across the nation will petition for the same opportunity.

Another example of efforts to usurp the Constitution are the actions of the global Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), whose main agenda is to have "hate speech" laws enforced against anyone who criticizes Islam. [/COLOR] And, unfortunately, there are those determined to enforce sharia on their own who attack and murder any nearby dissenters. The Qu'ran justifies and protects these people's violence by declaring that it is blasphemous to mock or degrade any component of Islam. According to sharia law, such activity is punishable by death.

It is this ongoing effort to shut down public criticism of Islam that presents the gravest danger to America -- one that the Muslim Brotherhood and its Salafist organizations regard as key to limiting individual rights over the rights of the community. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), along with other Islamic activist groups, continues to push back, often with demonization of character and follow-up lawsuits. Recently, intimidation and character assassination have been used against U.S. politicians who question Islamism or want hearings on issues relating to radical Islamic terrorism, along with those Congressmen who introduce state legislation to ban all foreign law.

Read more: Articles: The Case for Banning Sharia Law in America
While it is a bit scary, the truth is that the freedom congregate and creat local laws is what this country is builit on and we should applaud.

As long as local laws don't conflict with state and federal laws or violate the fundamentals of our USC.

Just check out the Free State Movement.
A former marine who was raised by nuns and made a fortune selling pizza has embarked on a $400 million plan to build the first town in America to be run according to strict Catholic principles.

Abortions, pornography and contraceptives will be banned in the new Florida town of Ave Maria, which has begun to take shape on former vegetable farms 90 miles northwest of Miami

Read more: Domino's Pizza Founder to Build Catholic Town | Fox News

of course, that is different.......
jihad and unconstitutional sharia law spreading in America...

Sharia Law Is in the U.S.

The possibility that Muslim-only towns and urban enclaves could be created in the U.S. seems unimaginable to most Americans, but it already is a reality. Just travel 150 mile northwest of New York City to the woods of the western Catskills, and you will find Islamberg, a private Muslim community founded in 1980 by Sheikh Syed Mubarik Ali Shah Gilani. Sheikh Gilani is said to be one of the founders of Jamaat al-Fuqra, a terrorist organization believed to be responsible for dozens of bombings and murders in the U.S. and abroad.

Islamberg is only one of twenty to thirty Muslim-only communities and training compounds that this Pakistani group supports through Muslim affiliates in America. This radical group has purchased land in isolated areas close to city networks and infrastructure. Jamaat al-Fuqra now has sites in Alabama, Georgia, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Pennsylvania, California, Washington, Colorado, Michigan, and Illinois, as well as Canada, Venezuela, and Trinidad.

The sharia debate in the U.S. is heating up as more and more Americans are reacting to lawyers requesting rulings based on sharia law, and local judges agreeing to make them. This has happened in a New Jersey divorce case, a Maryland child custody case, and most recently in a Florida property case. These cases are now a precedent for other American-Muslim communities. In addition, according to the Center for Security Policy study that was published in May 2011, there are actually over fifty Appellate Court cases from 23 states that all involve conflicts between sharia law and American state law.

There are numbers of Muslim community leaders challenging the delicate line between religious freedom and the laws against state religion by petitioning in favor of living under sharia law. The moment one court allows the establishment of an independently ruled enclave, others courts in liberal cities across the nation will petition for the same opportunity.

Another example of efforts to usurp the Constitution are the actions of the global Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), whose main agenda is to have "hate speech" laws enforced against anyone who criticizes Islam. [/COLOR] And, unfortunately, there are those determined to enforce sharia on their own who attack and murder any nearby dissenters. The Qu'ran justifies and protects these people's violence by declaring that it is blasphemous to mock or degrade any component of Islam. According to sharia law, such activity is punishable by death.

It is this ongoing effort to shut down public criticism of Islam that presents the gravest danger to America -- one that the Muslim Brotherhood and its Salafist organizations regard as key to limiting individual rights over the rights of the community. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), along with other Islamic activist groups, continues to push back, often with demonization of character and follow-up lawsuits. Recently, intimidation and character assassination have been used against U.S. politicians who question Islamism or want hearings on issues relating to radical Islamic terrorism, along with those Congressmen who introduce state legislation to ban all foreign law.

Read more: Articles: The Case for Banning Sharia Law in America

another example of why the american thinker is the most ironically named website ever....... the name of "religious freedom"......we should stupidly allow jihadist and sharia communities to exist within our borders.....?

i'm sure the feds keep an eye on them.....a continuous waste of our tax dollars....
A former marine who was raised by nuns and made a fortune selling pizza has embarked on a $400 million plan to build the first town in America to be run according to strict Catholic principles.

Abortions, pornography and contraceptives will be banned in the new Florida town of Ave Maria, which has begun to take shape on former vegetable farms 90 miles northwest of Miami

Read more: Domino's Pizza Founder to Build Catholic Town | Fox News

of course, that is different.......

Well not really.

First, how does he enforce this in a town. The assumption is that the town will be aligned with his wants and the city/town council will pass laws accordingly.

But, unless he controls the private property he can't legally enforce this. He could be challenged on several levels. the name of "religious freedom"......we should stupidly allow jihadist and sharia communities to exist within our borders.....?

i'm sure the feds keep an eye on them.....a continuous waste of our tax dollars....

We should applaud religious freedom...but we should hang and shoot terrorists. He has all the freedom in the world. If he crosses the line.....he pays the price.
private Muslim community
what part of 'private' does the OP not comprehend? There are 'private' communities of all kinds in the US. Religious, ethnic, age, sexual orientation, etc.

Big whoop.

I think the complaint is that it is a community that harbors terrorists.

And the problem I have with that is that I'd like to see some evidence. More than a rant from an Islamaphobe on a message board, or cut and pastes from anti-Islamic blogs, or some anti-Islam piece on American Thinker.
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Q: What is the bloodiest, most barbaric, murdering, woman suppressing, homosexual killing, honor killing, backwards cult on earth?

A: islam and sharia law.

Oh yeah... great thing to have in America... they've only killed a few THOUSAND of us in COLD BLOOD already on AMERICAN SOIL so hey, pay no attention to those sleeper cells. Nothing to see there, just imagine they're all warm and fuzzy and move along.
The only rational reaction to this would be to bomb certain U.S. communities, shred the U.S. Constitution and replace it with one based on christianity while simultaneously being anti-Islam and round up anyone in this country who's ever been to a mosque and ship them to Iran.

However if the person has a beard, they need to be waterboarded prior to being shipped to Iran.
The only rational reaction to this would be to bomb certain U.S. communities, shred the U.S. Constitution and replace it with one based on christianity while simultaneously being anti-Islam and round up anyone in this country who's ever been to a mosque and ship them to Iran.

However if the person has a beard, they need to be waterboarded prior to being shipped to Iran.

And the only irrational reaction to this is to pretend that every single muslim in America is a model fucking citizen. Give me a fucking break. You got VICTIM tattooed on your forehead?

Yes this country is a melting pot, but we as Americans and INFIDELS have DAMN GOOD FUCKING REASON to be VERY SUSPICIOUS of muslims, and don't tell me we fucking DON'T. You're a damn FOOL if you think just IGNORING shit like this is the right thing to do too. MORON.

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