Muslims crucified Father Thomas Uzhunnalil on Good Friday

Muslim monkeys crucified a Christian Pastor on Good Friday. No mention in non-stop lying Mainstream 'Medias'. Where is outcry of traitorous western 'politicians'?

Muslims are enemies of Christians, the best solution would be if all admirers of the pedophile 'prophet' ( who owned 27 wife and 93 female slaves !!! ) will be deported from the western countries, mosques closed and Islam prohibited.

Otherwise Muslims will follow commandments their crazy 'prophet' and kill all Christians after they gain majority in our countries by the help of sky-high birth rates and illegal migration disguised as 'refuges'.

Translation from German

Early March had Jihadists in a Christian retirement home in the Yemeni city of Aden 16 Christians, including four nuns, brutally slaughtered and the Catholic priest Thomas Uzhunnalil (56, photo) taken hostage. A native of India Salesian Father prayed in the chapel as the Islamic blood Bader stormed the home. Since then, some efforts to priests from the hands of kidnappers freizubekommen. As the Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schönborn reported in his Easter speech at St. Stephen's Cathedral, Father Thomas was crucified on Good Friday of the Islamic barbarians. Islam is peace - and if not, that has certainly nothing to do with Islam.

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Politically Incorrect???
got a better source?

It is the only trustworthy source in political correct Germany.
"But but but Christians are bad, too."

Inb4 libtard says it.
Some christians are bad.

But we never heard about christian terrorists in Muslim countries or crucified by Christians imams.

Spain was -----at one time-----a "muslim country"------that is a large part of Spain
was muslim. Muslims were persecuted when catholics gained power there. They
never got over it. ALSO muslims invaded Palestine and Christians wanted
Jerusalem to be in the hands of the Catholic Church. Muslims never got over it.
Also-----Christians invented Christianity just because Christians hate Muhummad----which is why easter bunnies bring jelly beans to good kids like me
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are no ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.

Muslims have killed 270 millions innocent people an still continue to do it.
Islam is a deadly threat for the western societies, the sooner we prohibit it the better is our future.

Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are no ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.

Muslims have killed 270 millions innocent people an still continue to do it.
Islam is a deadly threat for the western societies, the sooner we prohibit it the better is our future.

"But but but Christians are bad, too."

Inb4 libtard says it.
Some christians are bad.

But we never heard about christian terrorists in Muslim countries or crucified by Christians imams.

Spain was -----at one time-----a "muslim country"------that is a large part of Spain
was muslim. Muslims were persecuted when catholics gained power there. They
never got over it. ALSO muslims invaded Palestine and Christians wanted
Jerusalem to be in the hands of the Catholic Church. Muslims never got over it.
Also-----Christians invented Christianity just because Christians hate Muhummad----which is why easter bunnies bring jelly beans to good kids like me

Where are all non-Muslims in Muslim countries today? They all were killed or converted.
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are no ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.

Muslims have killed 270 millions innocent people an still continue to do it.
Islam is a deadly threat for the western societies, the sooner we prohibit it the better is our future.

the CRUCIFIXION of a priest-------is more than enough for me to wonder why
the world tolerates muslims at all. The action is VERY VERY VERY symbolic
----NOW----that Iran has virtually full control of ADEN YEMEN. Do not think ---
primitive yemenis-----THINK IRAN which ----if you ask the AYATOILETS----is the
that Christians do in Yemen-----is that they -----sorta exist-----a little bit
i agree.....but still i have heard that saying many a time.....

by now you should have become accustomed to it and have no need to comment
over the dead body of an innocent man murdered by weird torture mutilation
so why are you here commenting on him then?....

On what is it that you imagine I commented?
post 15......and i never mentioned the priest,you did,i was commenting on what moon said.....

keep up the good work-----I KNOW you are TRYING your BEST
well at least you admit it when you are wrong....and thanks,i do try my hardest....
ISIS crucified him, just as they kill Muslims.
by now you should have become accustomed to it and have no need to comment
over the dead body of an innocent man murdered by weird torture mutilation
so why are you here commenting on him then?....

On what is it that you imagine I commented?
post 15......and i never mentioned the priest,you did,i was commenting on what moon said.....

keep up the good work-----I KNOW you are TRYING your BEST
well at least you admit it when you are wrong....and thanks,i do try my hardest....

I was not wrong-----and, therefore, did not "admit" being wrong
"But but but Christians are bad, too."

Inb4 libtard says it.

The Crusades!!!!! The Crusades!!!!!! And even then the Muzzies had it coming

In Europe the Crusaders would get excited, find a Jewish neighborhood on the way of their long trip & murder them. Yelling "Christ-killers" as they went. Whole towns were forced into their synagogues & burned to death.

In Middle East, they tried to lay low. There were 4 Crusades and the aggression was different in each one. Jews tended to side with the Muslim neighbors who protected them, rather than Christians killing them.

--- "1320: 40,000 French shepherds went to Palestine on the Shepherd Crusade. On the way, 140 Jewish communities were destroyed."

---- "1096: The First Crusade was launched in this year. Although the prime goal of the crusades was to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims, Jews were a second target. As the soldiers passed through Europe on the way to the Holy Land, large numbers of Jews were challenged: "Christ-killers, embrace the Cross or die!" 12,000 Jews in the Rhine Valley alone were killed in the first Crusade. This behavior continued for 8 additional crusades until the 9th in 1272."

---- "1099: The Crusaders forced all of the Jews of Jerusalem into a central synagogue and set it on fire. Those who tried to escape were forced back into the burning building."

So excuse me while I smirk when one of you churches are wiped out in the middle east

Yea, we know you love Christians being murdered. It's why you welcome the Muslims in the first place.
you are a real low IQ goy
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are not ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.
2000 years and nothing has changed
Islam is 1000 years old, but I agree with you, the Christer Barbarians have been around for 2000 years, polluting cultures and spreading diseases world wide
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are not ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.
2000 years and nothing has changed
Islam is 1000 years old, but I agree with you, the Christer Barbarians have been around for 2000 years, polluting cultures and spreading diseases world wide
Then it is time to fight a real holy war. Use real bombs, bring out the nukes. Trust allah.
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are not ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.
2000 years and nothing has changed
Islam is 1000 years old, but I agree with you, the Christer Barbarians have been around for 2000 years, polluting cultures and spreading diseases world wide
I believe it was the Jews and the Romans that were big into crucifixions not the Christians
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are not ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.
2000 years and nothing has changed
Islam is 1000 years old, but I agree with you, the Christer Barbarians have been around for 2000 years, polluting cultures and spreading diseases world wide
I believe it was the Jews and the Romans that were big into crucifixions not the Christians
Just like today, it's the Christians getting crucified and the barbarians drinking the blood.
I'm SO sick of the RWNJ traitors pretending they care about dead innocents.

They don't

Honestly, I don't get it. Republicans will fight to protect the gun rights of crazy white guys:

26 and gunman dead in Conn. elementary school massacre

But freak out over anyone else who has weapons.

Cops shot man at Walmart, then interrogated girlfriend -

A black man holding a toy gun is shot to death. If he were white, would he have been shot?
Republicans say Obama isn't protecting us from Muslims but who protects us from sick and crazy right wingers?
Fucking Barbarians
The these clowns are not ready for the western world.
If this is not a reason to close our borders to the barbarians at the gate I don't know what is.
2000 years and nothing has changed
Islam is 1000 years old, but I agree with you, the Christer Barbarians have been around for 2000 years, polluting cultures and spreading diseases world wide
I believe it was the Jews and the Romans that were big into crucifixions not the Christians
Just like today, it's the Christians getting crucified and the barbarians drinking the blood.
How come right wingers care now, but didn't care when they invaded Iraq?

Muslims crucified Father Thomas Uzhunnalil on Good Friday

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