Muslims, say it ain't so

a shot of vodka a little cayenne pepper.....gets your pecker up and ready for an all nighter.....
a shot of vodka a little cayenne pepper.....gets your pecker up and ready for an all nighter.....

Actually, the bit about drinking animal piss was the good part.

During the year 628 A.D., eight men from the clan of Uraynah, came to Medina. They became Muslims. While they were there they got sick. Muhammad prescribed a medicine for them: he told them to drink camel milk and camel urine. After the men got better, they brutally murdered the shepherd of the camels, stole the camels, and tried to escape. Muhammad sent an armed party of 20 men after them. They were caught and brought back to Medina. There, Muhammad pronounced their judgment: their eyes were branded with hot irons, then plucked out, their hands and feet were cut off, and then, while still alive, they were thrown out on the hot desert to die.
a shot of vodka a little cayenne pepper.....gets your pecker up and ready for an all nighter.....

Actually, the bit about drinking animal piss was the good part.

During the year 628 A.D., eight men from the clan of Uraynah, came to Medina. They became Muslims. While they were there they got sick. Muhammad prescribed a medicine for them: he told them to drink camel milk and camel urine. After the men got better, they brutally murdered the shepherd of the camels, stole the camels, and tried to escape. Muhammad sent an armed party of 20 men after them. They were caught and brought back to Medina. There, Muhammad pronounced their judgment: their eyes were branded with hot irons, then plucked out, their hands and feet were cut off, and then, while still alive, they were thrown out on the hot desert to die.
i bet they wont steal any more camels.......
a shot of vodka a little cayenne pepper.....gets your pecker up and ready for an all nighter.....

Actually, the bit about drinking animal piss was the good part.

During the year 628 A.D., eight men from the clan of Uraynah, came to Medina. They became Muslims. While they were there they got sick. Muhammad prescribed a medicine for them: he told them to drink camel milk and camel urine. After the men got better, they brutally murdered the shepherd of the camels, stole the camels, and tried to escape. Muhammad sent an armed party of 20 men after them. They were caught and brought back to Medina. There, Muhammad pronounced their judgment: their eyes were branded with hot irons, then plucked out, their hands and feet were cut off, and then, while still alive, they were thrown out on the hot desert to die.
i bet they wont steal any more camels.......

Wait till you hear what they drank from the sheep.

A man walked into the bar and demanded of the bartender his best twenty year old whiskey. The bartender looked the guy up and down and poured him a shot of Johnny Walker Red Label. After downing it the man said 'Well that's pretty good for seven year old scotch' but I want your best twenty year old whiskey'. The bartender looked him up and down again and poured him some Jack Daniel Black Label. After downing it the man said 'That's pretty good for a whiskey that's only seven to ten years old but I want your best twenty year old whiskey'. By this time the bartender was becoming pretty impressed. Then one of the customers walked up to the man and handed him a shot glass full of amber liquid and said 'Here matey try this'! The man lifted the shot glass and took a sip then started spitting and choking... When he finally caught his breath the man said "That tastes like piss!" The customer looked him up and down and then in the eyes and replied "Yah! But how old is it?"


Iran's Rouhani says it's up to Muslims to correct Islam's image

Well the leader of Iran says it's time for Muslims like Sunni man to get their act together and stop drinking camels urine and crucifying children on crosses.

Instead, they need to become more moderate like Iran and just build nukes behind the scene as they sponsor terrorists groups in the Middle East who are trying to overthrow the pig Zionists.

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