Muslims trying to push their religion of paedophilia in schools and do you think Wynne or Trudeau su

David Jeffrey Spetch

Senior Member
Nov 17, 2014
Muslims trying to push their religion of paedophilia in schools and do you think Wynne or Trudeau support paedophilia in Canada or in schools? Of course they do as they are bringing muslims into Canada and supporting their offencive garbage on everyone!

Islam deems raping 9 year olds as acceptable which proves that there is no place in Canada for islam let alone violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed as acceptable in islam such as stoning to death or beheading of non muslims or muslims gang raping non muslims for not wearing muslim garbage bags and is happening in modern day in many countries around the world so claiming other religions have hate crimes against other people doesn't compare because that conduct is not going on in modern day but when it comes to muslims and their islamic hate crimes against non muslims, it is happening in modern day. Every single muslim on the planet follows islam where these crimes against children and against non muslims is deemed as acceptable so when they tell you not all muslims are like that you know that they are lying because all muslims follow islam and it's always the same in every country they infiltrate which proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe or xenophobe when it comes to muslims because a rational concern of a very real threat is quite obviously not a phobia. They tell you anything to keep the door open for more muslims until it is too late.

Canada is not going to be another too late story if I can help it.

Islam does not belong in Canada or in our schools period! Offencive filthy disgusting low life scum bag muslims and their islamic garbage has got to be removed from Canada and schools.

BTW I just finished 2 30 days bans on facebook for sharing the fact that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe!


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Good luck to you. Islam is a primitive government that is completely incompatible with the West. You need to get that Liberal idiot Trudeau out of there.
I am not saying I disagreeing.

However, Torah is also pretty primitive. We simply "reinterpret" that to fit contemporary value.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

You are certainly wrong. Islam is pretty much like Christianity, Judaism and any other world religion is based on peace, compassion and mercy. You don't judge a book by its cover. If some muslims do wrong things (e.g politically motivated) you simply point the finger at them instead of painting the whole religion that is followed by quarter of humanity as evil based on the wrong actions of a few who happened to follow Islam. Just like the wrong doing of christians, jews...etc you don't blame Christianity or Judaism for what wrong might come form christians or jews. That is called intellectual fallacy and you argument is fallacious...unless proven otherwise.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.

Thanks for the reply. Islam is not a new religion that was just founded. Its an old religion followed by quarter of humanity, ~ 2 billion people that live all over the globe in peace and harmony with everyone else. Grab a book about Islam and check the fact yourself.

On a side note: The U.S has committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Japan and the list goes on but we don't see a finger pointed at Christianity. On the other hand you have Israel as a jewish state slaughtering innocent Palestinians and no seems to accuse Judaism of causing pain and suffering of innocent people. There is no connection between religions and terrorism whatsoever. If you want to insult your intelligence believing otherwise that is something beyond my control.I refer you to Newton's third law. The U.S invaded afghanistan and Taliban and Al-qaeda popped up after they were true jihadists against the soviet according to the U.S. Moving to Iraq, the U.S installed a sectarian government with the help of Iran and overthrew the former regime of Iraq based on the WMD that were never found. The current ISIS leader spent sometime as a prisoner in the U.S and once freed ISIS came about. It doesn't seem political does it?

Stop pushing the clash of civilization and we all be fine.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.

Thanks for the reply. Islam is not a new religion that was just founded. Its an old religion followed by quarter of humanity, ~ 2 billion people that live all over the globe in peace and harmony with everyone else. Grab a book about Islam and check the fact yourself.

On a side note: The U.S has committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Japan and the list goes on but we don't see a finger pointed at Christianity. On the other hand you have Israel as a jewish state slaughtering innocent Palestinians and no seems to accuse Judaism of causing pain and suffering of innocent people. There is no connection between religions and terrorism whatsoever. If you want to insult your intelligence believing otherwise that is something beyond my control.I refer you to Newton's third law. The U.S invaded afghanistan and Taliban and Al-qaeda popped up after they were true jihadists against the soviet according to the U.S. Moving to Iraq, the U.S installed a sectarian government with the help of Iran and overthrew the former regime of Iraq based on the WMD that were never found. The current ISIS leader spent sometime as a prisoner in the U.S and once freed ISIS came about. It doesn't seem political does it?

Stop pushing the clash of civilization and we all be fine.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.

Thanks for the reply. Islam is not a new religion that was just founded. Its an old religion followed by quarter of humanity, ~ 2 billion people that live all over the globe in peace and harmony with everyone else. Grab a book about Islam and check the fact yourself.

On a side note: The U.S has committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Japan and the list goes on but we don't see a finger pointed at Christianity. On the other hand you have Israel as a jewish state slaughtering innocent Palestinians and no seems to accuse Judaism of causing pain and suffering of innocent people. There is no connection between religions and terrorism whatsoever. If you want to insult your intelligence believing otherwise that is something beyond my control.I refer you to Newton's third law. The U.S invaded afghanistan and Taliban and Al-qaeda popped up after they were true jihadists against the soviet according to the U.S. Moving to Iraq, the U.S installed a sectarian government with the help of Iran and overthrew the former regime of Iraq based on the WMD that were never found. The current ISIS leader spent sometime as a prisoner in the U.S and once freed ISIS came about. It doesn't seem political does it?

Stop pushing the clash of civilization and we all be fine.

you are remarkably ignorant
Folks, the number of muslims that support terrorism is too damn high.

Most may not do that willingly. However, their religious leaders have more influence on muslims than on christians.

Christians do not care what the pope said. We consider what priests, or deacons, or any church leaders say as opinions.

However, muslims do trust their government appointed "leader".

Huge demonstration against Ahok in Jakarta shows this. A man that develop a system that greatly reduce corruption in indonesia is now a suspect of blasphemy case because some muslim leaders are offended by what the man says.

In christianity and judaism nowadays, we do not give so much weight on what our leaders say. The muslims do.

Yes there are Christians that commit atrocities. However, Christianity is rarely a justification for violence now. It's always something else. Democracy, freedom, etc. That's because most Christians live in secular countries.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.

Thanks for the reply. Islam is not a new religion that was just founded. Its an old religion followed by quarter of humanity, ~ 2 billion people that live all over the globe in peace and harmony with everyone else. Grab a book about Islam and check the fact yourself.

On a side note: The U.S has committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Japan and the list goes on but we don't see a finger pointed at Christianity. On the other hand you have Israel as a jewish state slaughtering innocent Palestinians and no seems to accuse Judaism of causing pain and suffering of innocent people. There is no connection between religions and terrorism whatsoever. If you want to insult your intelligence believing otherwise that is something beyond my control.I refer you to Newton's third law. The U.S invaded afghanistan and Taliban and Al-qaeda popped up after they were true jihadists against the soviet according to the U.S. Moving to Iraq, the U.S installed a sectarian government with the help of Iran and overthrew the former regime of Iraq based on the WMD that were never found. The current ISIS leader spent sometime as a prisoner in the U.S and once freed ISIS came about. It doesn't seem political does it?

Stop pushing the clash of civilization and we all be fine.

Here we have a muslim n(or a liberal or a globalist), an obsessive compulsive liar desperately scrambling to try and make anything else the issue. But then again, muslims lying to non muslims is deemed acceptable in islam to help infiltrate to dominate with world with filthy religious low life scum bag garbage.

It is no secret that factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people and muslims vs. jewish are a fine example of this right to this very day hence your mention admitting you are aware of Jewish and muslims killing each other in the middle east as they have been for hundreds of years, there have also been several occasions throughout the decades where I have revealed for example


Religions leads to war and divide and here you are of one religion attempting to blame the other religion while those of the other religion blames you and this is because the religious never accept responsibility for their own shame and instead try and pass the blame off on anyone / anything else compulsively and obsessively like the compulsive obsessive liars religion teaches you to be.

christianity, many years ago christians took First Nations children here in Canada for example forced their filthy religious lies on them while raping them and abusing them in various ways. Many years ago Christians in the USA burned women claiming them witches which is christians vs pagans which is a fine example of filthy religious lies leading to war and divide. Christianity was founded by a selfish greedy liar who's lies lead to his death as he was nailed to a giant cross and killed slowly and torturously. This selfish greedy low life scum bag who's lies lead to his death was then used by catholics as a catalyst to destroy the Roman Empire and force oppression and conversion on the remaining Romans hence we have roman catholics and much like the catholics, if muslims succeed in conquering North America for example they would claim that all those who sacrificed their lives died for everyone much like the catholics and christians do with the filthy low life scum bag jesus christ.

Hence a valid reason why you will never see me stoop to saying merry christmas to anyone because I would never stoop so low because I value human life more than I value a factually proven foundation of filthy religious lies.

Muslims however follow islam where you find violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed as acceptable such as beheading and stoning people to death, for not being muslim, being gang raped for not wearing muslim garbage bags, raping children at 9 years of age deemed as acceptable in islam of which every single muslim on the planet follows islam and these violent hate crimes are still being practiced in several countries around the world in modern day which quite obviously proves that being against islam is not a phobia at all.

Now I am well aware that other religions have similar garbage as islam written in their filthy religious books of which are violent hate crimes against those of not of their following deemed as acceptable however these violent hate crimes are no longer being carried out in modern day where as muslims hate crimes against non muslims are not only being carried out in modern day, these violent hate crimes against non muslims are being carried out in several countries around the world in modern day since you come here practicing deliberate ignorance and try using your 5 year old like mentality to try and justify it by claiming rhetoric of other religion in attempt to try and drag everyone else down to your pathetic level because that is what islam teaches you to do to assist you in infiltrating, trying to convert or committing violent hate crimes against non muslims in attempt of global domination of which is what the filth known as islam teaches you.

I have access to so many examples of muslims committing violent hate crimes against non muslims in modern day in the form of actual videos and legitimate news stories that there really is nowhere for you to run and no where for you to hide no matter how much you continue to think you are going to get away with lying while practicing deliberate ignorance towards muslims committing violent hate crimes against non muslims in modern day and while muslims do this they always ignore the laws of the land while instead attempt to try and force their islamic garbage on everyone such as Lebanon, Afghanistan, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, France, United Kingdom, etc. the list goes on!

I have spent the last 16 and a half years fighting for the destruction of religion because human lives are far more valuable than factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. Every religion is factually proven to be based upon a foundation of lies and you can find that right here in this video

Religion is everyone's enemy and thousands of years to this very day proves it. Time for you to wake up. Those of every other religion are to blame for this as well but at least they do not practice the modern day hate crimes against non followers of their religion in modern day where as muslims do. Because those of other religions value factually proven foundations of religious lies more than they value human life they are religious, hence what it means to be religious, hence they are directly to blame for holding the door wide open for muslim infiltration through freedom of religion!

I am no atheist, an atheist merely believes that religion are based upon lies where as I am the Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist who long ago discovered the factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies and have been sharing it ever since because again I value human life more than I value filthy religious lies and since muslims pose the most immediate threat you need to be singled out and removed from countries you invade to go back to the countries where you sunnies and shiites (however you spell them I don't care) who stoop to being muslim can continue to kill each other off as sad as that is over such pathetic rhetoric or throw islam in the garbage where it belongs (where every religion belongs) and get to stay in the countries you currently reside respecting the laws of those countries.

You don't like it, blubber and whine all you want because it doesn't amount to a hill of beans. You are just a foot soldier saying anything you can think of, any lie and deception along with practicing deliberate ignorance when it seems convenient to keep the door open for more muslims to arrive until their are enough of you, like in many other countries, the real hate crimes begin as you try and force you islamic garbage on everyone as is what happens in countries muslims invade.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Last edited:
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

I think we might get along just fine I like you so far from what I see here on this thread and elsewhere on these forums and well you look pretty cute too ;) which doesn't hurt.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
This thread reeks of hate.

Yeah, muslims hate crimes against non muslims is unacceptable and incompatible with non muslim countries. It's not even compatible with muslim countries aka sunnies vs shiites killing each other, a religion of hate indeed. Time to put and end to islam the religion of hate and paedophilia plaguing non muslim countries.

Will be nice to see the destruction of the largest hate crime against humanity that ever existed, the destruction of religion permanently and globally as well. Human lives are far more valuable than factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies.

Last edited:
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.

Thanks for the reply. Islam is not a new religion that was just founded. Its an old religion followed by quarter of humanity, ~ 2 billion people that live all over the globe in peace and harmony with everyone else. Grab a book about Islam and check the fact yourself.

On a side note: The U.S has committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Japan and the list goes on but we don't see a finger pointed at Christianity. On the other hand you have Israel as a jewish state slaughtering innocent Palestinians and no seems to accuse Judaism of causing pain and suffering of innocent people. There is no connection between religions and terrorism whatsoever. If you want to insult your intelligence believing otherwise that is something beyond my control.I refer you to Newton's third law. The U.S invaded afghanistan and Taliban and Al-qaeda popped up after they were true jihadists against the soviet according to the U.S. Moving to Iraq, the U.S installed a sectarian government with the help of Iran and overthrew the former regime of Iraq based on the WMD that were never found. The current ISIS leader spent sometime as a prisoner in the U.S and once freed ISIS came about. It doesn't seem political does it?

Stop pushing the clash of civilization and we all be fine.
I admire the fact that you are willing to spend time explaining the world to these infants. But essentially they are not evolved enough to understand.
Folks, the number of muslims that support terrorism is too damn high.

Most may not do that willingly. However, their religious leaders have more influence on muslims than on christians.

Christians do not care what the pope said. We consider what priests, or deacons, or any church leaders say as opinions.

However, muslims do trust their government appointed "leader".

Huge demonstration against Ahok in Jakarta shows this. A man that develop a system that greatly reduce corruption in indonesia is now a suspect of blasphemy case because some muslim leaders are offended by what the man says.

In christianity and judaism nowadays, we do not give so much weight on what our leaders say. The muslims do.

Yes there are Christians that commit atrocities. However, Christianity is rarely a justification for violence now. It's always something else. Democracy, freedom, etc. That's because most Christians live in secular countries.

Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

I agree.

Would you mind telling us why do you agree to what Hossfly has put out?

Thanks in advance.

With all respect.

Where have you been all these years, while the Religion of Piss has been causing havoc, pain, suffering and destruction all over the world?

I don't have to explain anything to you. You go and find it yourself, that is, if you don't already know the answers by now.

Thanks for the reply. Islam is not a new religion that was just founded. Its an old religion followed by quarter of humanity, ~ 2 billion people that live all over the globe in peace and harmony with everyone else. Grab a book about Islam and check the fact yourself.

On a side note: The U.S has committed war crimes in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Vietnam, Japan and the list goes on but we don't see a finger pointed at Christianity. On the other hand you have Israel as a jewish state slaughtering innocent Palestinians and no seems to accuse Judaism of causing pain and suffering of innocent people. There is no connection between religions and terrorism whatsoever. If you want to insult your intelligence believing otherwise that is something beyond my control.I refer you to Newton's third law. The U.S invaded afghanistan and Taliban and Al-qaeda popped up after they were true jihadists against the soviet according to the U.S. Moving to Iraq, the U.S installed a sectarian government with the help of Iran and overthrew the former regime of Iraq based on the WMD that were never found. The current ISIS leader spent sometime as a prisoner in the U.S and once freed ISIS came about. It doesn't seem political does it?

Stop pushing the clash of civilization and we all be fine.
I admire the fact that you are willing to spend time explaining the world to these infants. But essentially they are not evolved enough to understand.

Thanks and I understand ignorance is religions only defence. We have the greedy and the selfish who use religious lies to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many and cower from accepting responsiblity of taking advantage of the many with factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies, then we have the brainwashed trained to lie obsessively and compulsively because they do not want to accept the shame of being taken advantage of like the fools they prove to be.

The religious only fool themselves, but in the end the question remains, do the religious really value lies more than the lives of their own families etc.

I'm confident I can get through to the world despite the current insanity manifestation imposed by mainly greedy selfish individuals with money and mentalities like children without restrictions or boundaries.

People need to understand that ridding the world of filthy religious lies will soon after open the doors to trusting and believing in one another as could have always been instead of believing in pathetic lies.

Time to graduate from primitive humans otherwise we destroy ourselves along with the life on this planet. It's time to grow up and act like care takers of Earth and one another.

I must say, I am surprised to see you have turned a new leaf in my direction as of late but none the less, good to see.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
Muslims are pretty much integrated in our society and are giving to the Canadian community as much as the non muslims and, have the right to have their own places of worship. We don't live in a jungle.

Canadian Multiculturalism: An Inclusive Citizenship
Islam is a disease that should be eradicated like a weed.

You are certainly wrong. Islam is pretty much like Christianity, Judaism and any other world religion is based on peace, compassion and mercy. You don't judge a book by its cover. If some muslims do wrong things (e.g politically motivated) you simply point the finger at them instead of painting the whole religion that is followed by quarter of humanity as evil based on the wrong actions of a few who happened to follow Islam. Just like the wrong doing of christians, jews...etc you don't blame Christianity or Judaism for what wrong might come form christians or jews. That is called intellectual fallacy and you argument is fallacious...unless proven otherwise.
I don't have to prove it. The very idea of Islam is alien to humanity.

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