Must see: Bill To outlaw Attempted Genocide Of Blacks Through Abortion.

Jan 17, 2010
If I see this correct genocide on Whites is not forbidden. Georgias Right to Life cites the fact that more than twice as many black women sought abortions in Georgia in 2008 as did white women, even though the state’s population is just 30 percent black. Key wording here 'they SOUGHT abortions'. NOT the other way around. Once again this is a denial of reality and the blaming of the White man for the Blacks problems.

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot | Jay Bookman

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot:

Laweek, the Georgia Senate gave sanction to a bizarre, destructive and racially condescending conspiracy theory. By a 33-14 vote, it approved a bill that purports to outlaw the attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion.

Under the bill’s language, a health care provider could be convicted of a felony and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for performing an abortion “with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

The bill is inspired by a claim that abortion providers are engaged in a conspiracy to reduce the number of black children born in this country. As Georgia Right to Life has argued in billboards and other outlets, “black children are an endangered species” that need the protection of law against a campaign to eradicate them.
How do you equate the language to the bill:

“with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

To "attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion"???
How do you equate the language to the bill:

“with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

To "attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion"???
That is what the Negro (word used in Census) mindset is here.

This now creates an interesting conundrum for the negro mother; does she have the baby, thus increasing her welfare income for a lifetime of steady benefits... or does she sue over genocidal abortion for a one time payout.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Although this bill may have been thought up of due to the black populations agenda, we must read the bill for what it is.

Under the bill’s language, a health care provider could be convicted of a felony and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for performing an abortion “with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”
I can see lawsuits flying.

Negro woman goes and gets an abortion then turns around and sues the doctor because he aborted her baby based on racial prejudice. Then repeat the process making money.
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"US Army Retired sucks off goats"

What comes up when you click on his rep power.

I could not have stated it better myself
How do you equate the language to the bill:

“with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

To "attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion"???
That is what the Negro (word used in Census) mindset is here.

This now creates an interesting conundrum for the negro mother; does she have the baby, thus increasing her welfare income for a lifetime of steady benefits... or does she sue over genocidal abortion for a one time payout.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Although this bill may have been thought up of due to the black populations agenda, we must read the bill for what it is.

Under the bill’s language, a health care provider could be convicted of a felony and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for performing an abortion “with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”
I can see lawsuits flying.

Negro woman goes and gets an abortion then turns around and sues the doctor because he aborted her baby based on racial prejudice. Then repeat the process making money.

LOL a lifetime of steady benefits. Coming from a black family with formerly poor to self made millionaires, I can assure you that the lifetime of steady welfare benefits living in sector 9 or the projects is not a benefit. Your blatant ignorance at the economic feasibility of living off of WELFARE checks (LOL, maybe this is just funnier to me because I've actually experienced these so called "steady benefits") OR living off of a ONE TIME abortion settlement proves that you're thinking can't be normal.

A lifetime of steady benefits or a one time payout to live off of the rest of your life. LOL, I can't even dignify you with a lengthy response, I already feel my IQ shrinking.
"US Army Retired sucks off goats"

What comes up when you click on his rep power.

I could not have stated it better myself
I'm sure there is a militia somewhere that would be happy to have him.

or a Goat Herd

so, I'm confused are we gonna hang US retired from a Ga. tree, or withold abortions from black ladies?
If I see this correct genocide on Whites is not forbidden. Georgias Right to Life cites the fact that more than twice as many black women sought abortions in Georgia in 2008 as did white women, even though the state’s population is just 30 percent black. Key wording here 'they SOUGHT abortions'. NOT the other way around. Once again this is a denial of reality and the blaming of the White man for the Blacks problems.

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot | Jay Bookman

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot:

Laweek, the Georgia Senate gave sanction to a bizarre, destructive and racially condescending conspiracy theory. By a 33-14 vote, it approved a bill that purports to outlaw the attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion.

Under the bill’s language, a health care provider could be convicted of a felony and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for performing an abortion “with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

The bill is inspired by a claim that abortion providers are engaged in a conspiracy to reduce the number of black children born in this country. As Georgia Right to Life has argued in billboards and other outlets, “black children are an endangered species” that need the protection of law against a campaign to eradicate them.

Talk about cheapening the word genocide.

This has to make the 'why conservatism is dead' list.
Has this supposedly been going on for awhile?

Will you support paying black women to have more babies, as a sort of 'reparation' for all those black babies that weren't born?
This would be the first genocide in history where over the course of it, those targeted for the genocide actually increased their population.

Conservative homeschool math at work.
If I see this correct genocide on Whites is not forbidden. Georgias Right to Life cites the fact that more than twice as many black women sought abortions in Georgia in 2008 as did white women, even though the state’s population is just 30 percent black. Key wording here 'they SOUGHT abortions'. NOT the other way around. Once again this is a denial of reality and the blaming of the White man for the Blacks problems.

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot | Jay Bookman

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot:

Laweek, the Georgia Senate gave sanction to a bizarre, destructive and racially condescending conspiracy theory. By a 33-14 vote, it approved a bill that purports to outlaw the attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion.

Under the bill’s language, a health care provider could be convicted of a felony and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for performing an abortion “with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

The bill is inspired by a claim that abortion providers are engaged in a conspiracy to reduce the number of black children born in this country. As Georgia Right to Life has argued in billboards and other outlets, “black children are an endangered species” that need the protection of law against a campaign to eradicate them.

And what government bureacracy will they create to enforce this insanity? Smaller government my azz!!

Besides, my definition genocide says that one person/group kills off another group. How is a black woman deciding to have an abortion equals genocide is beyond me.
The real story coming out of GA is a bill to outlaw all abortions.

A BILL to be entitled an Act to amend the Official Code of Georgia Annotated so as to provide that prenatal murder shall be unlawful in all events and to remove numerous references to such procedures; to amend Title 16, relating to crimes and offenses, so as to make certain findings of fact; to define certain terms; to provide that any prenatal murder shall be unlawful; to provide a penalty; to repeal certain exceptions to certain offenses; to provide for severability; to provide an effective date; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other purposes.

The only question is does abortion in Georgia fit their legal definition of murder.
If I see this correct genocide on Whites is not forbidden. Georgias Right to Life cites the fact that more than twice as many black women sought abortions in Georgia in 2008 as did white women, even though the state’s population is just 30 percent black. Key wording here 'they SOUGHT abortions'. NOT the other way around. Once again this is a denial of reality and the blaming of the White man for the Blacks problems.

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot | Jay Bookman

Ga. Senate endorses bizarre anti-black conspiracy plot:

Laweek, the Georgia Senate gave sanction to a bizarre, destructive and racially condescending conspiracy theory. By a 33-14 vote, it approved a bill that purports to outlaw the attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion.

Under the bill’s language, a health care provider could be convicted of a felony and sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for performing an abortion “with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

The bill is inspired by a claim that abortion providers are engaged in a conspiracy to reduce the number of black children born in this country. As Georgia Right to Life has argued in billboards and other outlets, “black children are an endangered species” that need the protection of law against a campaign to eradicate them.

What the fuck? It's black so-called "conservatives" peddling this shit not anyone else and your side is running with it because it fits their agenda while blaming the rest of the community for it. Here's a solution. Mind your own fucking business. Tend to your own fucking affairs. Keep your hands away from women's uteri (black, white, hispanic or whatever) and stop trying to force your agenda on everyone else. Black republicans are a freaking joke. You join these scumbags they USE YOU to further their bullshit christian morals agenda like god-damn scapegoats, and then turn around say stupid shit like this.

Republican ideology is so all over the place it's freaking ridiculous. The state of Georgia knows they can effectively use this as a grounds to lock up every abortion doctor in the country if they wanted to. That's what this is about... not race. It makes me laugh just to think that a bunch of hillbilly republican Georgia politicians really give a damn about black babies.
Aren't white people having babies at a lower rate than black people?
"US Army Retired sucks off goats"

What comes up when you click on his rep power.

I could not have stated it better myself

Since a woman has to REQUEST an abortion, exactly HOW does this bill do anything? UNLESS the intent is to charge people for doing an abortion that was requested by the mother.

More importantly, since the Supreme Court ruled that women have an absolute RIGHT to have an abortion how exactly can Georgia create a law to PREVENT them from having abortions because they happen to be black?

And the slippery slope is that someone WILL request an abortion and then claim later they were forced somehow to do it.
How do you equate the language to the bill:

“with the intent to prevent an unborn child from being born based upon the race, color, or gender of the unborn child or the race or color of either parent of that unborn child.”

To "attempted genocide of black Americans through abortion"???
That is what the Negro (word used in Census) mindset is here.

Yeah, thanks for explaining that. Let me tell you now, exactly what the "negro mindset" is or exactly what my negro mindset is. I think you and your sick twisted ideology is an f-ing fraud. Yes, your whole worldview is a twisted bullshit neo-conservative blinded tangled web of stupidity. I think you and people like you are some of the most disgusting excuses for human beings I've ever seen in my life and you and people who submit to your neo-coon way of thinking NEVER cease to amaze me.

If anything, my mindset is one of complete and total outrage that number one my race is being used to further the agenda of the radical christian right . Number two at the fact that not only are we being used but we're being then BLAMED for our exploitation. Ah-freaking-gain.

My CURRENT mindset, is that I'll be damned if Georgia of all freaking states really "cares" about black mothers or black children. My CURRENT mindset is that this bill is one of the greatest monstrosities that Georgia ever came up with. My CURRENT mindset is that, FIRST everyone here knows this will in no way benefit black mothers, and that black mothers won't be "suing" abortion clinics. If any action is taken it will be legal not civil. There is no "black agenda" to get welfare money.

This is just random stupidity coming from radical rightists supported by silly black Georgian evangelical Christians running around like effeminate maniacs in megachurches like so-called Bishop Eddie Long's in Lithonia throwing money on the alter believing they'll be "blessed". What a silly freaking trick. Bait and switch, that's the game the anti-abortionist played in Georgia and it pisses me off. I honestly don't give a damn if you think abortion is wrong. Got-damnit I respect your opinion, fine. Just as long as you don't force that on others believe whatever the Hell you want. But to use my race as a means to try to stop abortion, and then to turn around on that same note and act like it's our freaking fault.

Man f-the neo-coons and the people trying to ruin this country... ALL of them. That's my negro mindset. I want a damn house in the damn suburbs with a nice yard that I worked for and the right for my future daughter(s) that I raise there to be able to control what the Hell goes on in their own bodies. I want freedom to protect that property and those children. That's it. That's the "negro mindset". Get the fuck over yourself. There is no "negro conspiracy". You are no better than anyone else. The superiority of your "race" as non-existent as that "superiority" may be means nothing. Individually you are still worth only what you contribute to society. Making yourself feel less worthless by trying to feed off the so-called collective accomplishments of your race is a futile effort.

We as a people are moving out of the inner cities, we're moving into the suburbs, we're increasing in number, and we're having abortions when our women feel the need to, while we mind our own freaking business. We're owning businesses, sending our children to college, having cook-outs, celebrating holidays, having sex, throwing parties, getting married, having families, laughing, smiling and living our damn lives. And at the very least if nobody else that's what the Hell I'm doing. Clubbing, having fun, partying and enjoying life. And because I have no pre-concieved notions about anyone based on race and spending time worrying about lame conspiracy theories that I made up based on my hate for other people, I'm having a pretty damn good open life, and a pretty damn good time enjoying it. And in all honesty... because of that...

you, the state of Georgia, and black republicans can kiss my light brown ass. Now how's that for a "negro mindset"?
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Unbelievable. Talk about taking things out of context and then making idiot comments. Is that chip on your shoulder big enough?

If this passes you can bet your damn life savings someone will claim they were tricked. Or forced.

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