Must Tiny ISRAEL take out Iran's nukes ALONE?

I don't get it. Iran needs to be taken out because Israel is having a cow?

We made a deal - I don't even think we should have done that. We aren't the police for the god damned world. I don't care if Iran gets nukes, hope they aren't dumb enough to try to use them on us or there won't be an Iran.

Israel needs to learn to play nice with their neighbors, if they can't, they can get taken out themselves - I don't care.

Don't worry - God will protect Israel, otherwise there won't be an apocalypse - we can't have that.
Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. 12 His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns. He had[e] a name written that no one knew except Himself. 13 He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. 14 And the armies in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean,[f] followed Him on white horses. 15 Now out of His mouth goes a sharp[g] sword, that with it He should strike the nations. And He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron. He Himself treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. 16 And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written:


The Beast and His Armies Defeated
17 Then I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that fly in the midst of heaven, “Come and gather together for the supper of the great God,[h] 18 that you may eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of captains, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and of those who sit on them, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, both small and great.”

19 And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army. 20 Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone. 21 And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.
Revelation 19:11-21

The bible is nothing but a bunch of made-up stories loosely based on about 2000 years ago. Time for God to upgrade his system.
I don't get it. Iran needs to be taken out because Israel is having a cow?

We made a deal - I don't even think we should have done that. We aren't the police for the god damned world. I don't care if Iran gets nukes, hope they aren't dumb enough to try to use them on us or there won't be an Iran.

Israel needs to learn to play nice with their neighbors, if they can't, they can get taken out themselves - I don't care.

Don't worry - God will protect Israel, otherwise there won't be an apocalypse - we can't have that.

WOW!!! WHAT A "GREAT" THINKER!!!! one nuke fired from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast and how many lives and $$$$$$$$$$ would be the cost????????????
NO WORRIES!!! TINY ISRAEL knows what it is doing and they will find away to do what they must. GOD BLESS AND PROTECTS THEM.


If they know what they're doing, they won't be needing our help.

TYPICAL!!!! obama is cut and running worldwide in IRAQ,SYRIA,AFGAN CRIMEA, our word is worth zero!!! and ISRAEL knows we cannot be trusted!!! TINY ISRAEL WILL DO WHAT IT MUST!!!

I thought that Obama was messing around in the middle east and brought instability because he was supporting terror?

I'm corn-fussed.
I don't get it. Iran needs to be taken out because Israel is having a cow?

We made a deal - I don't even think we should have done that. We aren't the police for the god damned world. I don't care if Iran gets nukes, hope they aren't dumb enough to try to use them on us or there won't be an Iran.

Israel needs to learn to play nice with their neighbors, if they can't, they can get taken out themselves - I don't care.

Don't worry - God will protect Israel, otherwise there won't be an apocalypse - we can't have that.

WOW!!! WHAT A "GREAT" THINKER!!!! one nuke fired from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast and how many lives and $$$$$$$$$$ would be the cost????????????

You're full of it. They aren't going to launch nukes against the US because they don't want to be obliterated - same reason Russia or China never did it.

You're an idiot if you think they would.

Thanks for recognizing that I'm a thinker - I pride myself for using the grey matter that the almighty blessed me with to think through problems ON MY OWN.

Try it sometime.
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I don't get it. Iran needs to be taken out because Israel is having a cow?

We made a deal - I don't even think we should have done that. We aren't the police for the god damned world. I don't care if Iran gets nukes, hope they aren't dumb enough to try to use them on us or there won't be an Iran.

Israel needs to learn to play nice with their neighbors, if they can't, they can get taken out themselves - I don't care.

Don't worry - God will protect Israel, otherwise there won't be an apocalypse - we can't have that.

WOW!!! WHAT A "GREAT" THINKER!!!! one nuke fired from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast and how many lives and $$$$$$$$$$ would be the cost????????????

You're full of it. They aren't going to launch nukes against the US because they don't want to be obliterated - same reason Russia or China never did it.

You're an idiot if you think they would.

Thanks for recognizing that I'm a thinker - I pride myself for using the grey matter that the almighty blessed me with to think through problems ON MY OWN.

Try it sometime.

ROFLMAO!!!! A OLD SCUD missile WITH A NUKE ON IT fired some night from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast ===how do we prove IRAN fired it???? think!
Our founding fathers were pretty adamant about not taking sides in the rest of the world.

You knew that, though, being a student of the constitution.
WOW!!! WHAT A "GREAT" THINKER!!!! one nuke fired from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast and how many lives and $$$$$$$$$$ would be the cost????????????

You're full of it. They aren't going to launch nukes against the US because they don't want to be obliterated - same reason Russia or China never did it.

You're an idiot if you think they would.

Thanks for recognizing that I'm a thinker - I pride myself for using the grey matter that the almighty blessed me with to think through problems ON MY OWN.

Try it sometime.

ROFLMAO!!!! A OLD SCUD missile WITH A NUKE ON IT fired some night from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast ===how do we prove IRAN fired it???? think!

Don't tell me to think - YOU think. Why would they do it? Do you really think that would happen, for any reason? Do you think a tanker could make it all the way here undetected to attack the US and there would be NO REPERCUSSIONS, because that's insane.

A scud with a nuke on it? Where do you get this shit?
you're full of it. They aren't going to launch nukes against the us because they don't want to be obliterated - same reason russia or china never did it.

You're an idiot if you think they would.

Thanks for recognizing that i'm a thinker - i pride myself for using the grey matter that the almighty blessed me with to think through problems on my own.

Try it sometime.

roflmao!!!! A old scud missile with a nuke on it fired some night from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast ===how do we prove iran fired it???? Think!

don't tell me to think - you think. Why would they do it? Do you really think that would happen, for any reason? Do you think a tanker could make it all the way here undetected to attack the us and there would be no repercussions, because that's insane.

A scud with a nuke on it? Where do you get this shit?

ignorant non-thinking tard!!!! How many old tankers do you think are right now in international waters 200 miles from our coast???
roflmao!!!! A old scud missile with a nuke on it fired some night from some old rusty tanker 200 miles off our coast ===how do we prove iran fired it???? Think!

don't tell me to think - you think. Why would they do it? Do you really think that would happen, for any reason? Do you think a tanker could make it all the way here undetected to attack the us and there would be no repercussions, because that's insane.

A scud with a nuke on it? Where do you get this shit?

ignorant non-thinking tard!!!! How many old tankers do you think are right now in international waters 200 miles from our coast???

You can't launch a nuke in a scud - period.
Iran warships: Why are they going to US coast?
Iran warships: A destroyer and supply ship are rounding the coast of South Africa, on their way to US waters, says a naval officer. The warships left Iran a month ago.

Reuters / February 8, 2014

Iran's Jamaran guided-missile destroyer, is seen at right, in an exercise, in the Persian Gulf, Iran, in 2010. Iran says it has sent a destroyer and a supply ship on a training exercise toward US waters.


An Iranian naval officer said a number of warships had been ordered to approach U.S. maritime borders as a response to the stationing of U.S. vessels in the Gulf, the semi-official Fars news agency reported on Saturday

A senior admiral of the Iranian navy said on Feb. 8 that Tehran is sending two warships near American waters in retaliation for U.S. naval deployments around Iran.

“Iran’s military fleet is approaching the United States’ maritime borders, and this move has a message,” Adm. Afshin Rezayee Haddad told Iranian state media, according to U.S. news reports.

Haddad called the deployment “Iran’s response to Washington’s beefed up naval presence in the Persian Gulf.”

Never mind that the U.S. Navy has actually reduced its forces in the Persian Gulf. Today the Navy has just one nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the USS Harry S. Truman, in the Gulf along with the amphibious assault ship Boxer. Two years ago the Americans had two carriers near Iran, but budget cuts ended that that practice.

Haddad’s claim is mostly bluster. Iranian admirals periodically insist they’re going to send warships across the Atlantic to American waters, but nothing meaningful ever comes of it. North America is a long haul from the Persian Gulf or Indian Ocean across potentially rough seas. And an Iranian force would undoubtedly receive a chilly welcome if it did make it across the Atlantic.

Haddad said his ships sailed from South Africa, which means he was referring to the Iranian navy’s 29th Flotilla, composed of the destroyer Sabalan and the logistics ship Kharg, which Iranian media persists in calling a “helicopter carrier.”

They’re pretty crappy ships by anybody’s standards. Sabalan is a British-built Vosper Mk. V frigate launched in 1969, making her 45 years old today. Displacing just 1,500 tons—around 15 percent the weight of the U.S. Navy’s Arleigh Burke-class destroyers—Sabalan has a crew of around 125 and is armed with four anti-ship missiles and some guns. A far cry from the 100 or so missiles that most American surface warships carry.

Sabalan is most famous for almost getting sunk by the Americans 26 years ago during naval skirmishes in the Persian Gulf. The destroyer and other Iranian vessels had been harassing tanker ships—Sabalan’s skipper even earning the nickname “Captain Nasty.” After Tehran mined international waters, the U.S. Navy attacked.

Sabalan fired on an A-6 bomber from the carrier USS Enterprise. In retaliation, the A-6 dropped a laser-guided bomb on the Iranian ship. “As darkness fell, the Sabalan was down by the stern with tugs fore and aft,” a U.S. official told the Chicago Tribune. “We do not intend to renew attacks on the Sabalan unless she exhibits further hostile intent.”

She did not—Captain Nasty had apparently had enough. Repaired and returned to service, Sabalan was upgraded with new Noor missiles last year. But even new missiles don’t change the balance of power. Sabalan is smaller than—and about as heavily armed as—some U.S. Coast Guard cutters.

Dream on dude.
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