...My bad. No source on Marjorie Taylor Greene and June 31st. ....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
Aw shucks!
My first thread on MJT's struggles with calendars was closed because I absent mindedly failed to offer a source, a link. Mea culpa.

I got it from Forbes.
Though, a quick nano-search on Google will reveal any number of other news sites carrying the story today.

The gist of it is this: MJT sent a letter to the White House demanding answers to a series of questions she posed on the Wuhan Lab in China.

And she ratcheted up the pressure on the WH by demanding they answer by June 31st.

And, as reasonable and thoughtful as she often is, we possibly could expect, I suppose, that if the WH doesn't respond by June 31st......she will magnanimously extend her deadline to July 32nd. ;)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands Covid-19 Answers From Biden By June 31, 2021"

She'll get no response....The DNC is heavily invested in covering up for the PLA & CCP.
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"No one cared about the first one either."

ps....if your avatar, Irish, was one of the 'no ones'....well, my advice is---- don't open the link and read it.

But, for those woke folks who like a snarky grin and an opportunity for a pinch of smugness, well, read what the GOP's current darling and spokesperson has to say about calendar scheduling.
She's a hoot.
The Dems are so so lucky to have MJT represent their loyal opposition.

For those of you who are pained that MJT speaks for your side of the political spectrum, well,...again.....don't open the link.
Save yourself the discomfort.

Maggie Greene is going to have to wait a while for her response
"No one cared about the first one either."

ps....if your avatar, Irish, was one of the 'no ones'....well, my advice is---- don't open the link and read it.

But, for those woke folks who like a snarky grin and an opportunity for a pinch of smugness, well, read what the GOP's current darling and spokesperson has to say about calendar scheduling.
She's a hoot.
The Dems are so so lucky to have MJT represent their loyal opposition.

For those of you who are pained that MJT speaks for your side of the political spectrum, well,...again.....don't open the link.
Save yourself the discomfort.

The Dems are so so lucky to have MJT represent their loyal opposition.

Almost as lucky as Republicans are to have AOC and the Squad representing Democrats.

(Psst, you've got us outnumbered on dumb)
Aw shucks!
My first thread on MJT's struggles with calendars was closed because I absent mindedly failed to offer a source, a link. Mea culpa.

I got it from Forbes.
Though, a quick nano-search on Google will reveal any number of other news sites carrying the story today.

The gist of it is this: MJT sent a letter to the White House demanding answers to a series of questions she posed on the Wuhan Lab in China.

And she ratcheted up the pressure on the WH by demanding they answer by June 31st.

And, as reasonable and thoughtful as she often is, we possibly could expect, I suppose, that if the WH doesn't respond by June 31st......she will magnanimously extend her deadline to July 32nd. ;)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands Covid-19 Answers From Biden By June 31, 2021"

I love how this one bird brain can cause such knee jerk hatred.............lolol.One ding bat worth a million
Aw shucks!
My first thread on MJT's struggles with calendars was closed because I absent mindedly failed to offer a source, a link. Mea culpa.

I got it from Forbes.
Though, a quick nano-search on Google will reveal any number of other news sites carrying the story today.

The gist of it is this: MJT sent a letter to the White House demanding answers to a series of questions she posed on the Wuhan Lab in China.

And she ratcheted up the pressure on the WH by demanding they answer by June 31st.

And, as reasonable and thoughtful as she often is, we possibly could expect, I suppose, that if the WH doesn't respond by June 31st......she will magnanimously extend her deadline to July 32nd. ;)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands Covid-19 Answers From Biden By June 31, 2021"

Ya think management could just put a note in the post that you have until edit is over to get your link???
If this OP takes Straightjacket Marjorie seriously....

"AOC and the Squad representing Democrats."
Well, I don't know much about 'the Squad'.
Tho I do read that A. Ocasio-Cortez is really quite bright and profits by those who underestimate her.

Don't know much about any others of this 'Squad'.

BTW, I did give a hat-tip to AOC for gutting & filleting that braindead misogynist Congressman, Ted Yoho, when he called her a 'f*****g bitch'.
As a reliable give-away on his braindeaded-ness --- he said it in front of reporters on the Capitol steps.
He needed to be gutted. And was.

So a hat-tip to AOC on the way she handled that incident. I hope she inspired...and I think she did.....a whole bunch of women to say something and back those jerks down, and more importantly, humiliate 'em. That's the only way to get it to stop.

"this one bird brain can cause such knee jerk hatred"

Well, I'm encouraged that the poster 'Hang' acknowledges Marjorie Taylor Greene is a 'birdbrain'. Indeed. If the Jewish Space Lasers didn't convince anyone of her, ah, gravitas, then surely the video of her shouting into the mail-slot of Ocasio-Cortez's office door should.

As long the GOP propels her out in front of crowds (ala' the Matt Gaetz & Marjorie travelling road show).....well, the GOP leadership owns whatever she says or does. She is, whether they welcome it or not, establishing the identity of today's GOP.
They could step in at any time and stop it. But..........

And then, the poster 'Hang's; reference to 'knee jerk hatred': Surely, he must not associate 'hatred' with my interest in Marjorie.
To the contrary. She is a hoot. I look to newsfeeds for her prudent, thoughtful, considered, messaging. To date, it has been a rather fruitless search for THAT stuff.

But, for other stuff?.....Or Lordy, she delivers. She's a fun one. With a Congress full of dour dudes and dudesses MJT adds a bit buffoonery for a welcome snarkfest.


"Gotta give her credit for going on tour to bash the Democrats and the RINOs".

"If the Jewish Space Lasers didn't convince anyone of her, ah, gravitas, then surely the video of her shouting into the mail-slot of Ocasio-Cortez's office door should."

So, poster lenny, be careful what you wish for. The 'backflush' far exceeds the 'credit' you offer.
---Marjorie Taylor Greene Unveils Bill to Fix Immigration Crisis---

Finally a common sense approach on immigration. All immigration would be stopped for the four years of the Biden administration.

---Protect America First Act Stops Immigration---

---Legislation introduced by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene last week would halt immigration for four years---

Aw shucks!
My first thread on MJT's struggles with calendars was closed because I absent mindedly failed to offer a source, a link. Mea culpa.

I got it from Forbes.
Though, a quick nano-search on Google will reveal any number of other news sites carrying the story today.

The gist of it is this: MJT sent a letter to the White House demanding answers to a series of questions she posed on the Wuhan Lab in China.

And she ratcheted up the pressure on the WH by demanding they answer by June 31st.

And, as reasonable and thoughtful as she often is, we possibly could expect, I suppose, that if the WH doesn't respond by June 31st......she will magnanimously extend her deadline to July 32nd. ;)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands Covid-19 Answers From Biden By June 31, 2021"

Can you refresh us on which of the 57 or 58 states MTG represents...

Can you refresh us on which of the 57 or 58 states MTG represents...
The great state of Georgia where an audit of the stolen election may be underway soon.

---More than 500 Georgia Republicans urge Kemp to pursue forensic audit of 2020 election---

"---More than 500 Georgia Republicans urge Kemp to pursue forensic audit of 2020 election---"
531 signatures!

And that is a story from the Washington Examiner.
It sounds portentous.

531 Republican signatures in the state of Georgia actually ain't a thundering herd.
It's 531.

I think we could round up that many in a micro-minute by announcing a corn-pone recipe contest.

Look, here's some context to this portentous 531.

  • Trump got 2,214,000 Republicans to vote for him in Georgia in November 2020
  • Perdue got 2,462,000 Republicans to vote in his Senate race.
  • Kelly Loeffler got 2,195,000 Republicans to vote for her.

So, for easy rounding...let's say 2.2 million to to 2.4 million Georgians voted Republican within the last few months.

And a whopping 531 of 'em want an audit.

Here, do arithmetic: 531 divide by, say, 2.3 million (I averaged)........equals a .00023 share of the GOP electorate.
23 people out of 100,000 Republican voters.
2.3 out of 10,000.
Or, less than one quarter of one person out of 1,000 (that one oughta be fund to find.)

Katy bar the door.

Aw shucks!
My first thread on MJT's struggles with calendars was closed because I absent mindedly failed to offer a source, a link. Mea culpa.

I got it from Forbes.
Though, a quick nano-search on Google will reveal any number of other news sites carrying the story today.

The gist of it is this: MJT sent a letter to the White House demanding answers to a series of questions she posed on the Wuhan Lab in China.

And she ratcheted up the pressure on the WH by demanding they answer by June 31st.

And, as reasonable and thoughtful as she often is, we possibly could expect, I suppose, that if the WH doesn't respond by June 31st......she will magnanimously extend her deadline to July 32nd. ;)

"Marjorie Taylor Greene Demands Covid-19 Answers From Biden By June 31, 2021"

Whatever it takes to run cover for your Chinese masters, right?

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