"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

Everyone can forget about the religious angle on this. God talked to me about it, and told me that he is cool with abortion. In fact, he told me that was why there is nothing in the Bible about it. He also told me that he, personally, causes miscarriages every day.

Sweet. Thanks for the info!
God will sort it out. Bank that one

That's fine. Just as long as he doesn't try to get involved in our laws. That's none of his business.
Without God, you wouldn't be. Think about it.

To attempt to separate yourself from him and his judgement is impossible. Some will regret heavily the positions they have adopted in their lives, and the evilness they have turned to for guidance on the issues.
But none of this ‘justifies’ violating a woman’s right to privacy.

None of this ‘justifies’ compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

None of this ‘authorizes’ the state to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy.

This is subjective religious dogma, devoid of legal merit, and Constitutionally irrelevant.
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.
That's fine. Just as long as he doesn't try to get involved in our laws. That's none of his business.
Without God, you wouldn't be. Think about it.

To attempt to separate yourself from him and his judgement is impossible. Some will regret heavily the positions they have adopted in their lives, and the evilness they have turned to for guidance on the issues.
But none of this ‘justifies’ violating a woman’s right to privacy.

None of this ‘justifies’ compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

None of this ‘authorizes’ the state to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy.

This is subjective religious dogma, devoid of legal merit, and Constitutionally irrelevant.
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
So women feel empowered in an abortion? You are the most ignorant person yet.

I'm totally okay with your moral judgements. The answer to control of my body and it's internal processes is still NO.

You can stomp your feet and say no all you'd like, your body is and always will be subject to a higher authority. It's why you can't sell a kidney. It's why you can't engage in prostitution. It's why you can't procure illicit substances. It's why you can't drive drunk. Etc. "My body my choice" is a fallacious argument used only by those who have no valid argument to begin with.
And that higher authority knows when life begins. You don't.
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Thanks! Someone on the Right finally slipped up and answered their own question about abortion honestly, without even knowing it. Lol! This is hilarious.

Since science through my link had no consensus as to when life begins, I left that decision up to God to answer it for us. Unfortunately, God hasn't given us the answer. Now the previous poster wrongfully concluded I knew more than God, but it should be painfully clear to him or her, by way of my link, that I was leaving the decision up to God, not myself.

But the funny thing that happened along the way, is I noticed that the previous poster was doing the same thing I was. He was giving credit to God as I was. Meaning, the poster doesn't know more than God, and neither do I. And the poster was right. Lol! The poster just put the decision with the argument in God's hand. Which has been my whole argument the whole time.

You see, it's not that hard to extract the truth from these so called pro-lifers, while making them contradict their own positions, by forcing them to tell the truth. The poster left it up to God. Thanks for helping me reinforce the validity of my own argument.
Without God, you wouldn't be. Think about it.

To attempt to separate yourself from him and his judgement is impossible. Some will regret heavily the positions they have adopted in their lives, and the evilness they have turned to for guidance on the issues.
But none of this ‘justifies’ violating a woman’s right to privacy.

None of this ‘justifies’ compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

None of this ‘authorizes’ the state to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy.

This is subjective religious dogma, devoid of legal merit, and Constitutionally irrelevant.
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
Nothing! He just got caught running around like the chicken with the head cut off with his own argument.
So women feel empowered in an abortion? You are the most ignorant person yet.

I'm totally okay with your moral judgements. The answer to control of my body and it's internal processes is still NO.

You can stomp your feet and say no all you'd like, your body is and always will be subject to a higher authority. It's why you can't sell a kidney. It's why you can't engage in prostitution. It's why you can't procure illicit substances. It's why you can't drive drunk. Etc. "My body my choice" is a fallacious argument used only by those who have no valid argument to begin with.
And that higher authority knows when life begins. You don't.
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Thanks! Someone on the Right finally slipped up and answered their own question about abortion honestly, without even knowing it. Lol! This is hilarious.

Since science through my link had no consensus as to when life begins, I left that decision up to God to answer it for us. Unfortunately, God hasn't given us the answer. Now the previous poster wrongfully concluded I knew more than God, but it should be painfully clear to him or her, by way of my link, that I was leaving the decision up to God, not myself.

But the funny thing that happened along the way, is I noticed that the previous poster was doing the same thing I was. He was giving credit to God as I was. Meaning, the poster doesn't know more than God, and neither do I. And the poster was right. Lol! The poster just put the decision with the argument in God's hand. Which has been my whole argument the whole time.

You see, it's not that hard to extract the truth from these so called pro-lifers, while making them contradict their own positions, by forcing them to tell the truth. The poster left it up to God. Thanks for helping me reinforce the validity of my own argument.
There are three parties involved an abortion... Only one is absolutely innocent. Then pays the ultimate price… The only one that does.
A tiny percentage of abortions are due to rape and incest, the rest of them are bad life choices. And that determines character…
No, there was always life. The delirium was to see the Supreme Court try to divide trimesters and times. duh
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.

Maybe you should let God figure it out. He gave women the ability to access the contents of her uterus. Was that just a mistake?
He gave human beings free will, but that doesn't mean humans can't sin, and endanger themselves to hell over their choices made.

Society has a stake in promoting the welfare of the citizens, and aborting babies isn't doing that. It is turning a blind eye towards evil until that evil grows into something that begins to threaten society and the welfare of it's citizens (in all facets of their journeys in which they embark on in life), including getting married and having children as a result of that marriage. It is why support systems and programs have been created to make sure these pro-life activities are assisted if needed by these programs. Systems created to end life, and to be counter productive to the well being of the citizenry is something man has embarked upon that runs contradictory to the very integrity of life as we have understood it to be.
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.

Maybe you should let God figure it out. He gave women the ability to access the contents of her uterus before birth. Was that just a mistake?
He slipped up with me already and accidentally admitted he was already leaving it up to God. This is his quote; And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Without God, you wouldn't be. Think about it.

To attempt to separate yourself from him and his judgement is impossible. Some will regret heavily the positions they have adopted in their lives, and the evilness they have turned to for guidance on the issues.
But none of this ‘justifies’ violating a woman’s right to privacy.

None of this ‘justifies’ compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

None of this ‘authorizes’ the state to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy.

This is subjective religious dogma, devoid of legal merit, and Constitutionally irrelevant.
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.
But she doesn't care, she has made it clear that she doesn't care about anything but herself.

No, she's made it clear that she rejects any attempt to make her internal organs state property.
Her internal organs are separate from her baby forming in her womb. Refusing access to those organs in which sustains the baby's life is a premeditated plot to end that life prematurely.

Men may not know this but the fetus inside a uterus is not separate from the woman's body. It is created in, attached to, nourished by, and grown in a woman's uterus.
Wait a minute, the life wasn't there, and then it is, and the attachments are formed to supply life sustaining nutrients etc to that life now forming in the body. Two lives now, and not one for whom decides the other one doesn't matter, so just end that life ? Evil.

Formed by the uterus. It doesn't happen in a vacuum.
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.

Maybe you should let God figure it out. He gave women the ability to access the contents of her uterus before birth. Was that just a mistake?
He slipped up with me already and accidentally admitted he was already leaving it up to God. This is his quote; And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil. Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them. You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.
God will sort it out. Bank that one

That's fine. Just as long as he doesn't try to get involved in our laws. That's none of his business.
Without God, you wouldn't be. Think about it.

To attempt to separate yourself from him and his judgement is impossible. Some will regret heavily the positions they have adopted in their lives, and the evilness they have turned to for guidance on the issues.
But none of this ‘justifies’ violating a woman’s right to privacy.

None of this ‘justifies’ compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

None of this ‘authorizes’ the state to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy.

This is subjective religious dogma, devoid of legal merit, and Constitutionally irrelevant.
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb. No longer is her privacy allowed to trump the life of a human being growing inside of her body. The state recognizes two human beings instead of one in the case of a pregnant woman. If she is killed along with her unborn baby in a crash where the drunk person is at fault that hit her, then two charges are levied in the case against the perp. One for the mother, and one for the baby. The drunk didn't just kill one, he killed two.

When a woman becomes pregnant, she doesn’t ‘give up’ her right to privacy – that’s ignorant nonsense.

The right to privacy concerns solely the relationship between the government and those governed, citizens entitled to their protected liberties immune from attack by the state, protected liberties not possessed by an embryo/fetus:

“…the state interest in potential human life is not an interest in loco parentis, for the fetus is not a person.Casey, ibid

As for a pregnant woman killed by a drunk driver, that fails as a false comparison fallacy, having nothing whatsoever to do with the right to privacy, substantive due process, and the protected liberties of the woman.

Such laws have provisions prohibiting the criminal prosecution of doctors who perform lawful abortions.
But none of this ‘justifies’ violating a woman’s right to privacy.

None of this ‘justifies’ compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law.

None of this ‘authorizes’ the state to criminalize a woman’s right to reproductive autonomy.

This is subjective religious dogma, devoid of legal merit, and Constitutionally irrelevant.
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.
You aren't countering any arguments, and you aren't saying anything.

The Right keeps circle jerking back to the same failed arguments. If all they do is to define life's beginning is at conception, they failed to prove that point. There is no scientific consensus. All that exist are theories. And since all of us have failed in proving when life begins by God's own words, then the anti-abortion argument will always be moot. Hence, why in the fluck don't you people understand why it is legal? No one can prove when life begins, and no one can prove life begins at conception. So what the hell are we talking about here? Answer, we are talking about religious, emotional, arrogant, ignorant, bull shit coming from the Right.
dblack said:
beagle9 said:
Listen closely, the woman gave up her right to privacy when she allowed another life to form inside of her womb.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.

You don't wanna talk about, eh? Well, I will. I think you see my comments as "twisted" things because I'm pointing out that you're using exactly the same arguments and tactics that liberals use when they want to shove their social engineering down our throats. Your position is rife with hypocrisy. Maybe that's why the truth seems "twisted" to you.
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And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.

Maybe you should let God figure it out. He gave women the ability to access the contents of her uterus before birth. Was that just a mistake?
He slipped up with me already and accidentally admitted he was already leaving it up to God. This is his quote; And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil.
Which is the beauty of your own slip up. You did leave it up to God, which you are admitting you have no idea whatsoever that it is life or evil. And in trying to hold onto your position, you are giving us two different versions now. You can't have it both ways. Leaving it up to God, it is impossible to claim a life is killed or evil. That makes zero sense in logic.
Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them.
There is no consensus in science or by God. So, if you vote on it, you're just tossing up your hand in defiance of both, if you vote against the two. Again, that makes no sense at all.
You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.
"Free will of the people" for your side of the argument is to ignore God and science. That's what you mean by "free will."
But she doesn't care, she has made it clear that she doesn't care about anything but herself.

No, she's made it clear that she rejects any attempt to make her internal organs state property.
Her internal organs are separate from her baby forming in her womb. Refusing access to those organs in which sustains the baby's life is a premeditated plot to end that life prematurely.
But it doesn’t end the life of an entity entitled to Constitutional protections – as a fact of law an embryo/fetus is neither a ‘person’ nor a 'baby,' where the protected liberties of the woman are paramount:

“Decisional autonomy must limit the State's power to inject into a woman's most personal deliberations its own views of what is best. The State may promote its preferences by funding childbirth, by creating and maintaining alternatives to abortion, and by espousing the virtues of family; but it must respect the individual's freedom to make such judgments.

This theme runs throughout our decisions concerning reproductive freedom.’ ibid
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.

Maybe you should let God figure it out. He gave women the ability to access the contents of her uterus before birth. Was that just a mistake?
He slipped up with me already and accidentally admitted he was already leaving it up to God. This is his quote; And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil. Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them. You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.

Again, words on paper will not stop a pro-choice woman from getting an abortion if she makes that decision. Even if they are signed with a Sharpie.

You have not stopped abortion, no matter how much you stomp your feet and insist it is true.
And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.

Maybe you should let God figure it out. He gave women the ability to access the contents of her uterus before birth. Was that just a mistake?
He slipped up with me already and accidentally admitted he was already leaving it up to God. This is his quote; And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil. Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them. You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.

Again, words on paper will not stop a pro-choice woman from getting an abortion if she makes that decision. Even if they are signed with a Sharpie.

You have not stopped abortion, no matter how much you stomp your feet and insist it is true.
This "argument" isnt winning you any points. You've been slapped around thoroughly and you just keep coming back.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain again since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.
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