"My Body, My Choice": The Worst Abortion Talking Points

I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain again since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.
Try to be more concise with your thought if you expect me to read them.

She's very concuse, sock. You just don't have the capacity to understand what she's saying

You can now proceed to screech "it's my body" one hundred different ways
But she doesn't care, she has made it clear that she doesn't care about anything but herself.

No, she's made it clear that she rejects any attempt to make her internal organs state property.
Her internal organs are separate from her baby forming in her womb. Refusing access to those organs in which sustains the baby's life is a premeditated plot to end that life prematurely.

Men may not know this but the fetus inside a uterus is not separate from the woman's body. It is created in, attached to, nourished by, and grown in a woman's uterus.
Wait a minute, the life wasn't there, and then it is, and the attachments are formed to supply life sustaining nutrients etc to that life now forming in the body. Two lives now, and not one for whom decides the other one doesn't matter, so just end that life ? Evil.

Formed by the uterus. It doesn't happen in a vacuum.
But it can be vacuumed, eh?

Yanno, while I do not agree that killing the baby-in-womb is a woman's prerogative, I certainly understand and agree with your rejection of the state's right to control your body. I would feel the same but we aren't only talking about your body are we? I'd much prefer that many if not most of those who choose abortion for other than a direct and serious threat to the mother's life - less than 10% of abortions - would not but we don't live in a society in which everyone does the right thing, much to everyone's diminishment.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.
An abortion doctor reaching into a human being, and then forcefully killing a life that is living in that human being (by some method created), and doing such a thing because he has been instructed to do so, has got to be one sick thing to have to do, because we are talking about a human being here.

Like anything that is killed, does it struggle against that which is killing it one wonders ??? The doctor knows this, and alledgedly experiences it as testimony has attested to in the past, but somehow he has desensitized himself to it maybe ??

Life isn't taken so easily, and that is why it is such a horrific thing, especially if there is no justifiable or good reason for such a thing.

A woman in the news was killed by another woman, and her baby was taken from her body (cut out) by her killer. She was caught, and the baby lived. Good God have mercy.
But it can be vacuumed, eh?

Yanno, while I do not agree that killing the baby-in-womb is a woman's prerogative, I certainly understand and agree with your rejection of the state's right to control your body. I would feel the same but we aren't only talking about your body are we? I'd much prefer that many if not most of those who choose abortion for other than a direct and serious threat to the mother's life - less than 10% of abortions - would not but we don't live in a society in which everyone does the right thing, much to everyone's diminishment.
I'd much prefer it if every single man had to undergo a forced vasectomy the first time he abandons his child.

We don't always get what we want. That's why it's best to concentrate on the things we can.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.
An abortion doctor reaching into a human being, and then forcefully killing a life that is living in that human being (by some method created), and doing such a thing because he has been instructed to do so, has got to be one sick thing to have to do, because we are talking about a human being here.

Like anything that is killed, does it struggle against that which is killing it one wonders ??? The doctor knows this, and alledgedly experiences it as testimony has attested to in the past, but somehow he has desensitized himself to it maybe ??

Life isn't taken so easily, and that is why it is such a horrific thing, especially if there is no justifiable or good reason for such a thing.

A woman in the news was killed by another woman, and her baby was taken from her body (cut out) by her killer. She was caught, and the baby lived. Good God have mercy.
It baffles me that anyone can condone "abortion", given this knowledge. I've watched videos and studied the procedures, I've studied ethics, I've had so many debates on the subject that I can't even begin to remember them all, yet I still can't fathom why anyone outside of the Government would condone or undertake such actions.

The best I can come up with is that someone who has already had an "abortion", or knows someone who has had one, doesn't want to contemplate what has just happened. They never want to think back, and consider the possibility that they just murdered someone, and think of what kind of monster they are.
That's your claim, and that's what we're rejecting. Perhaps it's you who's not listening.

It reminds me of the excuse for all the "public accommodations" laws - they claim that if a person starts a business, they give up their rights (property, privacy, association, etc...). That's bullshit. And so is your claim.
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.
You aren't countering any arguments, and you aren't saying anything.

The Right keeps circle jerking back to the same failed arguments. If all they do is to define life's beginning is at conception, they failed to prove that point. There is no scientific consensus. All that exist are theories. And since all of us have failed in proving when life begins by God's own words, then the anti-abortion argument will always be moot. Hence, why in the fluck don't you people understand why it is legal? No one can prove when life begins, and no one can prove life begins at conception. So what the hell are we talking about here? Answer, we are talking about religious, emotional, arrogant, ignorant, bull shit coming from the Right.
We are talking about rolling back the deplorable brainwashing our country has suffered under leftist propagandist, Marxist, communist, Nazi, globalist who have implemented all this stuff in order to divide and conquer this nation, and to bring it in line with some sort of one world government.

Billy Bob? Is that you? I told you to quit horsing around down there in the mail room on that computer! When I get down there, the mail had better be sorted, or you will be painting stripes on the asphalt parking lot on Tuesday!
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.

There are people in the world who believe that I am condemned to hell as an infidel, because I do not pray to Mecca five times per day. There are people in the world who claim that I am an evil communist, because I am a democrat. There are also people in the world who claim that I have no ethics, because I am pro-choice. I give each of these opinions the same weight, which is none at all.
So, you argument is that it's totally legitimate to initiate violence against others, because they think you're a bad person. By that logic, an infinite number of people can initiate violence against an infinite number of others, and it's totally legitimate, so long as they don't like each other. Basically, "I can hurt you because you disagree with me!"

A person disliking you doesn't inflict any demonstrable harm. The moment they attempt to initiate force against you is the moment hurting them is legitimate.

As a matter of fact, I was a protester against the violence in Vietnam, and was labeled a traitor by the Right for it, at the time. I think that you should stick with what I write, and not do that, ""In other words..." thing. It doesn't work on me.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.

There are people in the world who believe that I am condemned to hell as an infidel, because I do not pray to Mecca five times per day. There are people in the world who claim that I am an evil communist, because I am a democrat. There are also people in the world who claim that I have no ethics, because I am pro-choice. I give each of these opinions the same weight, which is none at all.

You sure do bring up God and religion a lot. What comes to mind is the guy doth protest too much, methinks. It’s not even the topic here, yet it’s in most of your posts.

Interesting. And telling.

The great and mystical Karnack is divining my inner thoughts!
He slipped up with me already and accidentally admitted he was already leaving it up to God. This is his quote; And yet you advocate to assume responsibility for that position as if you know more than God or rather you are a risk taker with your soul by thinking that you can out think God or convince God that you are right and he is wrong.
Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil. Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them. You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.

Again, words on paper will not stop a pro-choice woman from getting an abortion if she makes that decision. Even if they are signed with a Sharpie.

You have not stopped abortion, no matter how much you stomp your feet and insist it is true.
This "argument" isnt winning you any points. You've been slapped around thoroughly and you just keep coming back.
I went back ten pages on this thread, and you haven't presented any logical arguments against abortion. You're a troll and a bull shitter.
I DO have control of my body and everything inside of it. Because of that FACT, I don't need to debate you.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?

I don't need a profound argument. I don't need to transform the subject. I don't need your permission to state my position over and over. I don't need to argue against you. Honestly I don't even read your entire posts. I don't have the patience for your bloviation.
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
I am merely here to tell you, because you need to be aware, that all your nonsense will not change anything for a pro-choice woman who has made a decision to terminate her pregnancy. None at all.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.

If you support or condone baby murder you have no ethics, morals or values
And you are a cut and run coward who cannot debate the very thing you so adamantly proclaim. What is your argument that it is murder? Answer, you have none, because you cowardly ran from my question. It can only be murder when you establish absolute truth through evidence as to when life begins. You can't answer that question so you are posting lies about murder, ethics, morals, and values.

Ahh shaddup ya befuddled loon. I think you're a total waste of air
Some of these people ALMOST make me want to rethink my position. But this kind of stupidity is TAUGHT. no one is born this stupid.
Not up to me to leave it up to God, but more like following Gods will when it comes to recognizing life, and knowing that killing that life is evil. Once there is a consensus on that, then people have the free will to gather together, and to decide by vote, and then by laws to stop those things in which they don't want going on around them. You are the one trying to ignore the free will of the people by saying that what they think doesn't matter, but what you and just a few misguided in life think is all that matters. Doesn't work that way, and now that you have lost control of your bullyism in government, the people are gaining their rights to assemble peacefully back.

Again, words on paper will not stop a pro-choice woman from getting an abortion if she makes that decision. Even if they are signed with a Sharpie.

You have not stopped abortion, no matter how much you stomp your feet and insist it is true.
This "argument" isnt winning you any points. You've been slapped around thoroughly and you just keep coming back.
I went back ten pages on this thread, and you haven't presented any logical arguments against abortion. You're a troll and a bull shitter.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.

If you support or condone baby murder you have no ethics, morals or values
And you are a cut and run coward who cannot debate the very thing you so adamantly proclaim. What is your argument that it is murder? Answer, you have none, because you cowardly ran from my question. It can only be murder when you establish absolute truth through evidence as to when life begins. You can't answer that question so you are posting lies about murder, ethics, morals, and values.

Ahh shaddup ya befuddled loon. I think you're a total waste of air
Some of these people ALMOST make me want to rethink my position. But this kind of stupidity is TAUGHT. no one is born this stupid.

A lot of strugglers on this thread
LOL.... You are one devious human being, and your attempt to twist everything into some sort of pretzel is making you look a fool on the issues.

What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.
You aren't countering any arguments, and you aren't saying anything.

The Right keeps circle jerking back to the same failed arguments. If all they do is to define life's beginning is at conception, they failed to prove that point. There is no scientific consensus. All that exist are theories. And since all of us have failed in proving when life begins by God's own words, then the anti-abortion argument will always be moot. Hence, why in the fluck don't you people understand why it is legal? No one can prove when life begins, and no one can prove life begins at conception. So what the hell are we talking about here? Answer, we are talking about religious, emotional, arrogant, ignorant, bull shit coming from the Right.
We are talking about rolling back the deplorable brainwashing our country has suffered under leftist propagandist, Marxist, communist, Nazi, globalist who have implemented all this stuff in order to divide and conquer this nation, and to bring it in line with some sort of one world government.

Billy Bob? Is that you? I told you to quit horsing around down there in the mail room on that computer! When I get down there, the mail had better be sorted, or you will be painting stripes on the asphalt parking lot on Tuesday!
Good grief... Is this a retort when you are at a temporary lost for words ? Maybe you are worried that you are fixing to be demoted from abortion doctor to asphalt striping come Tuesday.
Again, I am not validating YOUR arguments.

I stated my position on late term abortions. A decision between a woman and her doctor regarding her late term pregnancy is still her decision. No control has been taken away from her. I trust the woman and her doctor to do the right thing. The rest is not my business.

Hahaha. I never asked you to validate MY argument, Einstein, I've been asking you to support YOUR own so-called argument. You see, that's what people do in these discussions. The reasonable people, anyway.

But yeah, I know, you won't answer direct questions, you won't support your own 'argument', you seem oblivious to your numerous logical fallacies, and as Pumpkin said, you're just repeating your same tired stawman over and over and over. *yawn*

Since you refuse to answer my question, I'll just assume you do support killing a full-term baby moments away from delivery for no reason at all. In other words, infanticide. I'm sure Jeffrey Dahmer would get along great with you.

For the millionth tired time. I'm not seeking your approval.

In fact, I have defended my position so perfectly that not one person in here has been able to prove me wrong. I think that is what has you so aggravated.

You must be joking. You have done the exact opposite. You HAVEN’T defended your position, at all, in post after post after post. In fact, you even admitted that!

All you’ve done is repeat the same strawman over and over, ad nauseam, probably hundreds of times by now. And then when a 17-year-old who is infinitely smarter and more mature than you pointed out to you that you’ve put forth nothing but logical fallacies, you said you don’t care. Then when she tried to have an actual discussion with you again, your response was Tl;dr.

So I’ll take it that you’re joking/trolling when you say you’ve defended your position perfectly. But then again, maybe in your mind acting like a three-year-old with his fingers in his ears saying “Lala la la la” is actually a good defense of your position. This would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so sad at the same time.
What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.
You aren't countering any arguments, and you aren't saying anything.

The Right keeps circle jerking back to the same failed arguments. If all they do is to define life's beginning is at conception, they failed to prove that point. There is no scientific consensus. All that exist are theories. And since all of us have failed in proving when life begins by God's own words, then the anti-abortion argument will always be moot. Hence, why in the fluck don't you people understand why it is legal? No one can prove when life begins, and no one can prove life begins at conception. So what the hell are we talking about here? Answer, we are talking about religious, emotional, arrogant, ignorant, bull shit coming from the Right.
We are talking about rolling back the deplorable brainwashing our country has suffered under leftist propagandist, Marxist, communist, Nazi, globalist who have implemented all this stuff in order to divide and conquer this nation, and to bring it in line with some sort of one world government.

Billy Bob? Is that you? I told you to quit horsing around down there in the mail room on that computer! When I get down there, the mail had better be sorted, or you will be painting stripes on the asphalt parking lot on Tuesday!
Good grief... Is this a retort when you are at a temporary lost for words ? Maybe you are worried that you are fixing to be demoted from abortion doctor to asphalt striping come Tuesday.
Asphalt striping is a huge PROMOTION over murderer (the taking of an innocent human life).
What pretzel?? What are you talking about? What have I twisted?
If you can't see it, then maybe there is hope for you, but you need to quit working for evil.
You aren't countering any arguments, and you aren't saying anything.

The Right keeps circle jerking back to the same failed arguments. If all they do is to define life's beginning is at conception, they failed to prove that point. There is no scientific consensus. All that exist are theories. And since all of us have failed in proving when life begins by God's own words, then the anti-abortion argument will always be moot. Hence, why in the fluck don't you people understand why it is legal? No one can prove when life begins, and no one can prove life begins at conception. So what the hell are we talking about here? Answer, we are talking about religious, emotional, arrogant, ignorant, bull shit coming from the Right.
We are talking about rolling back the deplorable brainwashing our country has suffered under leftist propagandist, Marxist, communist, Nazi, globalist who have implemented all this stuff in order to divide and conquer this nation, and to bring it in line with some sort of one world government.

Billy Bob? Is that you? I told you to quit horsing around down there in the mail room on that computer! When I get down there, the mail had better be sorted, or you will be painting stripes on the asphalt parking lot on Tuesday!
Good grief... Is this a retort when you are at a temporary lost for words ? Maybe you are worried that you are fixing to be demoted from abortion doctor to asphalt striping come Tuesday.

Well, not to make too fine a point, but I simply could not believe that any sane person could have seriously posted what you did, in bold, above.
This thread makes it crystal clear for every reader to see that conservatives stand for LIFE and FREEDOM while the left is the party of DEATH, DESTRUCTION and SEFISHNESS.
Good grief, I'll explain against since English apparently isn't your first language. I did not once state that you are not CAPABLE of murdering that child, I stated over and over that the subject has always been the ethics of the act. If you like, I can go back and show you a screenshot of every single post I've made in this thread, since you either don't understand or want to keep trying to paint my argument as something it isn't.

Every single human on the planet is capable of murder, repeatedly stating that you can murder people and I can't stop you does not refute my argument that it is unethical. Do you just not understand what ethics are? Is that why you're not comprehending my posts?
Ah, there we go. You lack the attention span to read my messages, you probably don't read anyone's messages, and that's why you're just repeating yourself. Well, that, and you have no principles to explain. You legitimately DO need a profound argument to prove the ethics of your position, however you have no interest in exchanging ideas here. You're like Gollum, you don't explain why the 'ring' is yours, you only repeatedly state that something is such. This is not debate, nor argumentation, just you talking at people.
All of my statements have been fact, not nonsense, hence you being unable to refute any of it. You'd be here to exchange ideas rather than repeat yourself, if your position were legitimate.

"Pro-Choice" is a fallacious title, you're against the choice of the child to do with its own body and life as it pleases. This is something you've yet to bother to even begin to refute, and that's because you can't.

Your ethics do not trump my ethics. Your values do not trump my values. your judgement of my morality is totally irrelevant.
Then prove me wrong, explain how it's ethical to initiate force against an innocent person. You didn't even make an argument, you're just posting empty words with no explanatory power.

There are people in the world who believe that I am condemned to hell as an infidel, because I do not pray to Mecca five times per day. There are people in the world who claim that I am an evil communist, because I am a democrat. There are also people in the world who claim that I have no ethics, because I am pro-choice. I give each of these opinions the same weight, which is none at all.
So, you argument is that it's totally legitimate to initiate violence against others, because they think you're a bad person. By that logic, an infinite number of people can initiate violence against an infinite number of others, and it's totally legitimate, so long as they don't like each other. Basically, "I can hurt you because you disagree with me!"

A person disliking you doesn't inflict any demonstrable harm. The moment they attempt to initiate force against you is the moment hurting them is legitimate.

As a matter of fact, I was a protester against the violence in Vietnam, and was labeled a traitor by the Right for it, at the time. I think that you should stick with what I write, and not do that, ""In other words..." thing. It doesn't work on me.
That just makes you inconsistent, not correct. I also don't care one bit what "The right" says, other people do not define me.

The point was that you claimed you can justify the initiation of force against an innocent person, then used as your excuse that people think you're bad.

If you're arguing for a form of ethics, they must be consistent, so either you support the initiation of force or you do not.
As a conservative, I respect ALL life -- human and animal. Outside my kitchen window right now i watch as a mother Robin brings food to her 4 babies. When they see me walk past the window they open their mouths in the hope that I'll bring them some worms!

They were EGGS a week ago, but the mother wasnt selfish. She didnt destroy the fertilized eggs, like a tard human would do, but carefully tended to and protected the new LIFE.

They will fly away in another week, but this MOTHER has far more sense and love than a tard human.

I'm gonna miss them!
The parents. See how easy this is

Tell me your plan for FORCING parents to take full responsibility from birth to adulthood for that childs physical and emotional (that's important, so they don't later shoot up schools, churches, concerts, etc.) needs?

I'll need a method that has not already failed.

That wasn't my post, but you didn't answer my post that I can see. The one where I called you out on your juvenile tactics
I'm not sure when life begins, but brain death is evident whenever you see someone wearing a MAGA hat....
Political correctness is developing shit stains like this little fella... You’re out of touch with reality

This kid is very young and his outsized reaction is not his fault. His mother should be talking him DOWN from his worry, not encouraging him. He's not a "sh1t stain"....he has been thoroughly indoctrinated. Shame on HER

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