My Diet Rules


Air Force DEP
Nov 14, 2010
Diet Goal: 150 lbs, 8-12% Body Fat
Basic Rules:

1. NO liquid drinks except for: Water, Water w/ Sugar/Calorie Free Crystal Light, 16 fl oz of V8 Fusion, 16 fl oz Skim Milk. [Requirement for water is 2 gallons per day, while in school water doesn't count].
2. NO Fast Food, this is a given, but had to include.
3. No fried foods, NOTHING fried.
4. 100% Whole Grain Wheat Bread only, no White.
5. Meats: Turkey, White Meat Chicken [no skin], Steak [Well-Done, Limited Amounts], No Pork, Eggs [Only 1-2 servings per week], Shrimp/Fish is ok, as long as not fried.
6. At least 2 servings of Fruit, and 2 servings of Vegetables per day.
7. At least a -500 calorie deficit of the BMR, hopefully I can keep it to -1000.
8. 6 meals per day, even if the theory of constant burn is wrong, can't hurt as long as the calorie intake is watched.
9. Animal Pak, full dosage. Packaging Image
10. Fish Oil, full dosage. - Controlled Labs Orange OxiMega Fish Oil - Citrus Flavor - Fish Oil! On sale now!

I used these rules, and they got me from a 205 kid benching 205, to 165 benching 225. [Excluding rules #: 5, 6, 8]. Now with the new rules, and my new workout regime, my plan is to get to 150, with at the maximum of a 12% Body Fat, and my highest goal for weight lifting so far, I am going to bench press 2x my body weight. I know it sounds insane, but I will do it, and I'll do it at 150.

Wish me luck, and hope some adopt my rules, if not already, I promise they seriously help with weight loss and body fat reduction.


Warning: Do not take Animal Pak, UNLESS you are a serious body builder/weight lifter/power lifter/olympic lifter/athlete, and have asked a doctor about recommending a good multi-vitamin/mineral.

I plan to start this tomorrow, even though we are going out to a big city to have dinner with my Army Uncle, I plan to intall it tomorrow, and I am savoring this A&W Root Beer, very very much haha. Wish me luck, and everyone have a Merry Christmas, and drive safe please :).
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You should incorporate more fish. It's really good for you.

I get a lot of what is needed Fat wise from Fish in my pills, and I am planning on eating a lot more fish then I ever have now, but I also want to balance it with Turkey/Chicken/Beef/Other sources of meat. Thanks for the tip though :).
You should incorporate more fish. It's really good for you.

I get a lot of what is needed Fat wise from Fish in my pills, and I am planning on eating a lot more fish then I ever have now, but I also want to balance it with Turkey/Chicken/Beef/Other sources of meat. Thanks for the tip though :).

Fish has omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for your heart and DHA, the fatty acid that nourishes your brain. You should try and eat fish twice a week. Tuna and salmon are the two I tend to eat most.
You should incorporate more fish. It's really good for you.

I get a lot of what is needed Fat wise from Fish in my pills, and I am planning on eating a lot more fish then I ever have now, but I also want to balance it with Turkey/Chicken/Beef/Other sources of meat. Thanks for the tip though :).

Fish has omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for your heart and DHA, the fatty acid that nourishes your brain. You should try and eat fish twice a week. Tuna and salmon are the two I tend to eat most.

Um? As I said, I have a Fish Oil supplement that is pretty, up there, when it comes to efficiency and dosage.
I get a lot of what is needed Fat wise from Fish in my pills, and I am planning on eating a lot more fish then I ever have now, but I also want to balance it with Turkey/Chicken/Beef/Other sources of meat. Thanks for the tip though :).

Fish has omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for your heart and DHA, the fatty acid that nourishes your brain. You should try and eat fish twice a week. Tuna and salmon are the two I tend to eat most.

Um? As I said, I have a Fish Oil supplement that is pretty, up there, when it comes to efficiency and dosage.

Why not just incorporate more fish into your diet? I don't get why you prefer supplements to eating the fish.
I am 175 under 10% body fat. And love Nestles Quick, chocolate, brownies lots of milk, Mt. Dew, buttered oats, etc

I like my diet.
I'm not Jenny Craig, but I think probably the most important thing about successful dieting is dedication and discipline. Exercise is important too, like half the battle. I can eat shit and still look and stay healthy because I'm fairly active and have the metabolism to get away with it. But everyone's different.

Good luck and stay focused on your goal. :thup:
Eat like a caveman if you want to be healthy.

Mark's Daily Apple

No grains, no dairy, limited starchy tubers and legumes and lots of plants and animals. Stick to grass fed beef and pastured poultry rather than the shit you get at the store because the Omega fat balances are healthier and the meat is leaner and tastes better.

People ate this way for the vast majority of our evolutionary history. We evolved because of the primal diet and are not well suited to process grains and large amounts of roughage.
I ate whatever the hell I wanted at your age and was well under your target weight.

Must be something in the school lunches today.
I'm not Jenny Craig, but I think probably the most important thing about successful dieting is dedication and discipline. Exercise is important too, like half the battle. I can eat shit and still look and stay healthy because I'm fairly active and have the metabolism to get away with it. But everyone's different.

Good luck and stay focused on your goal. :thup:

Quantity of food consumed is also important.
Eat like a caveman if you want to be healthy.

Mark's Daily Apple

No grains, no dairy, limited starchy tubers and legumes and lots of plants and animals. Stick to grass fed beef and pastured poultry rather than the shit you get at the store because the Omega fat balances are healthier and the meat is leaner and tastes better.

People ate this way for the vast majority of our evolutionary history. We evolved because of the primal diet and are not well suited to process grains and large amounts of roughage.

The cave man diet is quite healthy. I know that I feel better when I stick with lean meats, fish, vegetables, raw nuts, and a moderate amount of fruit - but I also have yogurt pretty much every day.
The road to dieting is littered with "tomorrows."

I have dieted before, and I did it long enough to lose 40 pounds, and I plan to lose down to probably 140, or 145, bulk to 150, cut, bulk, cut, bulk etc. I must admit, a lot of people say they'll start one, but I actually plan too, and I have yet to fail at a diet I plan to do. I am just making this one more long-term then my last, my last only stopped because I went to a party and decided "oh, it's just 1 drink" and then 1 turned into daily. I remember tasting a sugar drink for the first time in 4 months, it was really weird, I didn't even like it at first, then I got addicted.

Fish has omega-3 fatty acids, which is good for your heart and DHA, the fatty acid that nourishes your brain. You should try and eat fish twice a week. Tuna and salmon are the two I tend to eat most.

Um? As I said, I have a Fish Oil supplement that is pretty, up there, when it comes to efficiency and dosage.

Why not just incorporate more fish into your diet? I don't get why you prefer supplements to eating the fish.

I do not understand why you keep bringing this up? I eat fish, and I take Fish Oil Supplements. I am sorry, I just don't understand why their is a argument. I take Supplements cause I believe they help, I am not saying I don't need Fish because I take Fish Oil pills.

I ate whatever the hell I wanted at your age and was well under your target weight.

Must be something in the school lunches today.

Or could be genetics, since genetics are the biggest factor in just about everything. My whole family's males are over 6"0, I am the only male in my family who is under 6"0 and I am 5"5. They are all huge too, and I was huge for a long time, 205 at 5"5 is terrible, I consider 165 bad.

Also, I am not doing this just to lose weight, I am doing this to clean myself of all the crap I have taken in lately. I really LOVE when I get back on the water wagon, Drinking so much water you pee ever hour is pretty insane when your in school, but frankly, I don't care if my teacher gets upset, ya gotta go ya gotta go.

~Edit~ Also, Cardio/Weight Lifting/Boxing is also in this, but I considered this just for the Diet. I have a workout plan, I believe it is in the Sports section, but might be wrong.
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btw I was 200 lbs 6 months ago and lost 25 lbs thru reducing volume of food consumed.
ie cutting back to 1 quart of milk a day. Only 2 glasses of nestles quick and 4 MT dews, etc.
I did not quit or add anything just reduced the volume.
Seems like a lot of deprivation, pain and hunger to me!!

You should research intermittent fasting. It is far easier to stick with and it works. With as little as two 24 hour fasting periods added into your week, you can create the equivalent of a 20% reduction in Calories. For a person eating 2,500 Calories per day, that’s the equivalent of reducing your calorie intake to 2,000 every day of the week! That’s a 500 Calorie drop, every day.

When I eat, I like to eat!! 6 meals a day is for the birds!!

Best of luck!
I eat whatever I want, and exercise appropriately. I'm 39 years old 6'1" 197 lbs, 12% body fat. total cholesterol of 176.

Dieting means nothing if you don't exercise, and exercising takes out the need to follow some draconian diet.

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