My final facebook message before the election:

Will the American Experiment prevail?

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Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
My high school teacher just lamented the death of the Republic, but I don't think the American Experiment has failed yet. So, I took his/her words and restated them in the most hopeful light possible. This is my final facebook message that I hope some of you will support and share (I will post the link at bottom):

If there was somewhere Patriots could go, I would go and live there, and take our story as a warning, like Paul Revere, and have those people fortify their borders and steady their minds...but there's no place like the United States...there never has been and there never will be.

Our experiment, the Miracle in Philadelphia, was a miracle indeed, but this historically oddity will not endure if those of us who remain loyal to the Constitution and the Republic do not rise in November and defend her.,

The American Experiment defied all odds...We are the Light of the World, the Beacon of Classical Liberalism, the City on the Hill that the oppressed peoples of the world aspire to...and the malevolent powers that be since the inception nation...the powers that now seek to draw our final breathe...have sought our destruction, to dim our light and reduce the world back to chains, to the times of feudalism and royalty, where the rights of men are not ordained by the Creator, but mere privileges extended by an unelected few.

We are a historical oddity that can not be allowed to enlighten and give hope to the world. This is why the communists that burn our cities from within, and murder our fellow citizens and police; the communists that unleashed a terrible virus from outside; the communists that control our corporations and censor our media, seek to destroy us, as the powers of old sought to destroy us.

We cannot allow America to fall to ruin and chaos. Law and Order must prevail. The American Experiment must succeed, our Light must shine, the Torch of Lady Liberty shall burn evermore.

Cancel Communism This November.^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author

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Cancel Communism This November.

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