My franchise sells in 10 weeks. Good news

You were a big contractor ??

I WORKED for a subcontractor to DOD. Big, big international company who was based near where I lived. They were doing something like a 1.2 billion dollar renovation to the facility where I was at around the time I left. They provide services to the DOD, aerospace, nuclear, power, oil and gas, among other things.
I WORKED for a subcontractor to DOD. Big, big international company who was based near where I lived. They were doing something like a 1.2 billion dollar renovation to the facility where I was at around the time I left. They provide services to the DOD, aerospace, nuclear, power, oil and gas, among other things.

Wow you seem rich and successful !!

Are you jewish ??
What is a subcontractor for a dod

Just like what any subcontractor is. They get contracts from the government to farm out certain services to them which they need which they cannot do themselves. The government is FULL of subcontractors. One might even say that the lion's share of our defense work is done by subcontractors, while the government itself just does the actual defense, and sometimes even that is farmed out to private companies.
Are you jewish ??

Dude, my advice to you once you leave this business and go to this golf resort is to sit down, take stock in yourself, find yourself, seek God's help if need be, pull yourself together, believe in yourself again, resolve that only YOU have the power to mold your life into a positive, forward direction, resolve that you will overcome pain and deal with it, resolve that all this mental crap is just holding you back and isn't getting it done, cast all that shit off, and pull it together, stand on your own two feet and find true happiness and purpose in life as only you can because no one else can nor will do it for you.
Dude, my advice to you once you leave this business and go to this golf resort is to sit down, take stock in yourself, find yourself, seek God's help if need be, pull yourself together, believe in yourself again, resolve that only YOU have the power to mold your life into a positive, forward direction, resolve that you will overcome pain and deal with it, resolve that all this mental crap is just holding you back and isn't getting it done, cast all that shit off, and pull it together, stand on your own two feet and find true happiness and purpose in life as only you can because no one else can nor will do it for you.

Dude, my advice to you once you leave this business and go to this golf resort is to sit down, take stock in yourself, find yourself, seek God's help if need be, pull yourself together, believe in yourself again, resolve that only YOU have the power to mold your life into a positive, forward direction, resolve that you will overcome pain and deal with it, resolve that all this mental crap is just holding you back and isn't getting it done, cast all that shit off, and pull it together, stand on your own two feet and find true happiness and purpose in life as only you can because no one else can nor will do it for you.
I dont think I will ever find happyness :(
I dont think I will ever find happyness

Not with that attitude. The day you resolve to find happiness and decide that you cannot fail and won't stop until you find it, you will be well on your way to meeting your goal. Happiness is everywhere all of the time, it surrounds you like oxygen. But only you can decide to grab the fruit.

But first you must decide that you deserve it and stop punishing yourself and others by denying it to yourself.

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