My loneliness is my fault.

SNRI.....One of many available today. Suppresses the re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. Don't 'cold turkey' on it.
I will look it up. I looked it up. These are strong antidepressants for Severe Depression only.
To a degree I am right. Gender-based oppression does happen in USA 2023. Two of the worst examples are

1) Male victims of Domestic Violence are more likely to be arrested then helped.

2) Men accused of Sexual Misconduct are presumed guilty. They loose careers and university enrollment without anything resembling fair investigation.

There are many other issues, but those above are particularly severe. Thousands of particular examples can be found by a quick Google search.

Unfortunately most people are not interested in these issues. Most of those who benefit from discrimination also support that discrimination. Most men are afraid to look into these issues because they are afraid of being defamed and cancelled.

Even though I was bringing up those issues for over a decade, I have not changed anyone's mind. I have not found any friends and I have found many people who dislike me. Perhaps I should have talked more to like-minded people.

I agree with both of your examples above, 1 and 2.

You probably over-focused on them however. Yes?
I agree with both of your examples above, 1 and 2.

You probably over-focused on them however. Yes?
I guess so. Moreover, I am not helping or persuading anyone.

Over 90% of people with Asperger's Syndrome have a very strong interest in something -- a political issue, a movie genre, a game, a type of food, etc.
I will try to get a rest from American reality by spending more time o Russian forums. But now, a digital barrier makes it very difficult to register there from USA.

USA committed a proxy aggression against Russia, which has cost many Russian and Ukrainian lives. Obviously, Russia does not trust USA a lot.
1) I had a long standing Reddit account, which I deleted in a fit of anger. It had thousands of posts between 2015 and 2022. I was not banned -- believe it or not.

2) My views on gender issues are offensive to most women and most men are afraid to think about these issues. Years ago I though I could influence most people, but that was a mistake. By talking on general forums I lost an opportunity to talk to and make friends with like-minded people.

3) I am trying to return to Russian Social Media, but now registering is impossible. Given America's actions toward Russia, it is likely that a digital Iron Curtain may soon appear.

China already has a digital Great Wall.
I will try to get a rest from American reality by spending more time o Russian forums. But now, a digital barrier makes it very difficult to register there from USA.

USA committed a proxy aggression against Russia, which has cost many Russian and Ukrainian lives. Obviously, Russia does not trust USA a lot.
What most American dummies dont understand is that PUTIN is a moderate

You just wait until his successors. I never thought America could become far worse than the old Soviet Empire.
I know what it's like to be alone......

worse would be, i know what it's like to be down & out, the whole world seems to have it 'in for you' , people you thought were friends avoid you, even family turn their back on you

All i can say is , this is where you either get hard or go soft

Anecdotally , i found a patch of land , dug a hole, and threw some lumber on top . I was living a rather spartan existence , and went from 210 to 145 lb's doing so

I worked night & day , totally obsessed , simply trying to dig myself outta the hole i was in. No sane woman would have anything to do with me, and i don't blame them at all.

It was do or die for me, and if you've that spirit, you'll persevere
Sooner or later , you'll clean it up , and when you do the other 1/2 will recognize it, and if you're really lucky, an honest to God real lady will walk into your life.....


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