My lower Back acting up

I can only do 2 hours of mma a week

Most days ..I am stuck lying on my back in my bed or couch

I think playing hard core tennis from 2001 to 2016 is what F me up and I am 25 percent crippled

You just do not know how to stretch really well…

Take some Yoga and Tai Chi three times a week, change your diet and do me a favor learn to be happy…

Oh, also stop wrestling with Darth Maul…
I never even stretched before my tennis matches
I just drove to the club and got out of my car and played
I can only do 2 hours of mma a week

Most days ..I am stuck lying on my back in my bed or couch

I think playing hard core tennis from 2001 to 2016 is what F me up and I am 25 percent crippled
Start with a loading dose of 4 Aleve, a hot soaking bath and when necessary an ice pack on the lower back to reduce pain/inflammation (a bag of frozen peas works). Continue two aleve every 12 hours whether you need them or not for 3 days to get and keep the inflammation down. NEVER use dry heat, only moist heat. Take the Aleve with food.

Gentle stretching regularly keeps the muscles from building a load of tension. Do it whether you're exercising or not.

Not sure any of this applies to a degenerating disc. If it's muscular, though, it will work.
I rolled myself around and got a few things done
Not sure how to roll myself back to my bed
The problem with the back is that it is constantly counter balancing and we do not realize it.
So there are 2 main things you have to do.
One is that we constantly strain our back too much without realizing it, so you have to prepare the back muscles ahead of time, by giving them adequate circulation. That mean preventive stretches before exertion. I find the best is to kneel on the floor, knees apart, then slowly let your body come down to the thigh. First one side, then back up and do the other side, and repeat. That stretches the back muscles out, helps you feel each one, and then you can consciously relax them. If you totally relax the back muscles and stretch them out, you can touch your chin to your knee. But don't try to do too much at once. It should be a daily thing, like in the morning or before any heavy back strain.
One of those lower back elastic supports can help, if nothing else to remind you not to strain the back too much. Like when lifting stuff, bend the knees, don't bend the back.

For immediate pain, ibuprofen, but not more than a few days. Cold ice packs right away to reduce inflammation, but heat is better the next day, for healing.

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