My meager "defense" of Roy Moore.....


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.
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I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.
Very true

Molesting young girls is one of his better qualities
The OP is in fact a known liberal! And I agree with her this time. It's a he said she said with no proof available from either side. A press conviction means NOTHING for anybody who remembers what the press did to Richard Jewel!
A person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and evidence seems to be lacking here. This is a serious life-changing accusation, from a very very long time ago. We need dates, times, corroborating witnesses, etc, none of this "she said, he said, ask my friend because I told them what happened forty years ago" BS.

That something like this comes out at this point in his political career pings my bullshit detector big time.
The allegations are coming out now because Moore is trying to make the leap from state politics to federal politics - where he can fuck up the entire country and not just his redneck state.
No you are not a liberal, you are a far left drone!

And the far left is often wrong!

But the far left will run their debunked narratives at all costs!

But see their faked outrage over this is very telling!
A person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and evidence seems to be lacking here. This is a serious life-changing accusation, from a very very long time ago. We need dates, times, corroborating witnesses, etc, none of this "she said, he said, ask my friend because I told them what happened forty years ago" BS.

That something like this comes out at this point in his political career pings my bullshit detector big time.
Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

In the court of public takes a lot less
Totally irresponsible journalism from, where else, The Washington Bezos Post.

They have identified their sources

Moore was "dating" them

No the have not, there is very little in the way of evidence, but the far left needed to launch this as they were losing and the only way to win is to do something like this.

It did not matter of the allegations were true or not, it was to capitalize on what is happening now.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

Moore is unfit to hold public office because he’s wrong on the issues, because of his contempt for the rule of law, and because of his hostility toward the rights and protected liberties of the American people – separate and apart from allegations of sexual misconduct.
I am a liberal, and those fellow posters on here who either like or hate my posts, can attest to my leanings......

With that preface, I absolutely despise and have contempt for Roy Moore and would readily label him a hypocritical, right wing , slime bucket........HOWEVER, I cannot endorse the barrage of slander and libel heaped upon this guy based solely on the testimony of some women 40 years after the fact.

Moore has NOT been hiding for these last 4 decades and he has blustered his way into Alabaman politics ever since I can remember.....and NOT a peep upon these allegations has ever surfaced.

I hope Moore loses next month's election....BUT, he should lose because he is a scum bag and NOT based on allegations that should have been voiced many, many years ago.

To be honest, I don't so much mind that victims wait years or decades even to come forth, but when there is a statute of limitations on the offense, I think accusers are in most cases obliged to keep mum -- even when they were indeed abused, molested, whatever -- once such statute's temporal limit has passed because after that hour, the matter can rarely be evaluated with utmost rigor. I say "in most cases" and "rarely" because I realize there may be situations whereby even absent jurisprudential rigor or not, the veracity of the victim's claim is nonetheless all but unassailable or very nearly so, with only the most obtuse (or worse) observers refusing to accept the claim as credible.
A person is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, and evidence seems to be lacking here. This is a serious life-changing accusation, from a very very long time ago. We need dates, times, corroborating witnesses, etc, none of this "she said, he said, ask my friend because I told them what happened forty years ago" BS.

That something like this comes out at this point in his political career pings my bullshit detector big time.
Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

In the court of public takes a lot less
These days, you are guilty until proven innocent. Tragic!
It should be noted that Moore, as far as I know, has not once denied the charge. And also, one of his supporters used biblical stories to justify a 32 year old banging a 14 year old.
Totally irresponsible journalism from, where else, The Washington Bezos Post.
Wrong again, as usual.

“Using Bannon's logic that the whole Moore story was cooked up by the media to get Moore, you must also believe the following things:

* The Post convinced four women, who were willing to put their names forward publicly and risk the scrutiny that comes with that decision, to lie about their interactions with Moore when they were teenagers. The Post was able to do this despite the fact that the four women did not know one another. And they did not reach out to the Post in an effort to get their stories told.

* These women created detailed stories about how they met Moore, where he took them on dates and how he sought to make the relationship more romantic or sexual.

* That these women were motivated by political dislike for Moore (or Republicans) to make up these tales. (Worth noting: Leigh Corfman, the woman at the center of The Post story, voted for the Republican nominee in each of the last three elections -- including for Trump in 2016.) Or that they were paid somehow to do it. Or they just lied to lie. Or something.

* More than two dozen other people who helped corroborate the Post story were also in on this ruse. (The Post said it interviewed more than 30 people who said they knew Moore between 1977 and 1982, which is when these episodes allegedly took place.) That's a whole lot of people to organize into a grand scheme to lie about Moore's sexual misconduct.”

The 4 unbelievable things about Steve Bannon's conspiracy theory on Roy Moore - CNNPolitics
I not a real fan, but he deserves a fair shot. It's up to Alabama.

He got his fair shot and showed himself to be anti-America, anti-US Constitution and a wacko rabid fundie nutter.

How could the right possibly go any lower than this jerk?

I shouldn't ask that question. Every time we think trump has hit rock bottom, he proves us wrong.

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