My niece is in a mental institution

My state has become blue due to hundreds of thousands of brown folks invading
I'd be more likely to donate to your bad habits than I would to that guy.
At least you're honest.
I was in Reno and this guy walked right up to me and told me he wanted a beer and asked for money and I told there is a Casino and I will buy him all the Beers he want but he ain’t getting one dime and he said deal…

So for me being honest about it will get you further with me than trying to play me…
She is only there from Mon to Fri and goes home at night
That is all I know
She is become completely mental insane and has severe panics attacks and depression
My sister took her to a private mental facility in Chicago
I didn't even know there were mental institutions any more

hmmm... probably just in some areas of the US?
She is become completely mental insane and has severe panics attacks and depression
My sister took her to a private mental facility in Chicago
Don't give up on her. I am a TBI brain damaged rapid cycling manic depressive(bipolar). The head injuries which caused the damage caused my bipolar mood swings to become very extreme. For years I was crazy as a loon and in and out of psychiatric hospitals. After years my doctor finally hit on a combination of drugs which restored my sanity. I still have mood swings, but much less extreme, and I have side effects of the drugs to contend with, but I am largely happy and productive.

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